Lusus naturae are members of the Alternia's “diverse and terrifying subterranean monster population” which take the role and title of custodian
to young trolls, acting as their guardians in place of the adults sent to fight throughout the galaxy in the name of the empire.
Lusii use scent to select a freshly-pupated troll of a matching blood
- shared lusii between ancestors and descendants suggesting the lusus may even be able to identify a particular bloodline - and together the pair emerge from the brooding caverns and use “CARPENTER DROIDS”
to build a hive for themselves. In their above-ground lives, “[t]rolls and their custodians have a peculiar arrangement of codependence. The lusus behaves as a lifelong bodyguard, caretaker, and visceral sort of mentor, while the young troll must learn to function as a sort of zookeeper.”
The looking after of a lusus is highly important in troll society; the death of a lusus results in the culling of the young troll,
and Andrew Hussie has suggested that a lusus remains with their troll for life, well into maturation and their job off Alternia,[1] as indicated with the relationship between Redglare and Pyralspite.
Lusii are referred to with the same gendered language as their wards, though in most cases just how much meaning the concept of gender has when applied to such a monster isn't fully clear; for the most part lusii are incapable of communicating verbally with trolls outside of very special circumstances.
Concept and creation[]
Becquerel's relationship with Jade Harley influenced the development of the lusus idea to some degree, but "there wasn't the direct line of inspiration you might expect."[2]
The Latin lusus naturae means 'sport of nature', literally as in the playings of nature, sometimes translated to 'freak of nature' for clarity. In Latin, the plural of lusus is lusūs; in Homestuck the preferred plural is less clear, though "lusii" is used in the soundtrack ♫, authorial commentary,[3][4] and throughout Hiveswap.[5]
Despite the vastly different relationship between trolls and their genetic forebears on Beforus, the pre-scratch trolls still had lusii, with Meenah Peixes' friends all seemingly chosen by the same monsters as their dancestors — with the likely exception of Meenah herself, G'bgolyb having been a gift to Alternia from Doc Scratch. Post-scratch, the same was true of at least some of the ancestors - though the Handmaid was raised long after the extinction of Alternia by Doc Scratch himself, and the Signless' extremely unusual blood color left him with no lusus to bond with.
Thanks to a “curse unwittingly implemented” by the execution of the Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, all but one of the Hivebent trolls' lusii died, and were then used to prototype their respective trolls' kernelsprites. As such, their session's underlings and Black King shared characteristics with all of these lusii. These sprites, too, were seemingly all eventually destroyed.[citation needed]

Various lusii depicted on Jake English's bedsheets.
After moving from the Reckoning-ravaged ruins of Alternia to Earth, the Condesce brought a population of “thousands of [lusus naturae]” with her. Many of these monsters made their home on an exotic Pacific Island before the Condesce would enact her full takeover and make attempts to replicate Alternia's custodial system by having young humans be raised by the beasts; ultimately, however, they had “no interest whatsoever in taking care of human babies [and] mostly just wound up eating them, or at best, just abandoning them”, so they, much like the drones also brought to Earth, were eventually replaced with a mechanized “lusidroid system” that mitigated the biological counterparts' issues.
Ram lusus[]

Aradia Megido had a ram-like custodian with similar horns to her own. Having died well before Hivebent in a chain of events stemming from a “CERTAIN KIND OF ROLE PLAYING” accident, it is the only one of the twelve Heroes' lusii not to be prototyped.
Fairy bull[]

Tavros and Rufioh Nitram's[image?] lusii are diminutive bulls with fairy wings, aptly called fairy bulls. Tavros' fairy bull is named Tinkerbull,
for the classical fairy character Tinkerbell of Peter (or Pupa
) Pan, and the two seem to have a very good relationship, playing Fiduspawn
and Flarp together.
Tinkerbull was killed by Tavros, who had inadvertently crushed him underneath his wheelchair in a particularly cruel twist of fate for poor Tavros. Later, Tinkerbull is prototyped into Tavros' kernelsprite, seen floating
outside of his transported hive. Tavros has stated that, after Tinkerbull could talk as a result of his prototyping, he is “REALLY SMART”
and he appears to consult him for advice.
Rufioh's fairy bull was crushed to death “when damara acc1dentally dropped a hunger trunk on h1m”. Rufioh states that he “always dreamed [he] m1ght meet up w1th h1m aga1n 1n the afterl1fe”, suggesting that unlike Tinkerbull, Rufioh's lusus was not prototyped.[6]
Fairy bulls were one of many lusii found on Jake's Island. One was mistakenly killed when Jake shot it in the head, and a swarm
of them are later seen flying through the air. Unlike other lusii found on Jake's island, they are sweet
and docile
to him.

