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TabberCanonGrayedCanon • link=Bronya Ursama/Dubiously Canon}}Dubiously Canon

Bronya Ursama is a jade blooded troll living on Alternia during the time of Joey Claire's visit.

Her sign is Virus, sign of the Adaptable, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Breath aspect.

Concept and creation[]


A leaked early version of Bronya's Troll Call card.

As revealed by a leaked early version of her Troll Call card, Bronya was once codenamed "Chaperone", referencing her role among her fellow members of the jade caste.

Bronya was first revealed during the Hiveswap Troll Call event alongside Wanshi Adyata on February 14th, 2018. Her bullet points were "President of the the Grubsitter's Club", "buddy systems are go", and "long hair, does care". Her bullet points were altered as from December 6, 2018 to "The mom friend", "True neutral" and "All of her opinions are extremely moderate and inoffensive, just ask anyone she knows".


The Russian word "броня" (bronya) means armor or shield, possibly alluding to her protectiveness over the grubs in her care. Ursama could derive from Ursa Major, the constellation of the big bear, another possible reference to her role as a "mama bear".

A leaked placeholder for her name was "Chaperone", in reference to her overlooking younger trolls.


Bronya appears in Hiveswap: Act 2 on the jade and teal car of the train.


Daraya Jonjet[]

Bronya holds a somewhat harsh attitude towards Daraya at times, but she does so because she is worried that Daraya's rebellious attitude will get her culled, due to her own past experiences with a jade she knew who was culled.

Lynera Skalbi[]

Though Lynera and Bronya are friends, Bronya is fed up with Lynera's repeated attempts to speak for her. When Lynera is found guilty and presumably culled, Bronya is disappointed but not greatly upset.

Lanque Bombyx[]

Bronya seems to care about Lanque, but has a habit of accidentally leaving him out by saying "her girls." She also dislikes his aggressive and mean spirited behavior towards Lynera.



  1. According to a response on the homestuckteam CuriousCat Q&A page, "internal documents" list Bronya as "about a year and a half older than Elwurd (so 17)" (see References below). However, no in-game reference to this exists.


  1. homestuckteam. "According to our internal documents Joey was born January 11, 1980, so she is a little bit over one year younger than Elwurd (14 and 16). Bronya is about a year and a half older than Elwurd (so 17). Lanque is a little over half a year older than Bronya (so 18). Marsti is 18." CuriousCat [unavailable / unarchived - new citation needed!]. November 24th, 2020.

Hiveswap and Hauntswitch
Playable Kids Joeysymbol Joey ClaireJudesymbol Jude Harley
Playable Trolls Ariborn Xefros TritohTaurcer Dammek
Supporting Humans Roxy LalondeJake HarleyA. ClaireMysterious Cult
Supporting Trolls Picen Trizza TethisAqualo Cridea JeevikAquamino FiametLibrist Idarat Catlaz
Troll Call Trolls Licer Tyzias EntykkScorist Mallek AdalovVirnius Daraya JonjetCapriun Barzum SoleilCaprimini Baizli SoleilSagicorn Nihkee MoolahCaprinius Chahut MaenadArrius Diemen XicaliTaurist Skylla KorigaGemittarius Folykl DaraneGemnius Kuprum MaxlolSagira Amisia ErdehnLeus Polypa GoezeeLibittarius Tegiri KalburLiblo Tirona KasundViriborn Lynera SkalbiScornius ElwurdSagicer Galekh XigisiTaurza Vikare RatiteLelo Boldir LamatiGemrius Cirava HermodLiga Tagora GorjekScormini Ardata CarmiaCaprist Marvus XolotoAro Fozzer VelyesLicen Stelsa SezyatVirmino Wanshi AdyataVirus Bronya UrsamaTaurra Chixie RoixmrSagimino Zebruh CodakkGemra Azdaja KnelaxLepia Konyyl OkimawCaprira Karako PierotArittarius Marsti HoutekVirsci Lanque BombyxScorgo Remele Namaaq
Other TesseractThe Lone GunbirdsGreen shadow monstersImperial DroneZoosmellCornibusterDoc Scratch
Concepts TrollExtended ZodiacCherub PortalAbilitechChittrScythianAchievements
Locations (Earth) HauntswitchHalf-Harley Manor
Locations (Alternia) OutglutDammek's hiveXefros' hiveCave hiveBeekeeper's hiveTrain
Acts Hiveswap: Act 1Hiveswap: Act 2Hiveswap: Act 3
Additional Media HomestuckHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest