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TabberCanonGrayedCanon • link=Lord English/Dubiously Canon}}Dubiously Canon

On Snapchat[]

Alongside other villainous costumes, a young troll dresses as English for Halloween.

In Paradox Space[]

Horse Play[]

A framed picture of Lord English with hearts around his head is part of the Felt mansion's decor.[image?]

In The Homestuck Epilogues[]

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From the reader's point of view, Lord English's story in The Homestuck Epilogues picks up from where his Canon biography ended.



Following the events of the so-called MASTERPIECE, the young Caliborn seals the beta kids in the Juju, and the alpha kids seal him and others into Lil Cal. This battle is brieflyMeat explored in more detailMeat in the epilogues.


The story later resumes with Lord English moments after Vriska opened the chestHS containing the Juju. As the army approaches English, he roars, putting more cracks in the fabric of the Furthest Ring. The ghost army scatters around him, and the broken shards of reality immediately cause Vriska to be mortally wounded. As he continues to attack the ghosts around him, the black hole reaches its full strength, gradually sucking up much of the ghost army along with Vriska herself, who disappears beyond the event horizon just before John and the other kids emerge from the Juju. Less than a minute into the final battle, as Lord English has his reality-shattering temper tantrum, he quickly vaporizes Rose with an energy blast as she attempts to give a rundown of their plan, and Jade gets impaled by a shard of reality after realizing the Green Sun is gone, leaving John and Dave to battle Lord English.

In the ensuing battle, John traps English in a windstorm to slow him down, though he still manages to emerge his head from the windy prison, looking directly at John before releasing another laser blast that narrowly misses him. John then attempts to bash his head back into the windstorm with a hammer, but he devours it, forcing John to let go and crash down into the ghost army, freeing the cherub from the barrier. Shortly afterwards, he swings his peg leg through the army, knocking the ghosts into the ever expanding black hole like bowling pins, but Meenah manages to block it with her Trident and send it skidding backwards before it hits John. While Lord English busied himself finishing off Tavros and what remained of his team, Meenah hangs on to one of his suspenders and stabs him on the back of the neck, though that does little damage to him, and he simply howls and rears up with such force that sends her flying into the void. After ridding himself of the irksome Heiress, Lord English atempts to stomp down Dave, so John throws out another hammer directly towards his face... which he easily swallows whole, though the distraction allows Dave to slip out of his foot.

After John sends out a flurry of hammers before settling on the Pop-a-matic Vrillyhoo, Davepetasprite^2 slams onto the demon in a bolt of orange-and-green energy that sends him stumbling back, and as he struggled to get up due to his bulging muscles, Davepeta makes an inspiring speech and teams up with John and Dave to finish Lord English. John starts out by sending a spiral of hammers into Lord English's face (which he eats as well) while Dave cuts him on the side and Davepeta slashes their claws up English's back and kicks him on the back of the head, John then finishes off the combo with an undercut to his jaw, which unfortunately gives Lord English the opportunity to chomp on John's favorite hammer.

Tired of English treating his hammers as his own personal buffet, John refuses to let go, even after Lord English unhinges his jaw with a gross meaty pop and attempts to eat John himself, he fails thanks to Davepeta's intervention, but not without rehinging his jaw and clamping down on John's chest, impailing him with his poisonous golden tooth. After Dave plunges Caledfwlch into Lord English's chest, he gets distracted by the sword getting stuck in the cherub's flesh, allowing him to bite off Dave's head with a horrifiying crunching sound, Davepetasprite^2 then yowls at the top of his lungs, clings onto Lord English from behind, buries their claws deep within his flesh, and flies directly into the black hole as Lord English's screams and cries fade into silence, and his long departed sister welcomes him home.



Lord English falls out of one of the rifts on Earth C, and gets devoured by Alternate Calliope, currently possessing the body of young Jade Harley.

In Skaianet Systems Incorporated files[]

As The Condesce's master Lord English is referred to sparingly, regarding his end goals and the Condesce's plans to escape his influence once and for all to rule over a new empire on Alternia C.

The Homestuck Epilogues
Epilogues Prologue Epilogues
Meat Meat Candy Candy
Meat, Epilogue One Meat Candy, Epilogue One Candy
Meat, Epilogue Two Meat Candy, Epilogue Two Candy
Meat, Epilogue Three Meat Candy, Epilogue Three Candy
Meat, Epilogue Four Meat Candy, Epilogue Four Candy
Meat, Epilogue Five Meat Candy, Epilogue Five Candy
Meat, Epilogue Six Meat Candy, Epilogue Six Candy
Meat, Epilogue Seven Meat Candy, Epilogue Seven Candy
Meat, Epilogue Eight Meat Candy, Epilogue Eight Candy
Meat, Postscript Meat Candy, Postscript Candy
Homestuck Characters John EgbertRose LalondeDave StriderJade HarleyJane CrockerRoxy LalondeDirk StriderJake EnglishAradia MegidoTavros NitramSollux CaptorKarkat VantasKanaya MaryamTerezi PyropeVriska SerketGamzee MakaraEridan AmporaFeferi PeixesAranea SerketMeenah PeixesDavepetasprite^2CalliopeAlt CalliopeCalibornLord English
Original Characters Harry Anderson EgbertVriska Maryam-LalondeTavros CrockerSwifer EggmopCliper BordenBarack Obama
Concepts CanonUltimate SelfTrollCherubEarth C
Related works HomestuckHomestuck: Beyond CanonHiveswapHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest