MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Dave Strider's Bedroom

Dave Strider's bedroom is a location in Homestuck and the bedroom of Dave Strider. The walls are covered with posters of rap groups that are obviously very cool or practically unknown and thus cool by default, including a poster of Sawtooth and Squarewave . There are some sweet turntables upon which unbelievably ill jams are created. On the wall above hangs a pair of ninja swords. A concrete block/plywood desk is topped by a computer equipped with gear for remixing the previously mentioned jams. A similar second desk is set up beneath the window. In one corner there is a bed made with card suit sheets, above which hangs a poster of the Midnight Crew, appropriately. A smaller poster of the Midnight Crew's nemeses, the Felt, hangs next to it. A window placed in the center of the far wall looks outside. To the right of the window is a shelf stocked with a collection of weird dead things preserved in various ways. There is a closet which has been remade into an improvised dark room for developing photographs.

Homestuck locations
Frog Temple Command stations
Egbert & Crocker home
John's bedroom
Jane's bedroom
Lalonde home
Rose's room
Roxy's room
Skaianet Laboratory
Strider home
Dave's room
Dirk's room
Pacific island
Jade's room
Jake's room
Calliope & Caliborn's room
Aradia's hive Tavros's hive Sollux's hive Karkat's hive
Nepeta's hive Kanaya's hive Terezi's hive Vriska's hive
Equius's hive Gamzee's hive Eridan's hive Feferi's hive
The Battlefield
Prospit The Medium Derse
The Veil
Ectobiology lab
Trolls' meteor
The Furthest Ring
Dream bubbles
Heroes' Lands
Wind and Shade Light and Rain Heat and Clockwork Frost and Frogs
Crypts and Helium Pyramids and Neon Tombs and Krypton Mounds and Xenon
Quartz and Melody Sand and Zephyr Brains and Fire Pulse and Haze
Little Cubes and Tea Rays and Frogs Thought and Flow Maps and Treasure
Caves and Silence Tents and Mirth Wrath and Angels Dew and Glass
Caliborn's planets