MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Welcome to the forum! Please click below to go to any of the subfora by clicking on the appropriate link!
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ForumLast EditLast Author
The Kernelsprite00:55, 21 April 2023Ylimebot
This forum is dedicated to discussion about the wiki's structure, management, policies, et cetera.
Problem Sleuth's Office15:41, 27 August 2023Ylimegirl
Need help with something? Editing, perhaps? Or anything else, really. That's what this forum is for.
Frog Temple00:45, 21 April 2023Ylimegirl
Want to discuss theories and speculations? This is just the place for all kinds of Weird Plot Shit.
Complete Bullshit20:49, 30 October 2021KockaAdmiralac
Forum content that doesn't belong elsewhere is aggregated here. In other words, an off-topic forum.
The Afterlife23:21, 22 November 2020
This is where concluded threads from the other subfora, especially the Kernelsprite, are archived.