MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Swifer and cliper

Cliper Borden and Swifer Eggmop in the Homestuck Credits.

Cliper Borden is a jade blooded troll from Earth C who tended to a brood of new trolls laid on 4/13 alongside Swifer Eggmop.

Concept and creation[]

Cliper first appeared as an unnamed background character in the Homestuck Credits, and was first given the name "Clippr Borden" by Homestuck ask blog askoursquad. He then appeared under the name Cliper Borden in The Homestuck Epilogues.

TabberDubcanonDubiously Canon

In The Homestuck Epilogues[]

Cliper is mentioned brieflyCandy in Volume: Candy. He is seen by Karkat and Swifer on an ad for the show "Doing the Charleston with Notable Social Figureheads: Stars Versus Enemies of the State with Your Host Jake English." Cliper is very skilled when it comes to data analysis. He assumed the position of head analyst within Karkat's rebellion, and Swifer states that He could record a stat like nobody’s business but no one ever taught the boy how to dance. Cliper is notably absent from here on out, due to him serving life in prison and working in the Cake Mills.

In Homestuck: Beyond Canon[]

Cliper makes his Volume: Meat debutHS2P in "Catnapped," joining Swifer in being transported to Midnight City by Jasprosesprite^2 alongside Jake English and Jane Crocker.


  • Cliper's sign as shown in Homestuck: Beyond Canon is Virza, sign of the Puzzle, a Mind-bound sign with a Derse sway. This differs from the sign he wore in the Credits, which more closely resembled Virgo.

The Homestuck Epilogues
Epilogues Prologue Epilogues
Meat Meat Candy Candy
Meat, Epilogue One Meat Candy, Epilogue One Candy
Meat, Epilogue Two Meat Candy, Epilogue Two Candy
Meat, Epilogue Three Meat Candy, Epilogue Three Candy
Meat, Epilogue Four Meat Candy, Epilogue Four Candy
Meat, Epilogue Five Meat Candy, Epilogue Five Candy
Meat, Epilogue Six Meat Candy, Epilogue Six Candy
Meat, Epilogue Seven Meat Candy, Epilogue Seven Candy
Meat, Epilogue Eight Meat Candy, Epilogue Eight Candy
Meat, Postscript Meat Candy, Postscript Candy
Homestuck Characters John EgbertRose LalondeDave StriderJade HarleyJane CrockerRoxy LalondeDirk StriderJake EnglishAradia MegidoTavros NitramSollux CaptorKarkat VantasKanaya MaryamTerezi PyropeVriska SerketGamzee MakaraEridan AmporaFeferi PeixesAranea SerketMeenah PeixesDavepetasprite^2CalliopeAlt CalliopeCalibornLord English
Original Characters Harry Anderson EgbertVriska Maryam-LalondeTavros CrockerSwifer EggmopCliper BordenBarack Obama
Concepts CanonUltimate SelfTrollCherubEarth C
Related works HomestuckHomestuck: Beyond CanonHiveswapHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest
Homestuck: Beyond Canon
Main story Prologue
Meat Meat Candy Candy
Chapter 3 Chapter 1
Chapter 4 Chapter 2
Chapter 5 Chapter 7
Chapter 6 Chapter 8
Chapter 10 Chapter 9
Chapter 11 Chapter 13
Chapter 12 Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Bonus stories CatnappedA Treatise on Representational DemocracyDiamonds, Dames and DadsA Threat, SensedThe Influencers
Homestuck characters John EgbertRose LalondeDave StriderJade HarleyJane CrockerRoxy LalondeDirk StriderJake EnglishDad CrockerAradia MegidoTavros NitramSollux CaptorKarkat VantasKanaya MaryamTerezi PyropeVriska SerketGamzee MakaraMeenah PeixesJasprosesprite^2Davepetasprite^2GcatavrospriteJane EgbertCalliopeAlternate CalliopeDoc Scratch
Problem Sleuth characters Spades SlickDiamonds DroogSnowmanProblem SleuthHysterical DameNervous Broad
Original characters Harry Anderson EgbertVriska Maryam-LalondeTavros CrockerYiffany Longstocking Lalonde HarleySwifer EggmopCliper BordenMotter AtaxiaAvril ThorpeSilas P Beauregard IIIImode KuritaMinor charactersgavageCunctation
Concepts CanonUltimate SelfTrollCherubEarth CDeltritusMidnight CityEcto-Alchemologizer
Related works HomestuckThe Homestuck EpiloguesProblem SleuthMidnight Crew