Beds are important artifacts in Homestuck. As the most common place for a Hero to go to sleep, they serve as symbolic points of transformation from the waking self to the dream self: for this reason they serve as the physical templates for the Quest Beds.
The troll equivalent is a vessel “full of nourishing SOPOR SLIME” called a recuperacoon (a portmanteau of recuperate, to rest for the purpose of recovery, and cocoon), or occasionally just a cocoon for short.
Jade and Jake's beds[]

Jade Harley's neatly-kept bed is dressed in blue with a white sun and clouds and the sun on it in white. The frame itself is grey in the manner of much of Skaianet's technology, and what appear to be decorative bedposts topped with red finials are in fact functional antennae connecting the sleeping Jade's dreams with the dreambot kept elsewhere in the house.
This system, which prevented Jade from sleepwalking by allowing the dreambot to move around the island while Jade herself remained safely in bed, also allowed her Grandpa to record her dreams,
presumably in aid of Skaianet's development and release of Sburb.
Dave Strider was highly sceptical of the old man's motives in creating a “voyeurbot for a little girl”, possibly seeing similarities to the puppets
his Bro had set up around their apartment.
Jake English's bed, decorated instead with FRIGHTENING FAUNA, is similarly “some sort of electronic gadget”, left to him by his Grandma Jade but without any known purpose; rather than a dreambot, the electronic compartment connected to his bed is instead where Dirk Strider's brobot is stored.
Since this robot is presumably connected to Jake when he sleeps on his bed, it may have something to do with the facsimile of Dirk that dwells in his subconscious.
The antennae on these beds also gives them a more than superficial resemblance to Sburb's Quest Beds, whose antennae have also been known to glow when a Hero is "transmitted" into their dream body on the Battlefield.[citation needed] Jade's bed on the moon of Prospit had the same appearance, cast in Prospitian hues of orange and pink, though it seemingly lacked the technological functionality.

Like beds found on Earth, the Alternian recuperacoon lends its image to a troll's Quest Cocoon. More broadly, cocoons are symbolic of transformation from one form into the next, hence the appearance of wings on a god tier troll's body.
Troll wigglers are known to spin cocoons in the brooding caverns before pupating into their mature forms; though it is unknown whether there is any connection between this cocoon and a troll's recuperacoon, Vriska does imply that at least some of the slime found in a troll's home is their own “secretions”.
- Tavros's recuperacoon
is large and pyramid-shaped, with a small opening at the top. His disability forces him to enter it through a ramp. His horns often prevent him from fitting into the hole, to his constant chagrin.
- Sollux's recuperacoon
has two openings on its top, and is shaped like a human heart. Each half contains a different colored sopor slime: red and blue, respectively. Why the Sopor slime in this one is different from all others is unknown, other than to fit in with Sollux's Bifurcation theme.
- Karkat's recuperacoon is a generic purple bed-looking thing with small holes on the side. The reasons why sopor slime does not leak out are unknown, as the viscosity of the fluid is not divulged. (Though it is possible there is just glass there.)
- Kanaya's recuperacoon
is the most cocoon-like, it hangs from the ceiling and has only one opening.
- Gamzee's recuperacoon
is red and resembles a beehive. The sopor slime is leaking onto the floor, because he scoops it out to make it into his pies.
- It is unknown if Terezi has a recuperacoon, but she does appear to sleep in some sort of slime.
- Xefros's is red and, like Kanaya's, resembles a cocoon. It sits on top of a small loft and appears to have strands extending from it to connect with the wall.
- Dammek's recuperacoon is purple and bulbous, sitting tucked into the corner of his respiteblock. It has several holes through which Sopor can be seen similar to Karkat's, and is tall enough to require a ladder to access.
- The Handmaid is the only troll known to use a bed
instead of a recuperacoon.