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MS Paint Adventures Wiki

John's House (Chimney)


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Fiamet is a young violet blooded troll living on Alternia during the time of Joey Claire's visit.

She wears Aquamino, sign of the Tilted, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Doom aspect.

Concept and creation[]

Fiamet Propic

Fiamet's placeholder "Prongle" icon

Fiamet's existence was first revealed in concept art depicting Cridea Jeevik's Prongle profile, where she was listed among Cridea's "top shellfish fronds." An image of Dr. Shrunk from Animal Crossing: Wild World served as her placeholder profile picture, which was bordered in green as opposed to Cridea, Xefros Tritoh and Dammek's blood-colored borders.

A July 16, 2022 Stuck at Home Con stream revealed concept art for Fiamet as she appears in Hiveswap: Act 3, depicting a troll with an axolotl-like tail and horns resembling an axolotl's gills, fitting with the axolotl icon used for her during development. Her shirt bears the violet sign Aquamino, though her socks also have a strip of lime green, possibly connected to her previously-seen green Prongle border. Her fins are notably not visible, further confusing her true blood color.


Fiamet may derive from fiametta, literally Italian for 'little flame' and the name of a ballet also sometimes called The Salamander.


Little is known about Fiamet, aside from that she is a tetrarch alongside Dammek.[1]

Hiveswap: Act 2[]

Fiamet appears as one of Dammek's "conticks" on Chittr, though her seemingly random display name, lack of icon and only two followers suggest this may be a burner account. Fiamet uses this account to warn Joey Claire that she only [has] 11 days to go back through a return portal before Dammek's doomsday device destroys both Earth and Alternia.[2]


  1. Aysha U. Farah. i think thats... fiamet / who is that? / fiamet is one of the other tetrarchs Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25th, 2020.
  2. Aysha U. Farah. Buuuuuut, the tl;dr is... If you don't go back through the return portal in 11 days, both Earth and Alternia will be destroyed~! Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25th, 2020.
Hiveswap and Hauntswitch
Playable Kids Joeysymbol Joey ClaireJudesymbol Jude Harley
Playable Trolls Ariborn Xefros TritohTaurcer Dammek
Supporting Humans Roxy LalondeJake HarleyA. ClaireMysterious Cult
Supporting Trolls Picen Trizza TethisAqualo Cridea JeevikAquamino FiametLibrist Idarat Catlaz
Troll Call Trolls Licer Tyzias EntykkScorist Mallek AdalovVirnius Daraya JonjetCapriun Barzum SoleilCaprimini Baizli SoleilSagicorn Nihkee MoolahCaprinius Chahut MaenadArrius Diemen XicaliTaurist Skylla KorigaGemittarius Folykl DaraneGemnius Kuprum MaxlolSagira Amisia ErdehnLeus Polypa GoezeeLibittarius Tegiri KalburLiblo Tirona KasundViriborn Lynera SkalbiScornius ElwurdSagicer Galekh XigisiTaurza Vikare RatiteLelo Boldir LamatiGemrius Cirava HermodLiga Tagora GorjekScormini Ardata CarmiaCaprist Marvus XolotoAro Fozzer VelyesLicen Stelsa SezyatVirmino Wanshi AdyataVirus Bronya UrsamaTaurra Chixie RoixmrSagimino Zebruh CodakkGemra Azdaja KnelaxLepia Konyyl OkimawCaprira Karako PierotArittarius Marsti HoutekVirsci Lanque BombyxScorgo Remele Namaaq
Other TesseractThe Lone GunbirdsGreen shadow monstersImperial DroneZoosmellCornibusterDoc Scratch
Concepts TrollExtended ZodiacCherub PortalAbilitechChittrScythianAchievements
Locations (Earth) HauntswitchHalf-Harley Manor
Locations (Alternia) OutglutDammek's hiveXefros' hiveCave hiveBeekeeper's hiveTrain
Acts Hiveswap: Act 1Hiveswap: Act 2Hiveswap: Act 3
Additional Media HomestuckHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest