Rust • Bronze • Gold • Lime • Olive • Jade • Teal • Blue • Indigo • Purple • Violet • Fuchsia
- “Gold Signs are the reigning geniuses of the sign class spectrum, and chances are they know it. Witty and widely read, they enjoy conversation and debate, even when that conversation gets a little one-sided. They can come off as preachy, and they have a tendency to railroad, just driving into their interlocutors with the force of their intellect. Their arguments make perfect sense to themselves, but not always to those around them. Gold Signs are interested in a wide variety of topics, so they tend to be Jacks-of-all-trade, and can have trouble dedicating themselves to just a single hobby or career. They have a tendency to be high-energy, and can stress people out, including themselves. Their anxiety is such that they often need quite a bit of time alone with their projects. They can talk circles around most people, and they aren't afraid to use their intelligence to manipulate others to get what they want. They are good at making money, and also good at spending it. They aren't great financial planners, tending toward impulse purchases. In romance they lean toward partners who can keep up with them, both with their intellect and their energy, which can both be hard to match.”
- — The Extended Zodiac
The gold blood caste is one of the twelve troll blood castes. The third lowest caste on the hemospectrum, it is preceded by bronze; it was once succeeded by the now-extinct lime caste, but during the time of Homestuck and Hivebent is succeeded by olive.
Extended Zodiac signs[]

Row 1: Gemini, Gemun, Gemries, Gemsces, Gemrius, Gemiborn, Gemittarius, Gempia, Gemza, Gemga, Gemo, and Gemcen.
Row 2: Gemino, Gemus, Gemrist, Gemsci, Gemnius, Gemicorn, Gemittanius, Gempio, Gemra, Gemgo, Gemlo, and Gemcer.
Gold blood is at first described simply as yellow, though Terezi
, Karkat
and much later ARquiusprite
also liken it to mustard.
The name 'gold' first appears on coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A - consistent with the metallic names given to the bronze and rust castes - and reoccurs on the Extended Zodiac.
Kankri Vantas refers to the caste as “9chre”.
Physical attributes and abilities[]
Gold blood is a dark yellow in color, and the goldblood lifespan is comparable to that of a human.
Goldbloods seem to have the most potent psychic abilities of the (extant) lowbloods, something that appears related to their often unusual eye colour, with some goldbloods having entirely pupil-less eyes filled with one or two flat hues, something known as “VISION TWOFOLD”. Some goldbloods like Zebede Tongva are shown to have ordinary eyes but still hold some amount of psychic power.
It is suggested that Sollux Captor is an unusual case even among psionic goldbloods—being powerful enough to move meteors on two occasions
(albeit with the aid of the rustblood psychic Aradia Megido), and fire optic lasers, a trait that Vriska Serket claims is present in only some “yellow 8looded mutants”
The powers associated with the gold caste are often shown interfacing with or affecting technology, such as in the case of psychics being connected with Alternian spacecraft (see #Roles and culture) and Sollux causing an overload in a command station being used to observe him.
Most gold bloods seem to have more than the standard two horns; two pairs are seemingly common, though Azdaja has only three horns.
Some goldbloods, such as Folykl Darane, can suffer from a condition known as "voidrot", in which a troll's body can not retain energy like others can. According to Foylkl, “it means i'm dying constantly all the time”. It is stated that she stays alive by sapping Kuprum's energy, albeit through unknown means.
Roles and culture[]
On Alternia, the “mentally gifted” members of the gold class are typically enslaved in some fashion. Psychics of the Ψiioniic's kind are exploited for interstellar travel
, being integrated in the ships used by the Alternian fleet.
Gold bloods in general seem to be involved with technology and computing, with Kuprum and Cirava involving themselves in online activities while Zebede tends to bees in a similar fashion to Sollux's apiculture networking.
High-level psionics tend not to allocate strife specibi, as their abilities allow them to easily pick up and use whatever objects are around them as weapons.