Hephaestus is the “lord of the forge” and denizen of the Land of Heat and Clockwork.
Concept and creation[]
In Ancient Greek mythology, Hephaestus was a god of blacksmithing, who lived in a volcano which doubled as his forge; his Roman counterpart was named Vulcan, from whence we get the word 'volcano'. One of the specific mythological homes of Hephaestus, Mount Etna, was also said to have been the resting place of the monster Typheus.
Hephaestus' red coloration fits both his association with flames and magma and the associated color of his Hero, Dave Strider.
The iconic depiction of Hephaestus in his browser icon indicates a more humanoid appearance when compared to the session's other serpentine denizens, silhouetted in red flames and with fiery red eyes and mouth. Though the supposed use of his hammer for blacksmithing would seem to imply arms to hold it, other denizens with their own tools such as Echidna have not been seen to possess any. Regardless, the immense size of his hammer probably gives some clue as to Hephaestus' own size.
Hephaestus became enraged when Dave Strider broke his legendary sword Caledfwlch,[citation needed] and was even more incensed to discover that, thanks to the divergence of Davesprite's timeline, Jade Harley wouldn't be entering the Medium, preventing him access to the Forge needed to repair the sword.[citation needed] The first time Dave tried to fight Hephaestus, the denizen was only interested in offering his Choice; assuming he was unbeatable, Dave fled.[citation needed]
Davesprite obtained the captcha code for Hephaestus' Fear No Anvil through "shenanigans", no doubt involving his captcharoid camera. He then gives it to hammer wielder John Egbert. He then went to see Hephaestus a second time, now as a tier-two prototyped sprite, and was this time offered a different Choice; to have the Royal Deringer repaired, or a second thing which he did not disclose.
Dupliblaze COMAGMA ♫ is about Hephaestus.[1]