MS Paint Adventures Wiki

Achievements are markers of accomplishment awarded to the player of a video game for reaching certain milestones. Because they are broadly parodies of video games, achievements exist in joke form in some MS Paint Adventures, and in real form in the Steam versions of actual MSPA video games.

In Homestuck[]

The achievements of Sburb players are recorded in the form of ACHIEVEMENT RUNGSHS on the Hero's Echeladder, and then in the form of ACHIEVEMENT BADGEsHS on the Kiddie Camper Handysash for Heroes in the god tiers.

In Hiveswap[]

Steam records achievements in order of which have been obtained, and then in order of how many players have achieved them. They are listed here in the order they are most likely to be obtained over the course of the game, and separated into achievements which are necessary for the completion of the game and achievements which may be skipped or missed.

Act 1[]

All achievement names in Act 1 are prefaced with a ">" on Steam, in reference to MS Paint Adventure commands.

Story achievements[]

Icon Name Description Instructions Other
HiveswapAchievement OverButWeJustStarted
OVER? BUT WE JUST STARTED! Checked in with Jude. Contact Jude for the first time by walkie-talkie.
HiveswapAchievement ItWasntLocked
IT WASN'T LOCKED Ventured out into the hallway. Leave Joey's room.
HiveswapAchievement LightWeaponry
LIGHT WEAPONRY Got your flashlight in working order. Get batteries from the radio in the kitchen, and use them with Joey's flashlight.
HiveswapAchievement StepUp
STEP UP Won your first STRIFE. Complete the first STRIFE encounter.
HiveswapAchievement NaNaNaNaHeyYou
NA NA NA NA, HEY YOU Was Jude. Be Jude for the first time, immediately after Joey realizes that she needs marbles to solve a puzzle. The name is a reference to the Beatles song "Hey Jude".
HiveswapAchievement ThirdTimesTheCharm
THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM Sent Joey what she needs. Successfully send Joey the red and green marbles. The name is a reference to how two of the Lone Gunbirds, Frohike and Langly, fail at the task, and only Byers succeeds.
HiveswapAchievement FeatheryDoofusAcquired
FEATHERY DOOFUS ACQUIRED Acquired feathery doofus. Complete the second STRIFE encounter, and retrieve Byers from atop the fridge.
HiveswapAchievement WhysItEvenLocked
WHY'S IT EVEN LOCKED Seriously--who locks their attic? Spin the globe and get the key to the attic.
HiveswapAchievement SignatureStyleAndFlare
SIGNATURE STYLE AND FLARE Flare: yes. Style: questionable. Complete the fourth STRIFE encounter.
HiveswapAchievement NowWhatInTheHellIsGoingOnInHere
NOW WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE But seriously what in the hell is going on in here Make it to the attic. Reference to a series of pagesHS in Homestuck.
HiveswapAchievement AccidentalAstronaut
ACCIDENTAL ASTRONAUT You're in space, apparently. Or at least, you were? Talk to Xefros again after you're told to look for Dammek.
HiveswapAchievement SERPENT
S E R P E N T Bypassed security. Complete the first game of Serpent.
HiveswapAchievement LetTheRumpusCommence
LET THE RUMPUS COMMENCE Was Xefros. Be Xefros for the first time, immediately after Joey sends him a selfie.
HiveswapAchievement ThatsYourCue
THAT'S YOUR CUE Geared up. Unwedge Xefros' cuebat using the bent spoon.
HiveswapAchievement TreatTime
TREAT TIME Got those treats. Successfully unlock the safe in Xefros' rumpus room, after obtaining the playbook and canned drink.
HiveswapAchievement RubbleLeader
RUBBLE LEADER Put the Grubble in rubble. Step outside as Xefros, and retrieve Scratchtech. As Xefros watches his tablet, his hive gets blown up, and he is crushed under rubble.
HiveswapAchievement ItsALiving
IT'S A LIVING Made it to the living room...but at what cost? Make it to Dammek's living room as Joey. the title of this achievement is a reference to UNDERTALE by Toby Fox
HiveswapAchievement GRUBB S
G R U B B _ _ S Spelled it right. Decipher Dammek's flavor of the week and complete the second game of Serpent.
HiveswapAchievement GoodDeerBeastFriend
GOOD DEER. BEAST FRIEND. Made an unexpected ally. Use the Alternian bestiary and veterinary kit on Dammek's lusus. The name is a reference to a very good dog.
HiveswapAchievement InsufferableZoosmell
INSUFFERABLE ZOOSMELL Named your lusii. Name both lusii. It is not required to give them your own names; the default names "Zoosmell" and "Cornibuster" work as well. The name is an obvious reference to a naming box gag.
HiveswapAchievement HealTheDeercatBeTheRider
HEAL THE DEERCAT. BE THE RIDER Rode an unexpected ally. Ride the Deercat to Xefros' aid. Reference to a pageHS in Homestuck.
HiveswapAchievement SaveXefros
SAVE XEFROS Saved Xefros. Save Xefros with the hover pad.

