Computers (along with smartphones, PDAs and similar devices) play a prominent role in Homestuck. They are used for chat clients, and to run the Sburb / Sgrub software.
Beta kids' computers[]
Alpha kids' computers[]
- Jane has a red BCCorp desktop computer but it blows up due to a virus in A6A2. She then installs SBURB on her dad's Astairetop, which she uses as her main computer after he goes missing. She breaks it after her chat with Caliborn in A6A5. She also owns a BCCorp Tiaratop
, which has the capacity to build objects like a server player's computer
. This Tiaratop apparently contains an AI more complex than Dirk's Auto Responder, which eventually takes control of her.
- Roxy has a pink laptop with a Mutie logo
and a pink touchscreen smartphone
- Dirk has a computer similar to Dave's PC, as well as a pair of computer sunglasses containing the Auto Responder and at least one other pair of computer sunglasses capable of running Pesterchum.
- Jake has numerous computers
, including a SkaiaNet husktop
, a skulltop, boots, coat and belt
, all made by SkaiaNet and all evoking the aesthetics of Lord English, and a green touchscreen smartphone
. After entering the B2 session, Roxy used Jake's phone
in an attempt to reach out to Calliope. Jane also uses his phone
after A6A5A2 to contact Dirk while they were on different dream moons.
Trolls' computers[]

Sollux surrounded by Alternian computer equipment.
Trolls generally use husktops, their equivalent of a laptop with a sort of biotech appearance to them. Their computers appear to have cursor hand icons which are gray, like their skin, rather than white.
- Aradia used John's Dad's Crosbytop, which she unearthed
on one of her archaeological digs.
- Tavros used a teal husktop with a bull head logo
and wallpaper depicting a fairy troll with a robotic arm
(possibly a character for Pupa Pan), as well as a teal smartphone
- Sollux used a gray gemini-branded desktop computer hooked up to numerous game grubs and beehouse mainframes
. Unlike most troll computers, it was filled with red and blue gel instead of green gel.
- Karkat used a purple desktop computer (more blueish than Terezi's) with a six-legged insect logo
until he ran Sollux's Mobius Double Reacharound virus, causing it to explode
. He also has a purple and green smartphone
, a crabputer
and a wrist mounted crab walkie-talkie
with a holographic speaker crab feature
- Nepeta used an olive drawing tablet computer
- Kanaya uses a lunchtop
similar to Jade's, but inside a cuttlefish lunchbox instead of a squiddles lunchbox. Equius's shades serendipitously descend onto her eyes
after killing Eridan.
- Terezi has a purple desktop computer (more reddish than Karkat's)
with a logo resembling a set of scales. Her red shades have a built-in computer with a holographic projector
(possible after being upgraded via alchemiter).
- Vriska has a reddish-purple desktop computer with a spider logo
; a husktop (or perhaps a laptop) with the same logo and coloration
; and a spider watch
which can be used to contact others from afar
, and which she confirms
was alchemized.
- Equius has a yellow desktop computer with a Sagittarius logo
, unlike most troll computers, the monitor does not appear to have any green gel inside it, although it has a standard "tower". He also has computer shades
(possibly alchemized in the session).
- Gamzee uses a red husktop
with a logo resembling his lusus
. He is later seen using Vriska's husktop/laptop in Cascade
- Eridan uses a yellow-orange desktop computer
, and eventually alchemizes white-framed
computer sunglasses
- Feferi has a fuschia tablet
- On the Trolls' meteor, they find a computer lab.
- Aranea has a fuchsia shellphone with gold trim and a cerulean Scorpio symbol
. It has a Fuchsia Ruler ♫ ringtone for Meenah.
- Meenah has a fuchsia shellphone
which appears to be similar to Aranea's. The logo, if any, has not been seen.
- The Condesce has a pink shellphone
Cherubs' computers[]
- Calliope has a computer resembling the trolls' veil meteor lab computers
with her logo above the monitor
, she also has a drawing tablet
. Gamzee also apparently left his husktop to her
- Caliborn has a desktop computer with his symbol on the monitor
and a tablet
. He later finds a MSPA command station, alchemizes a caltop
and finds a terminal inside a command station. As Lord English he has a server in the Furthest Ring
containing the ~ATH virus
which summons him. The server contains a portal
with Doc Scratch's grandfather clock
on the other end.
Other characters' computers[]
- Dave's Bro has a password protected
desktop computer
with a lot of secondary equipment, mainly sound production related.
- The post-scratch Draconian Dignitary has a walkie talkie PDA
- Doc Scratch communicates with what appears to be a grayscale vintage Underwood typewriter
- Rose copied her walkthrough into a server floating in the Furthest Ring with a Derse Dreamer moon logo and Derse's colour scheme
- Andrew Hussie has a blue desktop computer
with a drawing tablet resembling the pictionary modus's captchalogue scribblepad
- The MSPA Reader has a desktop computer with no tower
, resembling all-in-one Macintosh desktop computers from the late eighties and early nineties.
- Both Dads have PDA resembling cell phones, which have Serious Business installed on them. John and Jane's Dads use laptops from Dadly Depot
. Dad Egbert had a Crosbytop from Dadly Depot, eventually inherited by John along with his wallet
. Dad Crocker has a Fred Astaire laptop borrowed
by Lil Sebatian and Jane after her computer explodes