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TabberCanonGrayedCanon • link=Cirava Hermod/Dubiously Canon}}Dubiously Canon

In Hiveswap Friendship Simulator[]

Cirava appears as a befriendable character in Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 2 alongside Amisia Erdehn.

Volume 2[]

Cirava is a popular Moisturewave music streamer. While the MSPA Reader is stumbling on the streets trying to make more friends, they come across Cirava. They ask if the player is an alien, and once they agree the comment that they should not be out in the streets because drones will come for them. The player explains that they are looking for more friends, and Cirava is moved by their plight. Although it is cull-risky, Cirava invites them to their hive to hide out for a little while. The player looks around their hive and is astounded by their batshit crazy decor. Cirava talks about how they built their hive on their own, trying to get it to look as great as possible so their fans don't think they live in a dump and spend their days being depressed and crying. After a long pause, they ask the player if they like moisturewave. This splits into two options you can pick.

Bad Endings[]

MSPA Reader thrown out

Cirava's first bad ending.

If the player responds with "What the fuck is a moisturewave?" Cirava will say that they aren't sure if you two can be friends because they can't describe moisturewave, you just have to get it. They contemplate you for a moment, then decide you aren't worth their time and throw you out.

MSPA Reader Cirava outfit

Cirava's outfit choice.

If the player asks Cirava to help out with their look, Cirava will be excited and go back and forth between all their different fashion items and accessories. They will then dress the player up to like just like them, and calls their look iconic. The two take some selfies together, and the player gets overwhelmingly popular. Cirava comments that at that rate, they'll be even more popular than them. The player tries to reassure them that that will never happen and that all they want is friendship.

MSPA Reader suicide stump

Cirava's second bad ending.

Cirava goes on about how that's what their "friends" said to them and how highbloods are always stealing the content they make and getting more fame and recognition for it than Cirava. They brush it all off with saying that it's chill and the player worries about their behavior, and their phone pings with many different notifications for the player. They ask the player what the hell they did, and in response, they claim they didn't do anything. Cirava becomes overwhelmed with jealousy and decides to write a callout post for the MSPA Reader. The player is horrified, and runs out of Cirava's hive as soon and come across a conveniently placed tree stump. They reach inside and point the gun to their head, committing suicide.

Good Ending[]

MSPA Reader own outfit

The reader's outfit choice.

If the player decides to choose their own look, Cirava will leave them alone so they can dress how they want. The player, not knowing what's hip and cool with the Alternian youth, decides to pick some random accessories out of Cirava's closet to try and achieve the moisturewave aesthetic. After they are done with their look and show Cirava, they will be impressed by their outfit and says that this shit is transcendant and they take some selfies together. Cirava points out all the comments being left about the player on their selfie pages, most of them about their relationship status. They tell them not to go for it because their followers are freaks, and then decide that the both of you should chill out and listen to some beats. Cirava asks the player if they vape and tells them about their juicy rig downstairs.

Cirava high time

Cirava's good ending

Cirava and the MSPA Reader go downstairs and the player watches as Cirava vapes through their bug-like vape rig. Cirava passes it to them, teaching them how to vape. The player inhales a ton of the juice in it until Cirava tells them they can let go. After letting go, Cirava tells them about how much chiller this day was than they had expected, and calls them their best friend for life. They then go on about how difficult it is to be popular online, especially as a lowblood. They used to get into a lot of fights with highbloods on chittr before things got out of hand. They started getting reported as a much more powerful psionic than they actually are so they couldn't keep up with their streams. Their friends then turned on them so they wouldn't be targeted next. Cirava then decided to take matters into their own hands and ripped out their own eye so they wouldn't be used as a battery. Since then they've stayed under the radar and stopped talking online so no one could take advantage of them. They then say that because of this, they no longer had any friends. Well, until you.

Volume 10[]

Cirava makes a brief appearance in Hiveswap Friendsim: Vol. 10, calling the player in Zebede's route. Should the player answer their call, Cirava will chat with the player for a bit before revealing several shifty details about Zebede. Cirava will give the player a few more words of caution before ending the call, also reminding the player to return their clothes someday. Should the player ignore the call and fill out their Chittr account instead, Cirava will retweet the player's introductory statement so that the player can have more followers on the social media account.

