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This is a list of the Music Tracks available on the Gaiden Albums and hsfanmusic. Homestuck Gaiden was maintained and used by the Homestuck music team, yet the following albums are not officially part of the Homestuck soundtrack and as such will not be used in the comic. For the official albums, see music albums.

  • Blue songs are songs that you can only get by downloading the entire album.

Several albums were originally made available for free but with a suggested donation. Homestuck for the Holidays was initially available only for pay, with profits given to charity, but this restriction was lifted after the new year (profits from donations continued to go to charity until the album was reverted to Free Only in 2012). In addition to its suggested donation, Jailbreak was released with individual track sales, each track marked up with comically ludicrous prices far and above that of the album. All albums are now available for free, but (either out of error or humour), several of the individual Jailbreak track prices are still available for the discerning billionaire.

From late 2011 to late 2012, none of the albums could be downloaded from Homestuck Gaiden's bandcamp; the exact nature of the problem was unclear. Downloads have since returned, though remain subject to a limited download cap applied to all free Bandcamp accounts: depending on traffic, albums may or may not be available.

Homestuck Gaiden albums[]

Homestuck for the Holidays[]

Released December 25th, 2010

This album can be found here ♫.

  1. Time for a Story (1:20)
  2. A Skaian Christmas (2:22)
  3. Anthem of Rime (3:22)
  4. Pachelbel's Gardener (3:58)
  5. Carefree Perigee (1:38)
  6. The More You Know (0:33)
  7. The Squiddles Save Christmas (2:46)
  8. Billy the Bellsuit Diver Has Something to Say (3:26)
  9. Squiddly Night (1:01)
  10. The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh (0:23)
  11. Land of Light and Cheer (1:53)
  12. Gog Rest Ye Merry Prospitians (2:15)
  13. Carolmanthetime (3:44)
  14. Candlelight (3:15)
  15. Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew! (0:28)
  16. Let it Snow (1:31)
  17. Hella Sweet (0:17)
  18. Shit, Let's Be Santa (2:33)
  19. Choo Choo (1:28)
  20. Oh, God, Christmas! (0:40)
  21. A Very Special Time (0:38)
  22. Candles and Merry Gentlemen (1:02)
  23. Audio Commentary with Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura (38:17)

Land of Fans and Music[]

Released July 26th, 2011

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Beginnings (Press Start to Play) (6:18)
  2. Downtime (2:15)
  3. Doctor (Deep Breeze Mix) (4:36)
  4. Meltwater (5:04)
  5. Crystalanachrony (3:05)
  6. The Land of Wind and Shade (3:17)
  7. Thought and Flow (1:46)
  8. First Guardian, Last Stand (3:33)
  9. Land of Wrath and Angels (2:23)
  10. Ruins of Rajavihara (2:58)
  11. Vigilante ~ Cornered (3:21)
  12. A Fashionable Escape (3:43)
  13. Clockbreaker (2:40)
  14. Quartz Lullaby (0:41)
  15. Dance of the Wayward Vagabond (2:32)
  16. Joker Strife (3:09)
  17. Sunshaker (2:29)
  18. Sburban Rush (1:37)
  19. Prince of Seas (1:53)
  20. Atomik Meltdown (3:28)
  21. Jackie Treats (3:14)
  22. Skaian Air (2:45)
  23. Sburban Elevator (0:30)
  24. Moody Mister Gemini (1:53)
  25. Starkind (3:47)
  26. Maibasojen (3:13)
  27. MeGaDanceVaNia (6:04)
  28. SadoMasoPedoRoboNecroBestiality (1:48)
  29. Under the Hat (1:57)
    An extended version of "Under the Hat" was later released on "One Year Older", an official album.
  30. Sburban Piano Doctor (1:52)
  31. The Hymn of Making Babies (1:12)
  32. Emissary of Wind (3:00)
  33. Land of Quartz and Melody (4:04)
  34. Midnight Spider (3:17)
  35. House of Lalonde (1:20)
  36. L'etat de l'ambivalence (3:04)
  37. Growin' Up Strider (1:30)
  38. Nakkadile (2:48)
  39. Vigilante (2:00)
  40. Jack and Black Queen (5:29)
  41. A War of One Bullet (3:06)
  42. Corpse Casanova (2:21)
  43. Salamander Fiesta (3:14)
  44. MegaloVaniaC (1:42)
  45. Shame and Doubt (2:44)
  47. Growing Up (5:11)
  48. The Drawing of the Four (5:00)
  49. Ira quod Angelus (5:11)
  50. Final Stand (4:32)
  51. Farewell (4:04)
  52. Heir-Seer-Knight-Witch (7:59)
  53. Cutscene at the End of the Hallway (2:50)

Jailbreak Vol. 1[]

Released October 16th, 2011

This album can be found here ♫.

  1. Fanfare (0:13)
  2. Jailstuck (Intro) (1:39)
  3. Title Screen (1:12)
  4. Logorg (1:20)
  5. Elf Shanty (2:48)
  6. Phantom Echoes (1:48)
  7. Assail (2:41)
  8. Confrontation (2:06)
  9. Rising Water (Oh, Shit!) (1:02)
  10. Moment of Pause (1:27)
  11. Bars (1:08)
  12. Jackknive (2:44)
  13. Intestinal Fortification (2:05)
  14. Console Thunder (2:57)
  15. Be the Other Guy (3:46)
  16. Softbit (3:32)
  17. Drillgorg (1:28)
  18. Retrobution (2:22)
  19. Game Over (0:31)
  20. Is This the End? (3:27)
  21. This is the End (2:30)
  22. nsfasoft presents (0:02)
  23. A Common Occurrence (Every Night, To Be Exact) (0:57)
  24. Useful or Otherwise (2:16)
  25. Dr. Squiddle (0:48)
  26. Distance (2:08)
  27. Mechanic Panic (1:43)
  28. i told you about ladders (0:43)
  29. b a w s (1:17)
  30. Softbit (Original GFD Please Shut the Fuckass Mix By Request Demo Version) (3:25)
  31. Audio Commentary Featuring Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, Luke "GFD" Benjamins, and Erik "Jit" Scheele (43:07)

Tomb of the Ancestors[]

Released November 17th, 2011

The album can be found here ♫.

  2. twoward2 the heaven2 (02:22)
  3. wwretched wwaltz (03:47)
  4. --Empirical (02:04)
  5. Dishonorable Highb100d (03:00)
  6. aN UNHOLY RITUAL, (02:45)
  7. Immaculate Peacekeeper (03:03)
  8. 0_0 (03:00)
  9. SUBJUGGLATION (02:48)
  10. pawnce! (01:58)
  11. R3DGL4R3 (03:02)
  12. Spider8ite!!!!!!!! (04:13)
  13. Green Sun (02:24)
  14. June, Or July (02:05)
  15. Valhalla (Scratched Disc Edit) (03:31)
  16. Spider8ite (Thief of Lounge Mix) (03:31)

The Homestuck Fan Musicians albums[]


Released November 24th, 2012

This album can be found here ♫

  1. ~~~~DISK 1~~~~ (00:11)
  2. Waiting For Adventure [Loading Screen] (01:28)
  3. SBURBan Prelude [Main Menu] (06:35)
  4. Meta Choices [Options] (04:56)
  5. Ignorance Is Bliss [Tutorial] (01:40)
  6. Metamorphic Choices [Kernel Prototyping] (02:49)
  7. Dawn of the End [Countdown] (03:51)
  8. A Spirited Conversation [Sprite Interaction] (02:08)
  9. Layers Upon Layers [Build] (11:47)
  10. Mysterious Messengers [Exiles] (02:34)
  11. Overly Ostentatious Ogre [Miniboss] (01:42)
  12. The Porkhollow is Overflowing! [Echeladder] (01:23)
  13. Consort Air [Consorts] (01:18)
  14. Fraymotif Samba [Consort Shop] (02:41)
  15. Waking the Beast [Denizen Encounter] (04:27)
  16. Glow in the Distance [Save] (01:57)
  17. Lulling Lutescent [Prospit Sleep] (00:14)
  18. On Golden Dreams [Prospit] (05:44)
  19. Amongst Smiling Faces [Prospitian Dignitaries] (02:10)
  20. Grudge in A Minor [Jack Noir] (03:27)
  21. Lavender Lullaby [Derse Sleep] (00:15)
  22. Planet in Shadow [Derse] (04:51)
  23. Drolls and Dignitaries [Dersite Agents] (05:09)
  24. The Ultimate Riddle [Ultimate Riddle] (05:26)
  25. Eldritch Murmurs [Horrorterrors] (01:52)
  26. Outer Reaches [Veil] (01:40)
  27. Inner Depths [Labs] (02:24)
  28. Autogenesis [Ectobiology] (01:58)
  29. Broken Dreams [Prospit's Fall] (01:45)
  30. Paradoxical Meteor Shower [Reckoning] (03:34)
  31. Emerald Icarus [Green Sun] (02:34)
  32. ~~~~DISK 2~~~~ (00:09)
  33. CumuloSeerus [Oracle Clouds] (02:24)
  34. Checkerboard Checkmate [Battlefield] (03:15)
  35. Skaiaward [Skaia] (02:40)
  36. Resurrection [God Tier] (02:22)
  37. Land of _____ and Frogs [Frog Gathering] (01:45)
  38. Rana's Abode [Frog Temple] (01:28)
  39. The Will to Fight Further [Denizen Strife] (05:08)
  40. Barren Session [Game Over] (02:09)
  41. Dilemma [The Choice] (03:03)
  42. Vulcanic Volcano [Forge] (03:16)
  43. Check the Chequered Castle [Battlefield Castle] (03:53)
  44. Endgame Execution [Black King Battle] (08:50)
  45. Where ribbIt All Began [Genesis Frog] (03:24)
  46. Higher Hopes [Game Complete] (02:21)
  47. Gods of the New World [Universe Creation] (07:19)
  48. ~~~~ BONUS ~~~~ (00:17)
  49. The Untold Story [Skaia Exposition] (03:39)
  50. Melody && Form && Composition [Alchemiter] (02:55)
  51. Take Flight [Battleship] (02:46)
  52. Born to Die [Doomed Timeline] (01:52)
  53. The Will to Fight (Original Mix) [Denizen Strife] (04:41)
  54. Prime [Pause] (02:09)
  55. Godfight [PvP] (03:38)

Land of Fans and Music 2[]

Released December 25th, 2012

This album can be found here ♫

  1. •~Disk 1~• (0:31)
  2. Chronology (7:44)
  3. Jackpot (3:57)
  4. Satellite Physician (3:27)
  5. A Study In Skaia (3:02)
  6. Cuddlefish (3:40)
  7. Rectify (2:52)
  8. Rabbunctious! (2:12)
  9. Skaian Starstorm (4:17)
  10. Good Dog (Best Friend) (4:26)
  11. Unforgiving Terrain (4:11)
  12. CR1M1N4L, CR1M1N4L (4:15)
  13. Squiddles In Sunglasses (1:08)
  14. JackBot (4:23)
  15. Crystalguitarthemums (02:20)
  16. The Ballad of Maplehoof (05:17)
  17. Rainbow Rebirth (04:20)
  18. Psychedelic Psychodelic (04:54)
  19. Flare (With Vocals) (03:02)
  20. Sports (01:34)
  21. Dirgeish (02:41)
  22. Electrocumulus (03:10)
  23. Three in the Morning [Kali's 2 in the AM PM Edit] 04:00
  24. Showtime [End Strife Remix] (04:57)
  25. Soulb0t (03:42)
  26. Fighting Spirit (04:04)
  27. Irradiated (02:21)
  28. He Is Already Here (04:11)
  29. Rise of the Denizens (03:01)
  30. Sburban Genesis (04:00)
  31. Who Mourns For Jack Noir? (07:21)
  32. The Seer and the Tribesmen (03:01)
  33. Four (04:11)
  34. Prospitian Lullaby (04:45)
  35. •~Disk 2~• (00:20)
  36. Brofessor Layton (Every Puzzle Has A Brolution) (03:37)
  37. ElecTrollCopSwing (04:17)
  38. Dance-Stab-Dance (11:12)
  39. Trapped (01:25)
  40. Till The Last Breath (03:09)
  41. The Note Desolation Plays (01:38)
  42. I'm The Doctor (02:06)
  43. Wind In My Heir (03:27)
  44. Fighting Spirit ~Second Form~ (04:22)
  45. Corkscrew Sundown (04:14)
  46. Doghead (03:19)
  47. Jane's Theme (02:14)
  48. The Four Thrones (05:15)
  49. Jade Aubade (03:59)
  50. Blood Knight (04:29)
  51. In The Shadow of a Fractured Sun (04:44)
  52. Red Miles (02:25)
  53. Elegy for a Thief (Dreamscape Remix) (01:48)
  54. We Won't Wander Alone (03:54)
  55. Embittered Shore (03:22)
  56. Ye Flarey Gentlemen (02:46)
  57. Finale Strife (04:13)
  58. Gangsta (02:59)
  59. Joy And Dreams Eternal (02:45)
  60. Guns Blazing (03:21)
  61. Showtime (Svix Mix) (02:51)
  62. Ugly Story (03:19)
  63. Dark Funk (02:47)
  64. A Stitch In Time (02:26)
  65. Ave Dei Novi (03:48)
  66. Nevermore (Can't Sleep, Crows Will Find Me) (03:08)
  67. Prophecy (02:26)
  68. The Dance of Oblivion (03:10)
  69. Alphamatic Replacement (04:13)
  70. Planetarium (03:13)

Land of Fans and Music 3[]

Released December 15th, 2013

This album can be found here ♫

  1. ˚ Disk 1 ˚ 00:24
  2. The Delicate Art of Temporal Manipulation 04:18
  3. Bite the Apple 04:21
  4. Planet Cracker 01:40
  5. I'm Not a Hero 05:32
  6. confinis 03:19
  7. Emissary of Dance 09:12
  8. Dance of Viridian and Violet 03:13
  9. Warweary Villein 01:09
  10. Thermporia 02:50
  11. [720413] 03:18
  12. March of the Aluminum Soldiers 03:52
  13. An Uncertain Venture 03:00
  14. Hymn of the Horrorterrors 01:58
  15. Sgrubian Wilderness 02:31
  16. Medium 03:07
  17. Fracta Sub Luna 03:15
  18. Fool [Explicit] 05:19
  19. You're the Hero (It's You) 02:48
  20. Oh Hi There, Lil Cal 03:08
  21. Courtroom Shuffle 03:00
  22. Waveform 03:07
  23. Maidswap 05:06
  24. Sleepy Eyes of Derse 02:27
  25. Sign of the Scorpion 03:05
  26. Aqueous Armagourddon 02:00
  27. Fortune Healer 03:05
  28. Bathearst's Theme 01:24
  29. The Metamorphosis of Rose Lalonde 09:56
  30. Theme of the Slam Jam 03:34
    This music was used to replaced another track at an official flash when MSPA transitioned to
  32. ˚ Disk 2 ˚ 00:11
  33. Garden of Eden (Part 1) 08:15
  34. Garden of Eden (Part 2) 10:39
  35. Electric Fireflies 03:39
  36. The Blast 01:34
  37. Dominion 02:32
  38. Run-Stab-Run 02:11
  39. Tombs & Krypton 02:46
  40. Contention 05:52
  41. Slick Snow 01:16
  42. Sord..... 01:25
  43. The Demon and the Alien 03:49
  44. Party of Three 03:22
  45. Invertebrate 03:15
  46. timaeusAmplified 03:16
  47. Scabbard 02:06
  48. Sketches in Black 02:13
  49. Together (At Last) 03:14
  50. INFIDELS! 04:14
  51. Forest Fire 02:42
  52. RetroBution (ohgodwhy Remix) 04:02
  53. Insomniac 04:25
  54. Hope Remains 04:13
  55. Maid in Spades 02:01
  56. Gears and Chandeliers 03:42
  57. Cold Steel 04:25
  58. Pirates of Alternia: Dead Troll's Chest 04:13
  59. Sunsoaked Heavenscape 04:08
  60. Explore [Keygen Mix] 02:37
  61. OhGodBoss 03:20
  62. Dogfight (Dirtiest's Dubstep Remix) 03:59
  63. Starblaze 05:38


