Jeremy Iamurri, also known as Solatrus, is a musician and programmer who contributed tracks to Homestuck.
Music albums[]
- "Skaia (Incipisphere Mix)" for Homestuck Vol. 5
- "Squiddles in Paradise" for Squiddles!
- "Swing of the Clock" and "Chartreuse Rewind" for The Felt
- "Frost" and "Crystalanthology" for Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent
- "Gilded Sands" for The Wanderers
- Production for "Requiem of an Exile" on The Wanderers
- The album Prospit & Derse
- "Terraform" for Homestuck Vol. 8
- "Miasmajesty", "Cumulating Dreams", and "Portrait" for Homestuck Vol. 9
- "Starfall" for Homestuck Vol. 10
- "Derse Dreamers" for [S] Rose and Dave: Shut up and jam.
- "Hero's Growth" for [S] Past Karkat: Wake up.
- "Frost" for [S] ==>
- "Anthem of Rime" (with Nick Smalley) for Homestuck for the Holidays
- "Doctor (Deep Breeze Mix)" for Land of Fans and Music
- "Skaiaward [Skaia]" for SBURB OST
- "Cold Steel" (with OMGTSN) for Land of Fans and Music 3