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MS Paint Adventures Wiki
For the dubiously canon chronology shared by the Hiveswap Friendship Simulator and Pesterquest, see Locked Timeline.

While referred to as "pre"- and "post"-scratch, the chronologies of Alternia and Beforus take place in two simultaneous timelines within Universe A.


Beforus had only a pink moon; at some point in time a device containing Sgrub landed there.

Some time afterward, Feferi Peixes and the rest of her group of 12 trolls landed on Beforus. They were followed by their descendants. Feferi's descendant Meenah Peixes discovered Sgrub when she fled to the moon to escape her duties as heiress, and subsequently initiated the game with the other eleven, in turn causing the Reckoning, destroying the planet's surface.[1]

The failure of this Sgrub session eventually led to the initiation of the scratch, allowing the existence of the post-scratch timeline.


After the scratch two Frog Temples landed on Alternia; one in a desert and the other in an exposed cavern. In one of these came Doc Scratch, who introduced Gl'bgolyb to the planet at the dawning of [trolls]' evolution and at some point began living on the new green moon.

First twelve meteors[]

Presumably the first troll meteor to land on Alternia was that carrying )(er Imperious Condescension, who would become the planet's empress, using Gl'bgolyb's powers to delegate oppression to the subjugglators and so on down the hemospectrum - though she was really just the Lo+rd's slave all alo+ng, subject to both his and Scratch's manipulation. The Condesce's meteor was followed by those of the other 11 alpha trolls, who became the beta trolls' ancestors.

The Signless' meteor landed in the brooding caverns where he was found by the Dolorosa. Alongside the Disciple and the Ψiioniic the two fought for equality among trolls, causing a sectarian war that spread across the galaxy. The war ended with the Signless' execution and the Disciple's escape, which allowed her to teach the Signless' ideology in secret and resulted in the E%ecutor's expatriation for his failure to kill her. The Dolorosa and the Ψiioniic were sold into slavery, where the latter eventually became the helmsman of the Condesce's battleship.

At some point Mindfang came into conflict with her kismesis the Orphaner Dualscar, which Dualscar brought to the Grand Highblood by providing him with information on Mindfang's illegal activities, resulting in his own death and the dispatch of a neophyte legislacerator to investigate. The neophyte Redglare's investigation of Mindfang ended with the gam8lignants decim8ed, but Mindfang was able to manipulate the trial to have Redglare executed in her stead. Mindfang then sought refuge with the exiled E%ecutor.

Mindfang later participated in a rebellion against the empire instigated by the Summoner, which resulted in the banishment of most adult trolls from Alternia to the rest of the empire across the galaxy.

Child-inhabited planet[]

Roughly 300 years before the events of Hiveswap, the "Fiduspawn bubble" crashed the Alternian economy. While it would recover, it was left dependent on shipments from the Empress, who used planned obsolescence to prevent Alternia from developing an independent economy again.[citation needed]

Under Trizza Tethis[]

A wall calendar open to a page labeled Culluary, showing 5 rows of 7 days, with 29 numbered days.

Xefros Tritoh's calendar opened to the month of Culluary.

On Culluary 9, right before the arrival of the human Joey Claire, rebellious bronze blooded troll Dammek entered a cherub-decorated portal during a drone raid on his neighborhood of Outglut, transporting him to Earth in the year 1994 in Joey's place.

Joey Claire and Dammek's moirail Xefros Tritoh assisted each other in escaping the drone raid to a train station, planning to set off in search of their ally Cridea Jeevik.

Thousands of years after the Signless' death[]

At some point after the end of Trizza Tethis' tenure as heiress to the throne, the meteors of the beta trolls landed. Aradia Megido discovered the code for Sgrub in an underground Frog Temple, which was then compiled by Sollux Captor. On Karkat Vantas' 12th wriggling day all 12 beta trolls played Sgrub, initiating the Reckoning which destroyed Alternia's surface and caused Gl'bgolyb to let out the Vast Glub, which annihilated all troll life in the galaxy.

After the Reckoning[]

Banished Quasiroyal

The Banished Quasiroyal, exiled to Alternia sweeps in the future, but not many....

Some of the meteors that ravaged Alternia's surface were carrying the would-be members of the Midnight Crew, including a Scurrilous Straggler who made a town on Alternia's now-barren surface. A Banished Quasiroyal also put herself into self-exile on the post-apocalyptic planet and was subsequently given a new purpose by Doc Scratch as a member of the Felt. At some point the Felt arrived in the Midnight Crew's town and the two gangs came into conflict.

At another indeterminate point after the Reckoning, Damara's meteor arrived in Alternian orbit, from which she was transported to the green moon by Doc Scratch. There she was trained to be his Handmaid and use the clockwork majyyks to stir up conflict and bigotry throughout Alternian history.

The Condesce arrived back on Alternia after the deaths of most of the Midnight Crew and Felt, 612 solar sweeps after the Vast Glub. There she met the Handmaid, and inherited her position as explicit servant of Lord English after a duel to the death. From there she moved to Earth to continue his bidding.

Scratch sun

The last remains of Alternia's universe.

Alternia and the universe containing it were then destroyed for good by the simultaneous death of Snowman at Slick's hand and the detonation of the Tumor. After the universe's death, Lord English was born from Doc Scratch's limp lifeless puppet body; from here he presumably used his Lordship over Time to become ALREADY THERE throughout Alternia's history.

Certain remains of Alternia's universe, such as part of Scratch's apartment tower, remained intact within the born from the universe's destruction, though Slick made sure this didn't last.


  1. Openbound part 1. ARANEA: The Maid of Space was of course our all-important Space player and Stoker of the Forge, 8ut as you know, we never made much progress on the frog 8reeding front, or really any aspect of the game 8efore the reckoning.