Released April 12th, 2016

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Disc 1 00:30
  2. ♈ - Fatalism 04:28
  3. ♉ - Breatak1ng 05:30
  4. ♊ - The Mituna Method 02:46
  5. ♋ - Civil Discussi9n 04:29
  6. ♌ - MOG^3 07:01
  7. ♍ - Let Me Dance, Let Me Glisten 03:53
  8. ♎ - R4d1c4l! 02:40
  9. ♏ - Salv8tion 02:21
  10. ♐ - Creeping Blue 02:38
  11. ♑ - Pious Noise 03:11
  12. ♒ - Aquasex Renegade 02:49
  13. ♓ - Killer Beach 03:19
  14. Disc 2 00:30
  15. Memories from Before 02:12
  16. Pink Moon Escape 03:58
  17. Radiant Imperatrix 02:52
  18. Speak No Evil. Hear No Evil. 02:16
  19. The Boy Who Lived (Unfortunately) 03:24
  20. The Weeaboo's Battle Cry 02:49
  21. Life With Peace 03:47
  22. Lullaby for a Day 01:14
  23. Before We Enter 02:43
  24. For Beforus 08:02
  25. Battlepump 03:48
  26. March 9f the Insuffera6le 02:37
  27. Land of Cruisin and Bruisin 03:00
  28. Rust Witch 02:39
  29. Caligomancy 06:12
  30. Land of Rad Tricks and Gnarly Odorless Things 03:24
  31. Scratchless Scraps 02:59
  32. Skaia Ad Infinitum 05:19
  33. Formant (Sprite Chorus Mix) 04:19
  34. The Explored Ruins 02:58
  35. Shipping Implicatpuns 03:47
  36. Dear Heart 06:42
  37. Look Into The Future 01:47
  38. Cosmic Malfunction 02:29
  39. Hypnagogia 02:58
  40. 50M3 GR347 4C7 0F H3R015M 02:15
  41. Time's Apostate 02:07
  42. Antevo+rta 02:07
  43. 7UN3 02:40
  44. CHEATER PAN 03:01
  45. DAMiterNEIGHtions 01:50
  46. With the Fishes 02:58
  47. Timeout 04:40
  48. Game Lost 04:13
  49. Press A to Reset 02:45
  50. The Scratch Before The Calm 05:33
  51. Voided 02:22
  52. Dream Around 01:59
  53. The Sylph Is In 02:07
  54. Vwiolet Vwelvwet 03:31
  55. STRONG Like Hoofbeast 03:32
  56. Whispering Chucklevoodoo 02:26
  57. 7UR8UL3N7 coll4bor4t1on 04:43
  58. Solus Vates 01:46
  59. Radglare 02:57
  60. We Are +og3th3r 02:14
  61. Divert Momento 01:32
  62. Curly Fury 05:52
  63. The Light Forms Us 04:02
  64. Fortune Fins 01:56
  65. Thief of the Ring 06:06
  66. In the Light 02:49
  67. Funeral March of the Avenging Dead 03:55
  68. Past and Present 02:29
  69. Beforus 02:55
  70. Disc 3 00:30
  71. Fuchsia Moonrise 03:56
  72. Burgundy Revenge 02:05
  73. #problematicfave 02:04
  74. Tree Dwellers 02:02
  75. Puppeteer 03:55
  76. Cardinal Movement 03:12
  77. Anacronus 03:01
  78. Madam Firefly 02:19
  79. 7UN3 R3M1X 03:09
  80. East Beforan Funk 04:46
  81. Rex Duodecim Daemonia X (ReDuX) 07:40
  82. Motions of Infinity 01:45

Bee​-​forus: Seatbelt Safebee[]

Released April 16th, 2016

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Bees.mp3 02:02
  2. Seatbelt Safety 00:51
  3. Damara's Bees (Fatalism Beemix) 03:24
  4. Safety Crusher 01:24
  5. In Love (With Safety) 01:37
  6. FEAR OF BEES 02:02
  7. Beltstep 02:07
  8. Beetermination (Thinking Bee) 01:32
  9. Bee Safe 01:49
  10. Savior of the Driving Dead 01:34
  11. I Want You (To Wear a Seatbelt) 01:05
  12. Safe Drive at Midnight (Fuchsia Moonrise Beep Mix) 01:08
  13. Sleep Tite, Veri 02:00

Weird Puzzle Tunes[]

Released March 10th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Compensation, Adequate 02:12
  2. We Have A Problem, Sleuth 01:28
  3. Sleuthing Around 01:34
  4. Legitimate Establishment 02:45
  5. Defuse A Bomb 01:22
  6. Fractal Flowers 04:43
  7. Battle Against An Imaginary Foe 02:04
  8. Phantasmic Foe 01:18
  9. You Died, Idiot 01:49
  10. Monochromatic Shenanigans 02:05
  11. Syndetic Scramble 02:18
  12. While the Iron's Hot 01:38
  13. Aggress 02:46
  14. Go Back 00:57
  16. Bonehead Destiny 03:44
  17. Semisepulchritude 03:16
  18. Replicollision 02:25
  19. [BONUS] Midnight Stew 03:50
  20. [BONUS] The Point of Going Home 01:23

『H☯MESTUCK VAP☯RWAVE 2016 RUH​-​RUH​-​RUH​-​REMIX』アンドレア・ヒューシー・グーグル翻訳[]

Released June 8th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫

  1. -私はあなたを騙しました-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 06:43
  2. GAMINGブラザー96 04:17
  3. 夜間のMOON汗 03:26
  4. 家で立ち往生「UGLY-BEBBY」 02:57
  5. SジBャUンRグBル 04:39
  6. CRYSTAL母の国歌 01:48
  7. RJ眠れない3AM 06:42
  8. イカの子供のPARADISE 04:42
  9. $H☯W✝IM€-420-( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 02:43
  10. 魚娘ドキドキ 02:22
  11. がんばってDAVIDさん 02:00
  12. weed dreams.. 02:38
  13. 酔ったMIDNIGHTの乗組員 05:29
  14. 4ちゃん • プロスピット 03:46


Released August 27th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Disc One 00:29
  2. ♈Reality Theatre♈ 03:41
  3. ♉W1th W1ngs♉ 04:28
  4. ♊Propulsion♊ 03:02
  5. ♋️A Peace Worth Fighting For♋️ 05:12
  6. ♌On The Hunt For Something Unknown♌ 04:47
  7. ♍Theotokos♍ 04:34
  8. ♎H3R HONOR4BL3 V3NG34NC3♎ 02:49
  9. ♏Spider's Eclipse♏ 10:00
  10. ♐Broken Strings♐ 03:17
  11. ♑His Demented Mural♑ 03:51
  12. ♒Tumescent♒ 05:52
  13. ♓Greatest -Empress♓ 02:53
  14. Disc Two 00:32
  15. Ancestral Anthem 05:24
  17. Rampage 01:21
  18. Orphaner's Ocean 04:14
  19. cerulean seas, misery machine 02:40
  20. Nothing Will Ever Be The Same 03:59
  21. Protector 06:12
  22. In The Forest 01:01
  23. PRII2M BREAK 02:10
  24. The Disciple's New Beginning 02:54
  25. C9me T9gether 03:51
  26. Sufferer's Suite 04:11
  27. Black Heart, Green Dress 04:44
  28. Expatri8's March 03:53
  29. Release Me 03:53
  30. E%ile 01:46
  31. Legacy 03:56
  32. Terminal Aeon 02:02
  33. Vwigor8us 03:42
  34. Lady of Sorrows 04:58
  35. Dualscar's Lament 02:46
  36. Court of Miracles 02:23
  37. Violet Means to a Violent End 04:09
  38. Paint The Walls 02:36
  39. The Pursuit of Justice 04:09
  40. The Confront8ion 03:08
  41. JUST1C3 R41NS FROM 4BOV3 04:13
  42. The Demise of Neophyte Redglare at the Hands of the Unruly Mob 02:30
  43. The Mechanism 03:23
  44. Summon the Cavalreapers 02:19
  45. Last Lovers 03:30
  46. pyrrhic rust 04:33
  47. Mutiny 05:30
  48. Black Flag Stained 8lue 02:12
  49. A Rebel's Requiem 02:45
  50. In Condescent Darkness 03:11
  51. Die For Me 02:30
  52. The Doom of the Planets 03:31
  53. Rusted Wench 01:25
  54. Handmaiden's F(l)ight 06:01
  55. Of Rust and Royalty 03:20
  56. The Handmaid's Lament 03:03
  57. (Her Imperial) Ascension 05:33
  58. Crockercorpse 04:13
  59. Disc Three 00:30
  60. the mother, a child 05:02
  61. Space Serenade (A Lullaby for a Restless Sleeper) 02:59
  62. Sweet Baby Tr9ll Jegus 02:31
  63. Tomorrow There'll Be More Of Us 02:06
  64. Signless Protection Squad 02:27
  65. Purple And Purple 01:47
  66. Sandswept Schismatic 03:54
  67. lazutrix 02:28
  68. Leftovers 04:08
  69. Cardinal Fyre 02:19
  70. Preach 03:19
  71. Swan Song 02:38
  72. The Doom of the Planets (Reprise) 03:32
  73. BONUS - Black Heart, Green Dress (Instrumental) 04:44
  74. BONUS - Release Me (Instrumental) 04:01
  75. BONUS - Dualscar's Lament (Instrumental) 02:47
  76. BONUS - The Mechanism (Instrumental) 03:22
  77. BONUS - Leftovers (Instrumental) 04:08