Optional achievements[]

Icon Name Description Instructions Other
HiveswapAchievement DontEncourageHim
DON'T ENCOURAGE HIM Please. Give the Bubsy poster some dog treats.
HiveswapAchievement HopeSpringsEternal
HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL Took a ballet lesson from an unorthodox source. Use the ballet shoes on the slinky up near the attic.
HiveswapAchievement NoTheyreYoursNow
NO. THEY'RE YOURS NOW The batteries are yours, and you're keeping them. Try putting the E-cell batteries back in Pa's universal remote. It is not possible to get this Achievement and BATTER LUCK NEXT TIME in a single play-through.
HiveswapAchievement TheyreStuffed
THEY'RE STUFFED Tried to treat the taxidermied. Feed dog treats to the three taxidermied bear-ish creatures in the living room, the narwhal hidden in the basement, and both the deer and the lion head in the trophy room.
HiveswapAchievement WhereTheyBelong
WHERE THEY BELONG Tried to trash the POGS. Throw the pogs in the trash, by the fridge in the kitchen.
HiveswapAchievement MayIHaveThisDance
MAY I HAVE THIS DANCE? No? How about this one? Tap-dance and ballet at the dancers in the basement.
HiveswapAchievement PeriodAppropriateReferences
PERIOD-APPROPRIATE REFERENCES This game is set in 1994. Fax some pogs when the power's back on, also by the fridge in the kitchen.
HiveswapAchievement ActivityRecorded
ACTIVITY RECORDED Observed cultists. Locate the mysterious figures out the hidden window in Jude's treehouse.
HiveswapAchievement SequenceBreaker
SEQUENCE BREAKER Tried to get ahead of the game. Try firing a flare at the evil-looking mansion out the same hidden window.
HiveswapAchievement RedAndGreenHerring
RED AND GREEN HERRING Overthought it. Fill a sack with two of the same marble.
HiveswapAchievement TheLongGonebirds
THE LONG GONEBIRDS Alas, Curses, and/or Farewell, as the case may be. Examine Jude's bird cage after sending each pigeon out, including one last time during the final STRIFE sequence.
HiveswapAchievement BirdgeoningTalent
BIRDGEONING TALENT Carried a tune. Use Byers on the piano and listen to his haunting refrain.
HiveswapAchievement SurelyHeHasSomeAdditionalPurpose
SURELY HE HAS SOME ADDITIONAL PURPOSE Nope. Use Byers on 30 different objects.
HiveswapAchievement SeriouslyDontEatTheMummy
SERIOUSLY, DON'T EAT THE MUMMY What is WRONG with you? Throw some spice on the mummy hidden in the attic under a chair.
HiveswapAchievement MelodiousChirpsAndTongueClicks
MELODIOUS CHIRPS AND TONGUE-CLICKS Revealed your true nature. Tell Xefros you're the nightmare squid god kind of alien.
HiveswapAchievement Convexed
CONVEXED Held out for Bent Soup. Use the bent spoon on the pile of bent spoons.
HiveswapAchievement PlayingWithPower
PLAYING WITH POWER Refreshed your memory. Use the cuebat with the pusher playbook. Reference to the slogan for the Nintendo Power Glove.
HiveswapAchievement VentFrustration
VENT FRUSTRATION Gave Byers some very important character development. After crawling through the vent, send Byers back the way you came.
HiveswapAchievement JuniorVeterinarian
JUNIOR VETERINARIAN Gave Byers a full check-up. Use the bowl of milk, dog treats, Alternian bestiary, and Alternian veterinary kit on Byers. The milk must be in the bowl to proc this achievement.
HiveswapAchievement CellYouLater
CELL YOU LATER Finished HIVESWAP: ACT 1 with power to spare. Complete Act 1 with the E-cell batteries from Pa's universal remote in your inventory. It is not possible to get this Achievement and BATTER LUCK NEXT TIME in a single play-through.
HiveswapAchievement BatterLuckNextTime
BATTER LUCK NEXT TIME Finished HIVESWAP: ACT 1. Complete Act 1 without the E-cell batteries from Pa's universal remote in your inventory. It is not possible to get this Achievement and CELL YOU LATER or NO. THEY'RE YOURS NOW in a single play-through.


Icon Name Description Instructions Other
HiveswapAchievement Boros
BOROS Picked up where you'll leave off. There is currently no known way to earn this achievement. Judging by the description, it is speculated that this achievement can only be gotten when a save file from Act 1 is carried over into either the later acts of Hiveswap or Hauntswitch, possibly with a matching OURO achievement. This is also the only achievement to not be hidden, meaning that its description is viewable to anyone who hasn't achieved it, and even those who don't own Act 1.

Act 2[]

Story achievements[]

Icon Name Description Instructions Other
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Just In Time You made it to the train station. Get some fake horns for Joey, then impress the bee so that she and Xefros can safely travel through the forest.
Hiveswap2Achievement Violet
Do or Die It all ends in eleven days. ^_^; Get tickets for the train (can be done in a number of ways, but will involve you having to get a ticket from Chixie, Zebruh, or both).
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Legislacerated You participated in an interesting social experiment. Win the trial with Lynera indicted or by causing a mistrial by exposing Wanshi.
Hiveswap2Achievement Indigo
Knockout 2.0 Got your ass beat 2.0 Get Elwurd to give Joey a costume to fight Nihkee in, then start the fight. Nihkee will knock out Joey with a single punch.
Hiveswap2Achievement Purple
Clown Door Opens You Opened The Clown Door Enter the Purple car.
Hiveswap2Achievement Purple
Murder You did a murder! Go to the back of the Rust/Bronze car during Marvus' third task, then go back to the Purple car. Baizli will try to kill Joey, only for Xefros to throw him off the bridge.
Hiveswap2Achievement Lime
Brain Worms You defeated the drone and switched to the express track. Complete the final puzzle.
Hiveswap2Achievement Fuchsia
Dead Freight Oh no. Finish the game.

Optional achievements[]

Icon Name Description Instructions Other
Hiveswap2Achievement Fuchsia
Continuity Maestro You imported a save from Act 1. Import a save file from Hiveswap Act 1.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
Help Everyone needs a little help sometimes. Click on the hint button at least once.
Hiveswap2Achievement Olive
HELP Damn. Use the hint button 100 times.
Hiveswap2Achievement Fuchsia
HeLP!!!! Are you doing okay? Use the hint button 1000 times.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
Gone Swimming Didn't your dad ever teach you how to- oh? He didn't? Keep trying to swim in the river outside Charun's cave until you get a Game Over.
Hiveswap2Achievement Bronze
Cave Explorer Wonder who lives here... Interact with everything in Charun's cave.
Hiveswap2Achievement Jade
Cornucopia Disguise You're more of a curvy horns gal. Choose the cornucopias for Joey's horns instead of the traffic cones. It is not possible to get this achievement and Traffic Cone Costume on a single playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Olive
Traffic Cone Costume You like your horns long and straight. Choose the traffic cones for Joey's disguise. It is not possible to get this achievement and Cornucopia Disguise on a single playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Lime
Housebreaker Wonder who lives here... Interact with everything in Zebede's hive. This must be done before doing the bee dance, otherwise the achievement won't trigger.
Hiveswap2Achievement Gold
Forestry Lions and tigers and bears. Ignore Xefros' warning and go into the forest unprotected anyway.
Hiveswap2Achievement Indigo
A Fire Mixtape You wish Zebruh would drop his mixtape... in the trash. Get Marvus' autograph for Zebruh, then show Marvus his mixtape.
Hiveswap2Achievement Indigo
Star Power Feels good to help such a great guy. Get Zebruh's ticket by convincing him to go on Slam or Get Culled.
Hiveswap2Achievement Cobalt
Shady Deals Those pogs had to be good for something. Exchange the pogs for Elwurd's extra tickets.
Hiveswap2Achievement Cobalt
Tough Love You made sure Chixie can live to fight another day. Have Elwurd convince Chixie to give up her protest plan.
Hiveswap2Achievement Purple
Ultimate Collab You are SO pre-ordering this Marvus/Chixie track. Have Marvus convince Chixie to give up her protest plan.
Hiveswap2Achievement Indigo
Mean You crushed Chixie's dreams. Have Zebruh convince Chixie to give up her protest plan.
Hiveswap2Achievement Bronze
Next Time Maybe You did a good deed today. Convince Chixie to give up her protest plan without help from other characters.
Hiveswap2Achievement Bronze
Groupie Thanks for the likes! See all of Chixie's dialogue on the train platform.
Hiveswap2Achievement Purple
Clownfxxker Go buy his album or something. See all of Marvus' dialogue on the train platform.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
Standing Room Only You made all sorts of new friends in the lowblood car. Talk to everyone in the Rust/Bronze car. You can only get this achievement if Chixie is on the train. It is not possible to get this achievement and First Class on the same playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Bronze
Vet Tech No animal left behind. Give Skylla the lusus medkit.
Hiveswap2Achievement Gold
Economy Class You palled it up with the middle class. Talk to everyone in the Gold/Olive car.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
X GON GIVE IT TO YA FIRST WE GONNA ROCK THEN WE GONNA ROLL THEN WE LET IT POP GO LET IT GO Have Xefros use the cuebat during the strife with Azdaja.
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Sylladex Spring Cleaning You completed the trading quest. Give Tagora the spice, pogs, and batteries. This can only be done if you haven't given the pogs to Elwurd, so this achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Standing Room Only and First Class.
Hiveswap2Achievement Jade
Scapegoat Did we do the right thing..? Win the trial with Lynera indicted. This achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Best Possible Scenario.
Hiveswap2Achievement Jade
Detrainestation Never trust a pretty face. During the recess of the trial, tell Tyzias that Lanque is the culprit, talk to the latter and get a Game Over. This can only be done if you traded the spices, pogs and batteries to Tagora, so this achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Standing Room Only and First Class. This achievement is similar to the sequence breaker achievement from act one, as it is a sneak peek at what is to come
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Best Possible Scenario You figured out how the law works. Cause a mistrial by exposing Wanshi. This can only be done if you traded the spices, pogs and batteries to Tagora, so this achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Standing Room Only and First Class, as well as Scapegoat.
Hiveswap2Achievement Indigo
First Class You've made friends with the upper crust. Talk to everyone in the Cerulean/Indigo car. You can only get this achievement if Zebruh is on the train. It is not possible to get this achievement and Standing Room Only on the same playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
Catfished She seemed so nice... Accept Ardata's invitation to her train cabin once.
Hiveswap2Achievement Gold
Catfished 2 Fool me once... Accept Ardata's invitation to her train cabin twice.
Hiveswap2Achievement Fuchsia
Catfished Forever Oh come on. Accept Ardata's invitation to her train cabin three times.
Hiveswap2Achievement Cobalt
Manifesto You've entered the marketplace of ideas. Complete Galekh's trial by showing him Mallek's book. It is not possible to get this achievement and Soldier Purrbeasts on the same playthough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Olive
Soldier Purrbeasts "Die," he meowed. Get the mistrial ending, then during Galekh's fetch quest, talk to Wanshi and get her Soldier Purrbeasts book, give the book to Galekh. This can only be done if you traded the spices, pogs and batteries to Tagora and also not giving Mallek's text to Galekh, so this achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Standing Room Only and First Class, as well the Manifesto achievement.
Hiveswap2Achievement Cobalt
Arte You understande true arte. Complete Amisia's trial by asking Remele for help. It is not possible to get this achievement and Thinkpiece on the same playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Thinkpiece It's all in the spin. Complete Amisia's trial by asking Tagora for help. Initially broken upon release; fixed with the patch released on November 28, 2020.
Hiveswap2Achievement Purple
C͠ ̴̵͜L O҉ ̶̡̕W̵ ̷̕N̢͡ ̕͢ C ͠L͜ ̵A͘͟ ͟S̨̀ ̢͡S̡͠͝ CLOWNS! CLOWNS! CLOWNS! Talk to everyone in the Purple car.
Hiveswap2Achievement Violet
Third Most Popular Chittr User You added everyone who's anyone to your conticks. Add all possible Chittr users on your Chittr account. Add Chixie, Marvus, Elwurd, Zebruh, Cirava, and Remele on Chittr. Initially broken upon release; fixed with the patch released on November 28, 2020.
Hiveswap2Achievement Fuchsia
Achievement Hunter You like finding all those secret messages, huh? Repeatedly use the hint button after completing the final puzzle in the conductor's car.
Hiveswap2Achievement Teal
Cell You Later? You're certain these batteries will finally be useful in the next game! Complete Act 2 with the E-cell batteries in your inventory. This can only be done if you have imported an Act 1 save with the E-cell batteries in your inventory.
Hiveswap2Achievement Violet
Never Be Game Over You did everything right! Make it through the game without getting a Game Over. This achievement and Born to Die cannot be gotten on the same playthrough.
Hiveswap2Achievement Rust
Born to Die Mistakes were made. Get every possible Game Over on a single playthrough. This can only be achieved my clicking game over and not by selecting reload game. This can only be obtained on a run where you have the batteries and have not given the pogs to Elwurd, as you will need to give Tagora those items in order to get a specific Game Over scenario during the trial. Therefore, this achievement cannot be obtained on the same playthrough as Standing Room Only and First Class, as well as Never Be Game Over. You also cannot get it on the same playthough as Best Possible Scenario, as one of the Game Overs is obtained during Lynera's trial speech.

