In Order: Blind Willie "Buttermilk" Stubbs, Father "Blind Pappy" Ramblin' Jackson, and Earl Stokes "Can't See a Damn" Molasses Fatts.
There are 3 Legendary Jazz Musicians in the Problem Sleuth universe, Buttermilk Stubbs, Ramblin' Jackson, and Molasses Fatts. They're all blind as a bat, and full of piss and vinegar. Problem Sleuth can summon them in his Battle technique, Brass Tacks for a fee of 3000 Spondulicks. Buttermilk Stubbs attacks with his Clarinet, Ramblin' Jackson attacks with his trumpet, and Molasses Fatts attacks with his Tuba. Their attack did moderate damage to Morthol Dryax and his Zombie Hired Muscle.
Stubbs is mentioned in John Egbert's copy of Harry Anderson "Wise Guy" ().