MS Paint Adventures Wiki

The Land of Tombs and Krypton (LOTAK[1]) is Dirk Strider's planet in the Medium.

Concept and creation[]

The planet shares themes of burial and death with the rest of the Nobles' planets, and as such is also closely connected with one noble gas.



The Land of Tombs and Krypton is covered in tombs resembling the temples of the Khmer Empire. A statue of Yaldabaoth appears atop oneHS, later seen destroyedHS after the events of GAME OVER.

The atmosphere of the planet is green and orange, with large arcs of plasma scattered around the surface.


LOTAK Inhabitants

The planet is covered with a horde of skeletal underlings, ruled by the denizen Yaldabaoth.


The Land of Tombs and Krypton was revealed during [S] ACT 6 ACT 4, along with the Land of Pyramids and Neon and the Land of Mounds and Xenon. Dirk and Jake English used gas masks to breathe in the planet's thick krypton gas as they descended down the towers to the levels below; krypton gas sinks and causes symptoms similar to nitrogen narcosis thanks to its high density, acting as an asphyxiant when it becomes thick enough to replace oxygen.

The planet suffered serious damage in its collision with the Land of Mounds and Xenon in the battle between the Condesce and Aranea Serket, but it has been reverted to its former state after John Egbert's retcon powers undid the battle. A majority of the planet was later instantly obliterated in the explosion of the session's Jack Noir's head during the events of Collide, leaving behind only a crescent-shaped sliver.[citation needed]


  1. Myststuck part 1.HS New words of wisdom from the elders! From Hemera's lips to our slimy amphibious ears. The Nobles will arrive one by one. First to LOCAH, then to LOPAN. Then comes LOTAK, followed by LOMAX. One by one, the Nobles will come, only to discover the remains of those who worshipped them and paved the way for their arrival. But then it is their duty to pave the way for others. For those from the planets through the glass, whatever that means. LOWAS, LOLAR, LOHAC, LOFAF... you know what? That's too many letters. The alphabet confuses me sometimes.
Homestuck locations
Frog Temple Command stations
Egbert & Crocker home
John's bedroom
Jane's bedroom
Lalonde home
Rose's room
Roxy's room
Skaianet Laboratory
Strider home
Dave's room
Dirk's room
Pacific island
Jade's room
Jake's room
Calliope & Caliborn's room
Aradia's hive Tavros's hive Sollux's hive Karkat's hive
Nepeta's hive Kanaya's hive Terezi's hive Vriska's hive
Equius's hive Gamzee's hive Eridan's hive Feferi's hive
The Battlefield
Prospit The Medium Derse
The Veil
Ectobiology lab
Trolls' meteor
The Furthest Ring
Dream bubbles
Heroes' Lands
Wind and Shade Light and Rain Heat and Clockwork Frost and Frogs
Crypts and Helium Pyramids and Neon Tombs and Krypton Mounds and Xenon
Quartz and Melody Sand and Zephyr Brains and Fire Pulse and Haze
Little Cubes and Tea Rays and Frogs Thought and Flow Maps and Treasure
Caves and Silence Tents and Mirth Wrath and Angels Dew and Glass
Caliborn's planets