Captcha Code
Empty Captchalogue Card
The code that appears on captchalogue cards with nothing on them yet. This code probably makes the Designix punch no holes at all on the chosen Captchalogue card, which would result in an unmodified Cruxite Dowel (1 results in slight modification, so 0 probably results in no modification at all). As uncarved Cruxite Dowels are used to create Perfectly Generic Objects, this may be their correspondent code. If Perfectly Generic Objects and "nothing" have the same code, then taking a Perfectly Generic Object may cause it to disappear, or it may be uncaptchalogueable outright.
Captchalogued Captchalogue Card
The code on the back of a captchalogue card with another card inside it. Rose uses it to clone 10 cards for John. The Totem carved by this code is described as "rather boring", as it's still a regular, just slightly narrower cylinder.
Green Slime Ghost Pogo
This is also the code for the Cruxite Tree, extrapolated from the pattern of holes in Jane's pre-punched card. Curiously, the holes on the back do not match the front but rather the Cruxite Dog Piñata, but this might be a matter of reused images .
Claw Hammer
The code for the Claw Hammer, John's first weapon.
Rocket Pack
The code that John enters at random and punched the cans of shaving cream with. It creates a Rocket Pack with some random crap stuck inside it – a CINDERBLOCK, a VIOLIN, and a FLOWER POT. The items have rendered the device completely inoperable.
Pogo Hammer
The code for the Pogo Hammer, extrapolating from the result of a binary AND (&&) operation between the Claw Hammer and Green Slime Ghost Pogo.
Cruxite Apple
The code for John's entry cruxite artifact, extrapolated from the pattern of holes in John's pre-punched card. The corresponding hole pattern also appears as the logo of the Alchemy Excursus.
Hammerhead Pogo Ride
The code for the Hammerhead Pogo Ride.
Joker Figurine
The code for the Joker Figurine.
Potted Plant
The code for the Potted Plant.
Cosby Poster That John Drew On
The code for the Cosby Poster that John drew on.
Painting of a Horse Attacking a Football Player
The code for the Painting of a Horse Attacking a Football Player.
Clean Cosby Poster
The code for the Clean Cosby Poster.
Cruxite Bottle
The code for Rose's entry cruxite artifact, extrapolated from the pattern of holes in Rose's pre-punched card.
Dutton Photo
When put into the punch card calculator, it forms the initials of Charles Dutton.
Punch Designix
The code for the Punch Designix.
Rocket Pack
The code for the Rocket Pack with the CINDERBLOCK, VIOLIN and FLOWER POT removed from it.
Rocket Boots
The code for Vriska Serket's striking red Rocket Boots.
Terezi's Rocket Wings
The code for Terezi's Rocket Wings.
Fear No Anvil
The code for the Fear No Anvil.
Rose's journals
The code for Rose's journals.
Ahab's Crosshairs
The code for Ahab's Crosshairs.
Box of Chalk
The code for a box of chalk.
Fluorite Octet
The code for the Fluorite Octet, according to this Pesterlog .
Cruxite Dog Piñata
The code for Jades's entry cruxite artifact, extrapolated from the pattern of holes in Jade's pre-punched card.
Red Sucker
Caliborn's juju, which costs -1 Zillium. It is a reference to Ouroboros, an ancient symbol that has been alluded to regarding the Cherubs multiple times. The capitalization pattern of the code matches Caliborn's typing quirk.
Green Sucker
Calliope's juju, which costs -1 Zillium. The capitalization pattern of the code matches Calliope's typing quirk.
Fully Punched Captchalogue Card
This code would result in a card with all holes punched out of it. When combined with any other card using the bitwise AND method, it wouldn't obscure any of the other holes in the second card, and if it was combined with an OR operation, it would punch every hole. Whatever the case, it would be absolutely useless to combine this item with any others, at least using the 2 known methods. If XOR functions could work somehow, it would be useful in completely reversing another punched card.