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In Paradox Space[]

Cherub Charitable[]

Calliope notices Roxy Lalonde leaving presents for the carapacians in her complex and inquires about the gesture. As Roxy explains the traditions of swapping and giving gifts within her friend group, Calliope excitedly asks more and more questions until she realizes Roxy has fallen asleep. As she looks over at her Sarswapagus, she is inspired to create a present for her brother; Caliborn unwraps it to find she has bound the scribbles he had scattered around their sarcophagus into a fan art book. A note adorns their chess table reading ready to play again whenever yoU are! -UU

On Snapchat[]

From the reader's point of view, Calliope's Snapchat story picks up where her Canon biography ended.

Calliope joins Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker and Jade Harley in dressing as a team of all-female Ghostbusters for Halloween.

Over a week later, Calliope and Roxy sit down for a fancy meat dinner; their night is thrown into turmoil, however, when Jane's arrival is interrupted by the machinations of an anti-human faction transportalizing her to the moon. Roxy and Calliope set out to rescue her as quickly as possible, but not before Jane is able to use the resources at her disposal to acquire some help from Jack Noir and the Felt instead.

In The Homestuck Epilogues[]

After John visits Rose at her apartment, Roxy invites him to a picnic with them and Calliope near their bell tower home in the Carapace Kingdom. Their picnic basket contains various food for the three of them, as well as a book. John and Roxy exchange small talk regarding Rose's health, and life on Earth C. Calliope interjects and prompts John to choose whether he fights Lord English or not. When John hesitates, Calliope gives him a choice between the meat or candy from their picnic basket instead. This influences his choice regarding English and in turn, the timeline split.

After John selects meat, he decides to face Lord English. Roxy is disappointed but accepts his choice, and Calliope packs up the picnic basket and remarks to John that there’s no time to lose. The two of them then walk away hand in hand without saying goodbye.

In an effort to help Karkat's campaign, Jade goes to Roxy and Calliope's house, which is in the bell tower in New Prospit. Roxy and Calliope convince Jade to let them stay politically neutral and reveal that they're both non-binary and using they/them pronouns now. Calliope says that their gender expression when they presented femininely was in response to Caliborn's enthusiasm for masculine presentation. Jade passes out while visitingMeat.

When Jade wakes up, she is only Jade for a few seconds before Alternate Calliope takes over her body. Calliope is terrified, and runs away, screaming. Alternate Calliope, who has taken over the narrative, says this is because Calliope was confronted with the bleak reality of their alternate self and the life of loneliness she lived that could have been theirsMeat. Calliope is never seen again in Meat, though Roxy tells Terezi that they've been painting scenes from Candy on their apartment walls and they're traumatised by the idea of Jade (possessed by Alternate Calliope) coming near themMeat.

Shortly after John selects candy, he decides to stay on Earth C to enjoy his life. Both Roxy and Calliope are very pleased with his decision, and apparently have big plans for John. Calliope makes one request for him to use his retcon powers: let poor gamzee oUt of the fridge, john. They believe that if a new era of amends is to start for everyone, then even he deserves a chance. John begrudgingly brings him back, and Gamzee bursts out of the fridge to begin a self-pitying, apologetic soliloquy as Calliope comforts him. At one point, they check their phone because Gamzee is rambling on for so long. After Gamzee finishes his speech, Calliope and Roxy congratulate and embrace him, as John walks away.

Despite their imperfect attention during his soliloquy, they continue to support Gamzee throughout Candy.

When John and Roxy start dating, they express sadness over not getting more time with Roxy, saying that they might be sad, bUt john has made his choice, and we mUst all live with the repercUssions of thatCandy. Calliope seems to have accepted that their presence in this more carefree timeline will be reduced in favour of John's, and barely appears in the rest of the route.

Calliope then walks away and they are not mentioned again (outside of John worrying that he's gotten in between them and Roxy) until alternate-universe teen Jade's funeral when Alternate Calliope possesses alternate-universe teen Jade's body. They run away, screaming at the top of their lungsCandy.

Calliope and Roxy attend Gamzee's sermons, John tagging along to minimise the Gamzee effect on Harry Anderson. Calliope seems perturbed by the dronesCandy in a way they weren't before Alternate Calliope arrived. They're mentioned once more in passing as faithfully by Roxy's side when they appear on televisionCandy but otherwise is not seen again in Candy.

In Homestuck: Beyond Canon[]


Calliope accompanies Roxy Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas and an alternate Calliope in the form of Jade Harley in pursuing Dirk Strider to Deltritus. While they shared the ship with their alternate self, however, they have remained largely secluded in their room, travelling only through the ship's vents and leaving small piles of meat for Karkat to find.[citation needed]

With the alternate Calliope banished from Jade's body, Calliope starts to move around the ship more freely,[citation needed] and keeps up to date on the latest pajama fashions courtesy of Kanaya. With Roxy's help putting Jade and Kanaya to sleep, they organise a meeting between the constellatory quartetHS2 in a dream bubble emanating from Deltritus, where Calliope and Roxy introduce them to the Home - a Cosmic Canonical CorrespondentHS2 which manifests all the damage done to the canon. Though the four of them attempt to concoct a plan to fix the damage, the alternate Calliope reveals plainly that she intends to move this story to its conclusion without further complications,HS2 and swiftly adjourns the meeting.HS2


Calliope was present in a room in the meteor where Roxy and John arrived to after Roxy showed him the transportalizer that was under her bed.

John comments on how they haven't been together like this since his divorce with Roxy, and Calliope briefly pretends to have been deeply hurt by it before revealing that they were just kidding.

They explained that they actually didn't mind the social discourse that occurred with their marriage, as their species didn't get much social interaction anyway, so it was an entirely unique experience they were honored to have been a part of.

They also explained that when John had to choose between picking the meat or candy on that picnic so many years ago, he created two separate timelines that relied on each other to exist, and that the universe they lived in was within the black hole that destroyed the Green Sun.

Lastly, they gave John the task of freeing Vriska from Jane and bringing her to Calliope to the meteor, the black hole's singularity, in order to stop the potential upheaval of reality derived from the exclusion of the universe from the wider canon of reality.


The Homestuck Epilogues
Epilogues Prologue Epilogues
Meat Meat Candy Candy
Meat, Epilogue One Meat Candy, Epilogue One Candy
Meat, Epilogue Two Meat Candy, Epilogue Two Candy
Meat, Epilogue Three Meat Candy, Epilogue Three Candy
Meat, Epilogue Four Meat Candy, Epilogue Four Candy
Meat, Epilogue Five Meat Candy, Epilogue Five Candy
Meat, Epilogue Six Meat Candy, Epilogue Six Candy
Meat, Epilogue Seven Meat Candy, Epilogue Seven Candy
Meat, Epilogue Eight Meat Candy, Epilogue Eight Candy
Meat, Postscript Meat Candy, Postscript Candy
Homestuck Characters John EgbertRose LalondeDave StriderJade HarleyJane CrockerRoxy LalondeDirk StriderJake EnglishAradia MegidoTavros NitramSollux CaptorKarkat VantasKanaya MaryamTerezi PyropeVriska SerketGamzee MakaraEridan AmporaFeferi PeixesAranea SerketMeenah PeixesDavepetasprite^2CalliopeAlt CalliopeCalibornLord English
Original Characters Harry Anderson EgbertVriska Maryam-LalondeTavros CrockerSwifer EggmopCliper BordenBarack Obama
Concepts CanonUltimate SelfTrollCherubEarth C
Related works HomestuckHomestuck: Beyond CanonHiveswapHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest