MS Paint Adventures Wiki
TabberCanonGrayedCanon • link=Jasprosesprite^2/Dubiously Canon}}Dubiously Canon

On Snapchat[]

From the reader's point of view, Jasprosesprite^2's Snapchat story picks up from where her Canon biography ended.

With a pumpkin on her head, Jasprosesprite^2 joins Gcatavrosprite in celebrating Halloween in the Consort Kingdom, seemingly have forgiven him[citation needed] for God Cat's responsibility in Jaspers' death.

In Homestuck: Beyond Canon[]


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Whispering gods, memories sifted from dreams, cryptic readings from unearthed talismans, conclusions drawn from riddles deciphered - every gambit you'd expect the Internet to extend to an emerging wiki.HS

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The newly elected Jane Crocker is in the middle of her inaugural speech when she is suddenly hit by "CATNAP POWDER" (which depending on who you ask may have been magic sparkles or full-blown pyrotechnics[citation needed]). After 5 minutes of sustained explosions and fog, she mysteriously disappears, much to the confusion and panic of everyone present. Making her first appearance on Earth C since the planet's creation, Jasprosesprite^2 declares by televised statement that the election is null because Jane was "gerrymandering or whatever", and that she has put Jane under house arrest "for her own neoliberal good".[citation needed]

Arranging a meeting with Jane, Jake English, Swifer Eggmop, Cliper Borden and MD, Jasprose derides Jane's government as "for clowns, by clowns, and [Jane's] the clownfucker-in-chief" and berates Jane for thinking she can rule a country with no government experience, which will get people killed. Those present will put Jane through a presidential boot camp, and the Carapacian government will certify the election results and recognize Earth C's presidential government again only when she learns about the three pillars of good rulership: women, wine, and song. A fenestrated plane appears, and the group are sent to Midnight City.

Convening at a bar, Jasprose tells Jane she's the perfect candidate for a "redemption arc", and that after some drinks and dancing she's going to try to prevent what Jane might end up doing in another timeline where sinister "voices in her head" may have influenced her decisions. Jane agrees to redo the election more fairly, and Jasprose discusses the decision with Jake, Cliper and Swifer, who she attempts to persuade into running for presidency. Looking through the bar window to sell Jane on her intellectual broodiness, she suddenly notices Jane's Dad, dragging a shadowy mobster in handcuffs right toward them. Failing to understand that a father will do what is best for his children, she orders everyone to quickly back through another fenestration.

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