The bicyclops (or biclops[7]) is a large, horned, two-headed giant that serves as lusus to Sollux and Mituna Captor.[image?] Each head has a single eye — one red and one blue — and a mouth with two fangs.
Their species is a reference to a line from the film Yellow Submarine,[8] the film's title also being a possible connection to the Captors' yellow blood color.
Sollux chains his lusus to the roof of his communal hive stem. He is fed mind honey harvested from Sollux's beehouse mainframes, which “helps him not be such a complete idiot all the time. Merely most of the time instead”. He is killed by a catastrophic release of psionic energy demolishing the upper levels of the stem as a result of Sollux as a result of inadvertently consuming mind honey
. Later, Bicyclopsprite is seen staring at Sollux's bloody corpse.
The relation between Mituna and his biclops dad is the reverse, the biclops feeding Mituna mind honey to treat his brain damage.[9]
Crab lusus[]

Karkat Vantas' lusus is a towering, bipedal crustacean. He is a “GRUMPY CUSTOMER” and he gets “pretty crabby”
, causing Karkat to often engage in Strife with him over demands for his favorite food — “CHILLED ROE CUBES”. It seems Karkat cares very much for his lusus, at least enough to draw a picture of him and pin it to his fridge.
He was killed when Karkat's computer exploded as a result of running Sollux Captor's Mobius Double Reacharound Virus, thereby implementing the curse that possibly leads to the death of the other trolls' lusii as well.
He was the first lusus to be shown, seen at the end of the Midnight Crew Intermission. Some members of the community have affectionately named Karkat's Lusus "Crabdad".
A much larger version of its kind (which has a tail, a trait Karkat's lusus lacked) can be seen roaming the forest on Jake's Island, close to his home. Jake engages it in a Strife, in which Jake fires at the lusus with two pistols while flying through the air dramatically. After a few shots, the lusus staggers away with visible candy red bullet wounds, confirming its until then unknown blood color.
Interestingly, during this Strife it was referred to as a “crabdad”
, possibly indicating that this has become the official name for its species.
This species was created by the followers of The Sufferer, so that future mutantbloods would have a lusus to tend to them.
Pounce de Leon[]

Nepeta and Meulin Leijon's[image?] lusii are feline creatures with two mouths, resembling common housecats but similar in size to one of Earth's big cats. It is “pawssibly the cutest and purrhaps the bestest kitty you have ever s33n!” and lends this adorable face to Nepeta's quirk.
Pounce de Leon and Nepeta often took turns riding on each others' backs in search of the “FOUNTAIN OF CUTE”, a reference to the historical explorer Ponce de León who according to legend sought the Fountain of Youth. Pounce was crushed when Nepeta's hive caved in,
possibly thanks to a meteor strike.
Virgin mother grub[]

Kanaya Maryam's lusus is a virgin mother grub; one which has “Abdicate[d]” from brooding and become a custodian, “an event so rare as to elude documented precedent.”
It has a skeletal face with feminine lips, and unlike other specimens
, has a kink in one horn matching the horns of its charge; its likeness to a flying insect like a moth may allude to the light-feeding nature of jadebloods.
Kanaya was chosen by her lusus on account of her rare “JADE GREEN BLOOD”, and together the two made a home in the inhospitable desert, planting a hive seed in the underlying volcanic rock using the mother grub's “remarkable burrowing skills”. For a virgin mother grub “Time Will Be Relatively Short”; in exchange for ensuring the grub's future progeny via the Matriorb within,
however, the mother grub protects Kanaya from the various threats local to the sandy wasteland.
Post-mortem, as with most of the other lusii, the mother grub becomes Mothersprite, who comforts her charge through her complex teenage romantic problems.
Dragon lusii[]
The trolls of the Pyrope bloodline were associated with a “rare species of dragon which remains blind until maturity”, a custodian their caste superior Mindfang found deeply unfitting of “such middling 8lood”,
and whose realness
even appears to be questionable
in some circles.

Redglare's dragon was named Pyralspite, and was seemingly large enough to not only block the moonlight from a whole fleet of ships, but swallow other trolls' lusii (see spider lusus below) whole. Pyralspite served as Redglare's mount and assisted her in her legislacerator's duties, particularly in her crusade against the gamblignants. After Redglare's death, Mindfang became obsessed
with taming the powerful lusus, and sought a cavalreaper with powerful animal communion to assist her in this goal. What became of this plan, especially after Mindfang and the Summoner's deaths, is not known; however, Hussie has suggested that it may have at some point laid an egg which became a lusus to Redglare's descendant.[10]

