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Imode Kurita is a young human living on Earth C in the Candy volume.

They first appeared in the Homestuck: Beyond Canon bonus story The Influencers. Their chumhandle is ideogramicDramaturgy.[1]

Concept and creation[]

The name Kurita is likely in tribute to Shigetaka Kurita, traditionally credited as the creator of the emoji.


Through a series of shenanigans, Imode and their fellow students in the Human Kingdom - Silas P Beauregard III and Avril Thorpe - are swept up into quietly influencing the events of the main characters' story, such as allowing them to get through the door into to the clocktower. HS2P

Personality and traits[]

Imode is not particularly physically active, and a small run will cause them to become exhausted. They are heavily involved in their school's Drama Club, however.

Imode has a tendency to not want to get involved in shenanigans, and will get annoyed if blamed for a situation that is not their fault. Once in a situation, though, Imode will follow it through until the very end. They believe strongly in helping others, consistently putting others before themselves consistently, and they think those who don't follow their ethics are 🐔💩HS2P.

Like Avril's hashtags, Imode's emojis come from ancient tech.HS2P As with other quirks, Imode somehow pronounces these emojis out loud, and use more in their speech the more flustered or annoyed they get.


Harry Anderson Egbert[]

Imode is implied to have a crush on Harry Anderson Egbert, due to their mutual interest in drama and minor friendship. When brought up, Imode gets frustrated, and deny this crush existing. However, it doesn't seem that this feeling is mutual, and may just be a series of teasing from their friends.

Outside of that, Imode claims they aren't particularly close with Harry Anderson, only spending some time at his house and the Drama Club.

Tavros Crocker[]

Imode doesn't know Tavros Crocker all that well, but doesn't seem to want anything to do with him. Imode doesn't feel much pity for Tavros, as money makes up for a shitty 🏡 life. HS2P

Avril Thorpe[]

As of now, they don't get along well with Avril Thorpe that well.[citation needed]

Roxy Lalonde[]

Imode, having visited the Egbert household multiple times, made a couple of run-ins with Harry Anderson's mother. At some point or another, Roxy talked to [them] about gender, claiming they have a gendery vibe.HS2P The details of this conversation are unknown.

Gamzee Makara[]

Imode is not a fan of "clown justice",[citation needed] and was happy to learn about Gamzee Makara's death.

  1. Andi. "I’ll go ahead and confirm that these two at the bottom are the influencers. Some of you guessed right!! I’m sure you can figure out who is who. Avril isn't really a friend of Harry's but I imagine he will add anybody and everybody in the school like the social climber he is." 01-16-2024 Update Artist's Commentary. Feb 1, 2024.