Personality and traits[]

Cirava's "moisturewave" interest is a play on the music genre Vaporwave, in which music is slowed down. "Moisturewave" suggests vaporwave but condensed, as moisture is condensed vapor. They appeared to be based on vaporwave and vaping culture. They also appear to have a bong in their hive, suggesting they smoke an Alternian equivalent to marijuana. They seem to have a serious eye injury, probably tying into the fact that they "shouldn't be alive". The actual injury is hidden by their triangular eye-patch. They have a very chaotic wardrobe, mirroring the 90's neon style. Their left eye is bright neon green, matching their wristband. The other eye could have been bright pink.

Their personality is generally very "chill", even though they're quite self-deprecating at times. Cirava appears to be surface level mean, calling the MSPA Reader a freak first thing upon meeting them. They seem to be incredibly lonely and quite spiteful, unafraid to make a callout for for the MSPA Reader in one of the bad endings.


Prior to their incident, Cirava was a strong presence on Chittr; being well-known for their streams and constantly bickering with highbloods. They also mention having numerous friends in the past, who turned on Cirava when the highbloods started reporting them as a more powerful psionic than they really were, putting a spotlight on them, to avoid getting targeted as well. As of now, Cirava mostly keeps a low profile online so as to avoid being manipulated again, which also means that they haven't been socializing much.

Zebede Tongva[]

In Hiveswap Friendsim: Vol. 10, Cirava informs the player that Zebede had written self-indulgent erotic fanfiction about them, which makes the player quite uneasy. While Cirava isn't one to judge another's fantasies, they state that they'd rather not see that, hinting that they are indeed somewhat unnerved by the fanfiction's open publication.

Charun Krojib[]

Cirava appears to have some sort of relation to Charun Krojib, having liked a bunch of their posts online. Whether they actually know eachother, or/and Cirava is just a fan of their work, is unknown.



  • There is a giant wasp's nest on the ceiling of their hive, suggesting that their lusus is a wasp.
  • Cirava's theme was originally named "M O I S T", but the name became corrupted, turning to boxes. It was then decided that it should remain that way, at least until the official album was released.
  • Cirava's description of how they stream is likely a jab at the lo-fi chill beats study mix Youtube stream trend.
  • Cirava appears to have a troll anime poster in their respiteblock featuring Naruto and Sasuke.
    • Naruto and Sasuke are both valid 6-letter troll names.

Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
The Player Mspa icon MSPA reader
Befriendable Trolls
Volume One Scormini Ardata CarmiaArrius Diemen Xicali
Volume Two Sagira Amisia ErdehnGemrius Cirava Hermod
Volume Three Taurist Skylla KorigaVirus Bronya Ursama
Volume Four Liga Tagora GorjekTaurza Vikare Ratite
Volume Five Leus Polypa GoezeeSagimino Zebruh Codakk
Volume Six Scornius ElwurdGemnius Kuprum and Gemittarius Folykl
Volume Seven Scorgo Remele NamaaqLepia Konyyl Okimaw
Volume Eight Licer Tyzias EntykkTaurra Chixie Roixmr
Volume Nine Gemra Azdaja KnelaxCaprinius Chahut Maenad
Volume Ten Gempio Zebede TongvaLibittarius Tegiri Kalbur
Volume Eleven Scorist Mallek AdalovViriborn Lynera Skalbi
Volume Twelve Sagicer Galekh XigisiLiblo Tirona Kasund
Volume Thirteen Lelo Boldir LamatiLicen Stelsa Sezyat
Volume Fourteen Arittarius Marsti HoutekCaprira Karako Pierot
Volume Fifteen Leiborn Charun KrojibVirmino Wanshi Adyata
Volume Sixteen Aro Fozzer VelyesCaprist Marvus Xoloto
Volume Seventeen Virnius Daraya JonjetSagicorn Nihkee Moolah
Volume Eighteen Virsci Lanque BombyxCapriun Barzum and Caprimini Baizli
Supporting Characters Doc ScratchLusiiMother Grub
Locations AlterniaOutglutArdata's hiveBrooding cavernsOld WatchtowerClown ChurchDoc Scratch's tower
Related Concepts HiveswapPesterquestTrollTroll CallFriendsim Music
Volumes Volume OneVolume TwoVolume ThreeVolume Four
Volume FiveVolume SixVolume SevenVolume Eight
Volume NineVolume TenVolume ElevenVolume Twelve
Volume ThirteenVolume FourteenVolume Fifteen
Volume SixteenVolume SeventeenVolume Eighteen