Terezi Pyrope's lusus, meanwhile, remained an egg for most of her life on Alternia, unable to hatch until doomsday - however, seemingly unique among the lusii, it was able to communicate with its charge psychically
instead, teaching Terezi the strange method by which she 'sees' through smell and taste. This psychic communication also included various prophecies of the future or other worlds, including “MYTH1C4L L1TTL3 P1NK MONK3Y[S]”
called babies which the young dragon had dreamed about. When the end of the world finally comes and the egg hatches, the young still-blind dragon is almost immediately struck dead
by a meteor, and eventually becomes the sniff-happy Dragonsprite.
Befitting their mythical status, these dragons possess a variety of powers. In addition to their psychic, prophetic nature, their mastery of the senses is seemingly absolute, with the Beforan Latula Pyrope's lusus having taught her “new ways to smell”[11] involving both sight and sound after she became nasally impaired. Likely in place of the fiery breath associated with dragons on Earth, these Alternian dragons are also able to burn with their powerful glares; like the sun, merely glancing into the eyes of a fully-grown dragon can cause blindness (especially in the more sensitive eyes of a psychic with higher sight), and applied deliberately the dragon can even cause explosions with a mere look.
This dangerous ability may explain why the creatures keep their eyes closed for the first years of their lives.
The Condesce brought at least one specimen of this species to Earth on board her battleship, which soared the skies above Jake English's Pacific island where the other lusii lived. Her artificial mastery over animal communion also allowed her to use a dragon, potentially the same specimen, in her battle with the rebels Strider and Lalonde.
Spider lusus[]

Vriska Serket's spidermom lusus resembles a gargantuan arachnid, though with three distinct body segments
in contrast to the spiders of Earth, which have a fused head and thorax.
Dwelling in the canyons surrounding Vriska's hive surrounded by suitably immense webbing, this spider lusus feeds on young trolls, and is constantly hungry, forcing Vriska to use her Flarp sessions to procure more food for the beast. This led to a strained and unhealthy relationship between the two, with Vriska's description of her lusus simply being that it “sucks!”
Spidermom was killed when a failed premature activation of the Catenative Doomsday Dice Cascader caused a rock slide,
crushing both blue blooded neighbours' custodians; though the immense creature was able to struggle to survive this, Vriska decided it best to put it out of its misery
with her enchanted dice.
Whether Vriska's ancestor shared the same lusus is not explicitly clear; though Hussie's commentary posits that "she [had] to guillotine her own spider mom too",[12] Mindfang's lusus was actually consumed whole by Redglare's - indicating that whatever it was, a fully grown dragon totally dwarfed it in size.

Equius Zahhak's lusus, Aurthour, looks like a centaur, but with an udder and a mustache. He resembles a creature from one of Andrew Hussie's older works, Humanimals. In addition to being a guardian, Aurthour is Equius' butler, providing him with his own Lusus Milk. Equius cares for and/or respects Aurthour on a certain level, and refers to him as “simply the best [butler] there is”.
Aurthour's species is said to be one of the strongest kinds of lusus, which is why he became Equius' custodian; no other lusus could handle Equius' ridiculous strength. However, Aurthour bruises incredibly often, even as a result of a grateful pat on the head.
He was killed when the Catenative Doomsday Dice Cascader malfunctioned and blew up part of the rockface that supported a section of Equius' hive. He was in the part of the house that crumbled, and he plummeted to the ground below. His corpse was then later retrieved from the rubble to be deposited into Equius' kernelsprite. Aurthoursprite was later seen floating around Equius's hive. In Alterniabound Equius states that Aurthour's “ghost”[13] is dead, suggesting that the sprite was destroyed.
Several members of this species roam Jake's Island, appearing in a variety of sizes. Some are several stories tall, dropping manure and milk onto those unfortunate enough to stand below.
Aurthour or an identical musclebeast was spotted at Andrew Hussie's study, having supplied the milk for Spades Slick while Hussie nursed him back to health. There is no plausible reason why he would be there, besides the fact that Hussie wills it. Although this musclebeast was seen serving milk to Spades Slick after Ms. Paint discovers him in "[S] DD: Ascend more casually", he is not present the next time
we revisit that scene. It is unknown if this is related to the retcons, which happened shortly before the later scene.
He is apparently part of a “butler genus”, if Arquiusprite's statement can be taken seriously.
Goat lusus[]

Gamzee Makara's lusus is a giant sea creature with a goat's upper half and a piscine tail, resembling the mythological sea goat which is the symbol of the Capricorn constellation, who has come to be colloquially called goatdad.[14]
Apparently often out to sea instead of caring for Gamzee, goatdad was struck by a harpoon, and Gamzee found him washed ashore dead.
Like other lusii, at least one member of this species lives in the water on or around Jake's island. Jake says that the creature "doesn't back down", and its wild, angry eyes suggest that its own nature reflects that of Gamzee's darker sides.
Seahorse lusus[]

Eridan and Cronus Ampora's[image?] lusii are flying seahorses. Called seahorsedad by the fandom,[citation needed] "seahorse dad" came to be used as the monster's name in Openbound.[citation needed]
Eridan rides upon his lusus' back, as a noble steed, floating through the air as he hunts other lusii to feed to his moirail's. He is the only troll to accessorize his lusus, equipping it with a violet saddle and reins when riding.

