- For the pre-scratch version of this character, see Kurloz Makara.
The Grand Highblood was the ancestor of Gamzee Makara.
A high-ranking Highblood, the Grand Highblood seems to have a leadership position among the subjugglators, possibly being one of the “HIGH MOTHERFUCKIN SUBJUGGLATORS” referred to by his descendant. He likely had something to do with the dispatching of neophyte legislacerator to investigate Mindfang.
One of the most mysterious of the ancestors, little is known about the life of the Grand Highblood, who appears only sparingly in the diaries of Marquise Spinneret Mindfang. He seemed to be a long-time rival of Dualscar's, mocking the sea dweller's crusade against the gamblignants and later being the one to kill him when Dualscar failed to amuse him in court.
This rivalry likely had something to do with the ancient rivalry between land dwellers and sea dwellers.
The circumstances of his later life and death are unknown, but it is assumed that if he was still alive by the time of the Summoner's rebellion his base of operations was moved away from the planet Alternia to somewhere else in the space empire.
Connections to Gamzee[]

The Grand Highblood's silhouette as it appears over Gamzee during the 3x SHOWDOWN COMBO.
The Highblood's dispatching of Redglare to deal with Mindfang is mirrored in Gamzee's manipulation of Terezi Pyrope into confronting and killing Vriska Serket.
In Paradox Space (Dubiously Canon)[]
Stand-Up Room Only depicts Dualscar's failed attempt to amuse the Highblood at a club called the SLaughter Hive. The sea dweller fails to amuse anyone in the crowd, and the Highblood watches on with glee as his head is put on a block to be cut off by a jovial tealblood.
In Hiveswap Friendship Simulator (Dubiously Canon)[]

The Grand Highblood makes an appearance in Volume 9, communicating with Chahut Maenad's congregation of clowns via video screen to commend the player and vouch for their life.[citation needed]