MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki

Various peculiar items of ladieswear are kept in Madame Murel's dollhouse. Though they are ostensibly for the purpose of entertainment at the Sleazy Brothel, the drawstrings on each garment have a peculiar effect, warping the physical characteristics of the wearer when tightened or loosened.

Each garment also acts as a portal to a location in the imaginary universe, similar but not identical to a window. They seemingly do not need to be powered to perform this function.

Aspect Corset[]


The Nervous Broad located the Aspect CorsetPS icon which alters the wearer's aspect ratio when its strings are adjusted; by tightening the strings, the wearer becomes taller but thinnerPS icon, able to reach higher places,PS iconand by loosening the strings, she becomes shorter but wider, able to fit into lower entrances.PS iconThough the wearer of the Aspect Ratio can transform themselves into shapes that would be highly unlikely for a real living being, and despite their overall size and mass remaining constant, their shape does have some consequences for their physical characteristics; the very tall Nervous Broad is quite frail, while the more condensed muscle of her stout form is able to carry much heavier objects.PS icon

When the Gutterpipe Projects are connected to the Aspect Valve, the Corset wearer's legs emergePS icon from the end of the gutterpipe, and if knocked completely through the Corset, they can be ejected from the Valve into the ocean.PS icon

Scale Bodice[]


The Hysterical Dame in the Scale Bodice.PS icon

The Hysterical Dame foundPS icon and wore the Scale Bodice, which alters the wearer's scale; when looseningPS icon the strings, the wearer's width and height both increase at a ratio of 1:1, and by tighteningPS icon the strings, both can be similarly decreased.

When the Gutterpipe Projects are connected to the Scale Valve, being knocked through the BodicePS icon causes the wearer to be ejected from Valve.

Gravity Brassier[]

Gravity Brassier

The Gravity Brassier was seemingly Madame Murel's own piece of clothing;PS icon before she could be seen wearing it, however, she was dispatched of,[citation needed] and her male doppelganger Mobster Kingpin acquired it instead.PS icon Tightening the strings of this Brassier causes the wearer to "shrinkPS icon", becoming smaller in volume but jacking upPS icon their mass, and thus making them more dense and with more concentrated gravity. There is no known limit to how tight the Gravity Brassier can become; at one one hundredths of his volume, Mobster Kingpin became concentrated dark matterPS icon, and then at one ten thousandth of his volume and a million million million times his mass he slipped under his Schwarzschild radius and collapsed into Black hole Mobster KingpinPS icon.

Instead of a valve at the Gutterpipe Projects, the Gravity Brassier instead leadsPS icon to Mount Saint Lardass; as the wearer becomes denser, tectonic strain on the volcanic mountain increases until pressure becomes so muchPS icon that the wearer is pushed through the Brassier and shot out of the volcano at high speed.
