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Dirk's depiction of Deltritus.HS2

Deltritus is an M-Class planet first mentioned in The Homestuck Epilogues: Candy, Postscript and featuring in Homestuck: Beyond Canon.

Concept and creation[]


The planet's name seemingly derives from detritus, a name for particles of dead organic matter like leaves and dead animals (which Rose uses to describe some of her scrap filesHS), and the Greek letter delta. A river delta is the part of a river where it starts to form the most branches, reflecting the planet's geography.

This name also fits with several trends among the names of other planets in the Homestuck universe; Delta is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, mirroring Deltritus' position as the fourth named planet after Beforus, Alternia and Earth. Deltritus may also be intended to act as the fourth 'Earth', with the alpha and beta Earths being named for the first and second letters of both the Greek and Latin alphabets, and Earth C being named for the third Latin letter. With the addition of Deltritus, the first five letters of the Latin alphabet are all somehow represented in the names of the Homestuck series' main planets; Alternia, Beforus, Earth C, Deltritus, and the Beta and Alpha Earths.


Deltritus was first discovered on the Theseus' sensors by Rose Lalonde, who found it to be the right size, right age, right distance from the sunCandy for Dirk Strider's plans. The two had apparently been searching for such a planet for several years.

It was well over three yearsHS2 before the pair arrived with Terezi Pyrope on the planet, crashing and totallingHS2 their craft. Dirk decided on the name Deltritus without first checking with his daughter; Rose described the name as insufferable (Like "Alternia" or "Beforus"), but the perfect name for the planet nevertheless. Once there, Dirk proposed a game with Rose; [t]wo gods, two species, one copy of the Game.HS2 Each of the two would take turns using the Ecto-Alchemologizer to create species to populate the planet. Though Deltritus housed no advanced life at the time of its discovery, before long it was inhabited by a whole host of Dirk and Rose's experiments.


Chapter 4 the contest

Deltritus as it appeared upon the arrival of the Theseus.HS2

Deltritus' most prominent indigenous lifeform was the arboreal ambulator, which 4R3 PL4NTS IN THE STR1CT S3NS3,HS2 but whose bodies are composed primarily of hollow tubes which catch the planet's breeze and cause the whole plant to move as if walking. This constant uprooting and rerooting causes near constant and instantaneous geological activityHS2 such as ravines opening and closing and waterways shifting course. At least someHS2 of Deltritus' forests are composed of straight-trunked and immobile trees, with luminous fungi and tall grasses growing in the shade of their canopies; however it is unknown whether these forests developed on the planet naturally or are a result of Dirk and Rose's Ecto-Alchemologizing.

Once Dirk and Rose's game began, a myriad of other new species began to populate the word. Among these were larval insects with lagomorphic heads,HS2 plushlike animals with humanoid faces,HS2 unicorns with goatlike eyes,HS2 rotund dragonlike quadrupeds,HS2 chimeraic flying grubs,HS2 feline cephalopods,HS2 and an equine plant with tentacle-like prehensile vines.HS2 Among Rose's creatures, which she had a habit of [LEAVING] WH3R3V3R WH3N SH3’S DON3 W1TH TH3MHS2, was an eldritch beastHS2 named G’LUYRB, OF PORTENTS MOST GRIM.HS2

The end result of Dirk's evolutionary project was something called the satyr.HS2
