MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki

Hunting LessonPXS icon was the thirteenth Paradox Space story. It was originially three pages long. In the print edition, there is an extra page of the comic because "[s]ome fans thought it was unfair for Equius to fight an opponent who wasn’t visually fighting back." [1]


Set on the Land of Little Cubes and Tea, Hunting Lesson takes place some time after Equius Zahhak first met up with Nepeta Leijon on her land during their game of Sgrub.


Nepeta is showing Equius how to hunt on LOLCAT. She jumps playfully into the air at an imp before kicking it very hard in the face. The imps are all visibly frightened, as they should be. Nepeta then calls back telling Equius it's his turn. He starts charging a frightened underling. As it is launched into the distance and blown up by a punch from Equius, Nepeta suggests keeping the prey near them next time.

Alt Text[]

    • Page 1PXS icon: ( = ①ω①=)
    • Page 2PXS icon: (╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
    • Page 3PXS icon: (=TェT=)


  1. Rachel Rocklin. [1]. June 14, 2015. Archived from a reblog on May 1, 2024.