Land of Fans and Music 4[]

Released September 9th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫. A "redux" version is available here ♫ as well

  1. ~~DISC 1~~ 00:32
  2. Merge 03:12
  3. Jungle #3 04:05
  4. Frost and Clockwork 03:11
  5. Reunited 04:21
  6. Prospitian Crescent 04:21
  7. Altitude 02:34
  8. Midnight 02:47
  9. Dersite 01:51
  10. Pax Condesca 02:37
  11. Blind Pilot 04:11
  12. Daywalker ~Rise~ 03:12
  13. Savior of the Waking World (Cement City Remix) 05:40
  14. Skaian Dreamers 02:27
  15. Emerald Waltz 04:13
  16. Intermission 05:09
  17. Retconjuration 02:33
  18. Formation 03:43
  19. Scales 03:35
  20. Glide 01:47
  21. Limelight 03:11
  22. Bonehead Destiny (LoFaM Cut) 04:16
  23. Stubborn Throes 03:08
  24. My Lady Greensleeves 02:21
  25. Highland Thunder 03:20
  26. Ghosts 03:04
  27. Pilotwave 02:37
  28. Aura of Colour 03:42
  29. Beyond the Death of the King 03:41
  30. En Masse 03:38
  31. [GRIEF] 03:06
  32. Plethoric Euphoria 02:07
  33. Buffskull 02:33
  34. I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (theh0nestman Version) 04:22
  35. Crystalendofgames 06:55
  36. ~~DISC 2~~ 00:16
  37. Hiatus 02:45
  39. Three in the Morning (Ngame's Bowmix) [Explicit] 05:39
  40. Schrödinger's Harbinger 02:21
  41. Listless Squiddly Bliss 00:51
  42. All the Luck 02:32
  43. Wisest Wizord 03:12
  44. Prospit Towers 03:36
  45. Red 02:58
  46. Daydreamer 01:48
  47. Grimbark 03:37
  48. Upward Meowvement (Davepetasprite^2 Owns) 02:01
  49. Requited (Dirtiest Remix) 05:08
  50. Expanses of Interstellar Space 04:14
  51. Horizontal Headshot 02:51
  52. One and a Half Midnight 02:22
  53. Fractal Flowers Nui 04:43
  54. Ringleader 03:07
  55. Dance of the Dead 13:04
  56. Atomyk Clockwyrk 01:56
  57. Cleopatra's Cocktail Party 03:45
  58. Quest Crypt 01:19
  59. Noble Ascendance 06:31
  60. Sunslammer (Cement City Remix) 03:12
  61. Climbing to Infinity 04:28
  62. Beatup (Shutdown) 02:36
  63. Airtime Assault 02:52
  64. Robert Jailbreak 02:12
  65. hors 03:17
  66. The Gemoni Mustard Blood 02:04
  67. Reconciled 04:07
  68. The End of Something Really Excellent 05:02
  69. The Sin and the Salvation 08:53
  70. Resend 04:48
  71. ~~DISC 3~~ 00:26
  72. Pseudumbra Phauxtasm 06:30
  73. Crystalmethequins (Broken Bad) 06:33
  74. Thyme on My Fries 03:24
  75. Raise of the Conductor's Baton 03:02
  76. Radness from Concentrate 03:19
  77. Conflict! 01:07
  78. Solar Momentum 02:51
  79. -Omega- Timeline 03:07
  80. Emerald Cinders 05:12
  81. Sugar Cubes 01:44
  82. Fond Regard 03:51
  83. Prospitian Monody 02:04
  84. Shatter 01:58
  85. Denizen 05:46
  86. Ultimate Alchemy 02:20
  87. The Sock Ruse 03:06
  88. Juju Breaker 04:10
  89. Tragic Heights 03:02
  90. Waltz for Calliope 03:03
  91. Everlasting 04:40
  92. Crystalline Repose 05:42
  93. Black Hole / White Door 03:14
  94. Strife Mayhem 05:39
  95. Moonsetter (Strider Remix) 02:26
  96. Exsanguinated 04:26
  97. Premortem 02:12
  98. Fruitjam 03:34
  99. Lightfall 01:47
  100. Blanc 05:00
  101. Collision Course (Davepeta's Movement) 04:05
  102. Revisit/Rewind 06:13
  103. Homestuck Sonata 07:46
  104. Wicker Kingdom 03:58
  105. Skaian Rebirth 08:31


Released December 8th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Calming Quartz 02:05
  2. Sandy Skyline 02:53
  3. Deep Fried 04:00
  4. Red Pulse 03:25
  5. Oolongcat 02:43
  6. Light Like Raindrops 03:12
  7. Delta Divination 03:27
  8. Acquiesce 04:25
  9. Depths and Water 07:15
  10. Carnival of Nescience 02:05
  11. Round Perdition's Flames 03:44
  12. The Hyaline 04:13

Gristmas Carols[]

Released December 25th, 2017

This album can be found here ♫

  1. A Very Merry Gristmas Indeed 03:49
  2. Twelfth Perigee's Eve Sarabande 01:52
  3. You're A Mean One, Mr. Slick. 02:42
  4. Creation Myth 02:36
  6. Strider the Snowman 00:55
  8. Fuchsia Sleighride 03:57
  9. End of Act 05:32

Cosmic Caretakers[]

Released February 17th, 2019

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Disc 1 01:06
  2. Egbert's Kitchen 03:01
  3. Nanna's New Groove 03:48
  4. Martini Cardamom 03:58
  5. Meteor, Schmeteor (I'll Cut That Thing Right In Half) 02:38
  6. Hunting the Most Dangerous Game 03:30
  7. Fetch That Steak 01:34
  8. Monatomic Strife 02:15
  9. Secondhand Memories 01:57
  10. The Light's Rebellion 03:48
  11. The Dave Strider Experience 03:54
  12. Jade English - Study for Eclectic Bass, 1984.1 05:09
  13. Felidae Superior 03:44
  14. Sweet Talker 03:24
  15. Disc 2 00:53
  16. Voice of the Dead 02:20
  17. Flittaurine 02:07
  18. Polypolyphemus 03:18
  19. Rangoon 02:03
  20. Apex Conquistador 01:38
  21. Recordare, Virgo Mater 03:34
  22. Amniotic Daydream 04:16
  23. Arachnida Anctecessor 02:11
  24. STRONG Butler. Best Dad. 03:16
  25. Absent Reflection 02:10
  26. Hippocampaternal 02:35
  27. Whispering Leviathan 04:24
  28. Al-Aalam 05:09
  29. The Puppet Master 04:10
  30. Disc 3 00:27
  31. HONK FRIEND. 04:14
  32. Singularity 04:55
  33. It's Ogre (Bonus) 03:03

Moons of Theseus[]

Released June 8th, 2019

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Home 10:25
  2. Traveling 04:22
  3. Unchained 03:24
  4. Dinosaur Pill 05:06
  5. Ithaca Is Calling 04:13
  6. The Fifth Window 03:17
  7. The Return 06:12
  8. Pumpkin Tide (Gourdian Sea Version) 02:39
  9. Self-Avoiding Walks 04:41
  10. Negligent Murmur 06:29
  11. Violet and Gold 07:20


Released March 1st, 2020

This album can be found here ♫

  1. Greetings from Earth C! 00:55
  2. Hauntological Nightmares 05:39
  3. The Decision | The Division 02:01
  4. [MEAT EPILOGUE | 🥩] 00:08
  5. Party God 03:58
  6. Constituent Hearts 02:11
  7. The Cyan Experience 03:44
  9. Irrelevance Event Horizon 04:22
  10. Betrayed 02:09
  11. Gone in a moment 07:12
  12. I Am Ascending (And It Is Terrible) 07:09
  13. Come 03:45
  14. Kamina Burana (Ascend to the highest point of the building) 03:56
  15. Giving Up the Ghost 04:59
  16. Pursuit in Polykrome 03:48
  17. [CANDY EPILOGUE | 🍭] 00:08
  18. Athazagoraphobia 04:04
  19. Repentance Galore 02:11
  21. Remember Me When I Am Gone Away 04:28
  22. Dirk's Dreamers 02:45
  23. Ghost Hole 04:38
  24. Heritage for the Future 06:30
  25. That's Kind of Xenophobic 03:40
  26. The Floor Is Faygo 03:30
  27. Universal Remission 04:07
  28. Postscript (Sugar Mix) 02:00

See also[]

External links[]