In Hiveswap Friendship Simulator[]

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In Pesterquest[]

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Hiveswap and Hauntswitch
Playable Kids Joeysymbol Joey ClaireJudesymbol Jude Harley
Playable Trolls Ariborn Xefros TritohTaurcer Dammek
Supporting Humans Roxy LalondeJake HarleyA. ClaireMysterious Cult
Supporting Trolls Picen Trizza TethisAqualo Cridea JeevikAquamino FiametLibrist Idarat Catlaz
Troll Call Trolls Licer Tyzias EntykkScorist Mallek AdalovVirnius Daraya JonjetCapriun Barzum SoleilCaprimini Baizli SoleilSagicorn Nihkee MoolahCaprinius Chahut MaenadArrius Diemen XicaliTaurist Skylla KorigaGemittarius Folykl DaraneGemnius Kuprum MaxlolSagira Amisia ErdehnLeus Polypa GoezeeLibittarius Tegiri KalburLiblo Tirona KasundViriborn Lynera SkalbiScornius ElwurdSagicer Galekh XigisiTaurza Vikare RatiteLelo Boldir LamatiGemrius Cirava HermodLiga Tagora GorjekScormini Ardata CarmiaCaprist Marvus XolotoAro Fozzer VelyesLicen Stelsa SezyatVirmino Wanshi AdyataVirus Bronya UrsamaTaurra Chixie RoixmrSagimino Zebruh CodakkGemra Azdaja KnelaxLepia Konyyl OkimawCaprira Karako PierotArittarius Marsti HoutekVirsci Lanque BombyxScorgo Remele Namaaq
Other TesseractThe Lone GunbirdsGreen shadow monstersImperial DroneZoosmellCornibusterDoc Scratch
Concepts TrollExtended ZodiacCherub PortalAbilitechChittrScythianAchievements
Locations (Earth) HauntswitchHalf-Harley Manor
Locations (Alternia) OutglutDammek's hiveXefros' hiveCave hiveBeekeeper's hiveTrain
Acts Hiveswap: Act 1Hiveswap: Act 2Hiveswap: Act 3
Additional Media HomestuckHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest