MS Paint Adventures Wiki
For the post-scratch version of this character, see Latula Pyrope (post-scratch).

Latula Pyrope is the Knight of Mind and Terezi Pyrope's dancestor.

Concept and creation[]


The name Latula was suggested for Terezi by Rauthiss. It is derived from Tula, the Hindu sign for Libra. Pyrope was suggested by Dragoshi. The Romanian word "Latulă" also means "noose" or "snare",[citation needed] suiting her post-scratch fate.


Like her Alternian descendant, Latula has a disability; having lost her sense of smell in an unknown incident. She is slightly insecure of her anosmia, and to compensate she puts up a front that she is the r4dd3st g4m3 g1rl 3v4[citation needed]. It appears a tad off-putting to Porrim Maryam and she tells Latula to cool it on her act.

In Meenah Peixes's quest to recruit soldiers for her militia against Lord English, she stumbles upon a door with the Sufferer's signature symbol that only Karkat Vantas can open. The player must be Latula in order to release Karkat from Kankri Vantas's overzealous preachings. Upon entering the door which contains Karkat's locked away memories and dream bubble, a small "scene" (Aranea Serket's exposition) gives more information about some of the pre-scratch "ancestors":

The Knight of Mind, to even the most casual o8server, is clearly the more "radical" instance of the two Pyropes. 8oth of course have disa8ilities which, if discovered, would slate each for culling in their respective cultures. Culling of course means something quite different on 8eforus. It means she would have 8een selected 8y a mem8er of a higher caste for adoption, and coddled excessively. 8ut for someone with a lifestyle as radical as hers, I'm sure you will agree that would have 8een a fate worse than death. After the tragic accident which left her nasally impaired, her mighty dragon lusus, ancient and wise 8eyond our comprehension, 8egan to teach her "new ways to smell." To reinvent the sense, using other sense organs such as eyes and ears, awakening completely new experiences in her mind. She was truly an inspiration, and proved 8eyond a shadow of a dou8t that any disa8ility can 8e overcome, and doesn't have to stop you from 8eing as rad as you can truly 8e. Even though Latula has 8een dating Mituna steadily for eons, it's hardly a secret to anyone that she and Kankri have had complicated unrequited feelings for even longer. So really, much like their descendants.HS

Personality and Traits[]

Latula loves to skateboard, as shown by her love of shredding totally rad moves on her board and spending much time in the afterlife perfecting her headstand trick. In Act 6 Intermission 3, when Meenah requests to be Latula, Latula responds by first making Meenah prove she's rad enough to be her by challenging her to grind some serious rail on a stairway that only Porrim could make appear. She has a sort of 90's skater personality. She gives wicked, borderline painful, highfives. She takes some form of medication, as she states in a hash tag during Act 6 Intermission 3. This medication likely helps to soothe an emotional or stress problem of some sort, given how Latula mentions that she sometimes gets stressed if she does not keep up her rad persona and this stress is especially potent when she doesn't take her medication.

Though Latula is not blind like her dancestor, Terezi, she does wear similar red glasses, though hers are rectangular rather than pointy. She wears a teal/black one-piece body suit, matching her matesprit Mituna, who wears a yellow/black body suit. From her talksprites, she is shown to have more blunt, human teeth rather than pointy troll fangs. The artist has stated that this was a mere oversight.[citation needed]

Karkat has stated that he is quite sure that Latula's personality is only an act, forcing herself in this sort of "radical personality" to garner attention. The same "attention grabbing" is noted on her inability to smell, which Karkat does not believe is much of a disability at all.


Mituna Captor[]

Mituna is her matesprit, whom she has been dating for eons (even into the afterlife) remaining fully flushed. Cronus Ampora accuses her of staying in the relationship out of pity, but she is very protective of Mituna, to the point of making death threats when approached by Damara Megido in Openbound.

Porrim Maryam[]

Latula is shown not to care that much about Porrim's problems with Beforan society. Despite this, she appears to have a close relationship with Porrim. When Porrim tells her to knock off the gamer girl facade, she does so immediately and tells Porrim that it's exhausting having to put up that front all the time. Though Porrim is confused by Latula and Aranea's neutral relationship turning into the bitter cycle of revenge experienced by Redglare, Mindfang, Terezi, and Vriska Serket, Latula states that this does not entirely surprise her. Some provocative remarks about slapping imply that she had some sort of encounter, likely caliginous, with Porrim.

Kankri Vantas[]

It's revealed by Latula that she and Kankri are much like their Alternian descendants, Karkat and Terezi, in the aspect of quadrant allocation, Kankri seeming to have feelings for her. It is unclear to what degree she reciprocates, if at all, but Latula views Kankri's lectures as tiring.



  • Latula's title, Knight of Mind, and Kankri's, Seer of Blood, in conjunction form a swap of Seer of Mind (Terezi) and Knight of Blood (Karkat).
  • If you listen very closely in GameGlr ♫, you can hear Phoenix Wright, young Mia Fey, and Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series, shouting their famous "OBJECTION!"'s in the background near the ending of the song. This connects to Terezi's love of serving justice and the books seen inside her hiveHS.
    • Teal Seer ♫ can also be heard in "GameGlr", referencing Terezi.
    • The name "GameGlr" can also be understood as "Glare", referencing Redglare.
  • Her love for skateboarding could be a reference to the skateboarder image seen at the bottom of the Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff website.
Homestuck Characters
Heir of Breath Breath Aspect Seer of Light Light Aspect Knight of Time Time Aspect Witch of Space Space Aspect
JohnLogo John Egbert RoseLogo Rose Lalonde DaveLogoSlashed Dave Strider JadeLogo Jade Harley
ectoBiologist [EB]
ghostyTrickster [GT]
tentacleTherapist [TT] turntechGodhead [TG] gardenGnostic [GG]
Maid of Life Life Aspect Rogue of Void Void Aspect Prince of Heart Heart Aspect Page of Hope Hope Aspect
JaneLogo Jane Crocker RoxyLogo Roxy Lalonde DirkLogo Dirk Strider JakeLogo Jake English
gutsyGumshoe [GG] tipsyGnostalgic [TG] timaeusTestified [TT] golgothasTerror [GT]
Maid of Time Time Aspect Page of Breath Breath Aspect Mage of Doom Doom Aspect Knight of Blood Blood Aspect
Aries Aradia Megido Taurus Tavros Nitram Gemini Sollux Captor Cancer Karkat Vantas
apocalypseArisen [AA] adiosToreador [AT] twinArmageddons [TA] carcinoGeneticist [CG]
Rogue of Heart Heart Aspect Sylph of Space Space Aspect Seer of Mind Mind Aspect Thief of Light Light Aspect
Leo Nepeta Leijon Virgo Kanaya Maryam Libra Terezi Pyrope Scorpio Vriska Serket
arsenicCatnip [AC] grimAuxiliatrix [GA] gallowsCalibrator [GC] arachnidsGrip [AG]
Heir of Void Void Aspect Bard of Rage Rage Aspect Prince of Hope Hope Aspect Witch of Life Life Aspect
Sagittarius Equius Zahhak Capricorn Gamzee Makara Aquarius Eridan Ampora Pisces Feferi Peixes
centaursTesticle [CT] terminallyCapricious [TC] caligulasAquarium [CA] cuttlefishCuller [CC]
Witch of Time Time Aspect Rogue of Breath Breath Aspect Heir of Doom Doom Aspect Seer of Blood Blood Aspect
Aries Damara Megido Taurus Rufioh Nitram Gemini Mituna Captor Kankri Vantas
Mage of Heart Heart Aspect Maid of Space Space Aspect Knight of Mind Mind Aspect Sylph of Light Light Aspect
Leo Meulin Leijon Virgo Porrim Maryam Libra Latula Pyrope Scorpio Aranea Serket
Page of Void Void Aspect Prince of Rage Rage Aspect Bard of Hope Hope Aspect Thief of Life Life Aspect
Sagittarius Horuss Zahhak Capricorn Kurloz Makara Aquarius Cronus Ampora Pisces Meenah Peixes
Muse of Space Space Aspect Lord of Time Time Aspect
Calliope symbol Calliope (Alt) Caliborn symbol Caliborn
uranianUmbra [UU] undyingUmbrage [uu]
Dad Roxy Lalonde
Dirk Strider
God Cat Rose Lalonde
Dave Strider
Jane Egbert Jaspers Lil Cal Jake Harley
John Crocker Mutie Lil Hal Jade English
Nannasprite Jaspersprite Calsprite
Arquiusprite Erisolsprite
Carapacians /
Wayward Vagabond Peregrine Mendicant Aimless Renegade Windswept Questant Writ Keeper
Jack Noir (B2) (Dead Session) Draconian Dignitary (B2) Hegemonic Brute Courtyard Droll
Midnight Crew
Spades Slick Diamonds Droog Hearts Boxcars Clubs Deuce
The Felt
Lord English Doc Scratch Snowman
Typheus Cetus Hephaestus Echidna
Hemera Nix Yaldabaoth Abraxas
Salamanders Turtles Crocodiles Iguanas
Imps Ogres Basilisks Liches Giclopses
Other Black QueenBlack KingSkaian armiesGenesis FrogLususAncestors (The Condesce)HorrorterrorsBetty CrockerColonel SassacreCaseyGuy FieriInsane Clown PosseMaplehoofRambunctious CrowHalleySerenityMSPA ReaderMs. PaintAndrew HussieSawtoothSquarewaveHis Honorable TyrannyCalliope and Caliborn's parentsAngelsFantrolls