Gl'bgolyb, otherwise known as "The Rift's Carbuncle", "Emissary to the Horrorterrors", or in more hushed tones, "Speaker of the Vast Glub", is a colossal, squid-like abomination that serves as the shared lusus of Feferi Peixes, the Condesce, and other fuchsia bloods on Alternia. It is implied that her existence was brought about by Doc Scratch and Lord English. Given this information, it is unknown what variety of lusus raised Meenah, only that it may not have been Gl'bgolyb.
Gl'bgolyb dwarfs all other lusii (as well as most architecture) by a massive degree – Karkat describes her as “AN OUTER FUCKING GOD THE SIZE OF A CITY”. Upon close examination, it can be seen that she has two mouths, one on each end of her body, similar to Fluthlu.
Being the only fuchsia blood troll on Alternia, Feferi was automatically assigned to her, however Gl'bgolyb continued to serve as the lusus of Feferi's ancestor, who was Empress during the events of Hivebent. When heiresses came of age they were expected to challenge the current Empress for the throne due to the demands of Gl'bgolyb and troll society. However, by the time of the events of Hivebent, Her Imperious Condescension had piloted her flagship to such a distance as to weaken her bond to Gl'bgolyb, causing its allegiance to sway to Feferi who was thus protected from any assassination attempts by the Condesce. According to Feferi, Gl'bgolyb frequently whispers to her. Some of what she says are prophecies, including that of the "world's end" and of uniting the two races.
She loves her lusus very much, although she has expressed that "keeping her voice down" is a burden to her. She does this by feeding her the dead lusii of other trolls with Eridan's help. This is necessary due to the fact that if Gl'bgolyb's voice is ever raised above a whisper, trolls would start dying. The psychically susceptible lower castes would die first, and if the horrorterror raised her voice to a shout, every troll on the planet sans the fuchsiabloods would perish. Worst of all, if she were to ever get "really upset", she might release "the Vast Glub", a psychic shockwave that would exterminate every single troll in the galaxy sans the fuchsiabloods. The Condesce was apparently in her time able to curb this threat through concentration alone, but her new distances of conquest weakened that bond - this is likely why Feferi was required to deal with it herself through feeding the lusus.
Gl'bgolyb eventually unleashed the Vast Glub while Karkat was attempting to get Sollux into The Medium, killing him. Doc Scratch stated that the Vast Glub was Gl'bgolyb's "swan song", implying that after releasing the Vast Glub it would die, implied to be via meteor.
Feferi states that her lusus “fell into” the kernelsprite, and the effects of this prototyping can be seen on one of the underlings here
. Prototyping Feferi's kernelsprite with Gl'bgolyb gave the Black King the ability to also release the Vast Glub. Aradia was able to counter this ability with the assistance of an army of alternate future selves from doomed timelines.
Gl'bgolybsprite is the only sprite to have an official name while never having been shown in person. Her supreme power among the trolls' sprites was not enough to keep her from dying again like the rest. Feferi mentioned that Gl'bgolyb saved her before dying, but whether this refers to her temporary corporeal death or her final death as a sprite is unclear.
Though only one existed on Alternia, it appears that at least somewhere there is another, similar creature. The pronunciation of Gl'bgolyb's name is a pun on "glub glub".
Other lusii[]

Dead miscellaneous lusii, fed to Gl'bgolyb by Eridan and Feferi.
Among the lusii killed by Eridan to feed Feferi's gargantuan custodian were a flying, cloud-dwelling whale with purple blood which the fanbase often calls the "Sky Whale" (it has also been seen around Jake's Island), and various other reptilian or serpentine lusii with varying blood colors. These lusii are shown briefly, and don't have much relevance in the overall plotline – although, interestingly, one of them appears to have the same blood color as Gl'bgolyb.
Although technically not one, Jade Harley's first guardian dog Becquerel is considered her lusus by the trolls. In all practical sense, he does essentially serve the same purpose as one, being a white beast raising Jade.
Mindfang's journal mentions “sluggish choler8ear”s and “8rainless squawking spleenfowl” as examples of typical tealblood lusus species.
Of the Beforan trolls, Rufioh, Mituna, Meulin and Cronus are confirmed to have lusii of the same species as their Alternian dancestors. Since Gl'bgolyb was exclusive to post-scratch Alternia, Meenah was probably raised by a member of some other fuchsia-blooded lusus species, like the one seen in Hivebent

The horrorterror-like lusus surrounding the flooded Frog Temple.
Many species of lusii exist on Jake's island, most notably a Horrorterror-like lusus that appears in [S] Jane: Enter which likely serves as the Condesce's replacement for Gl'bgolyb. Dirk stated
that this creature is “As much in her service as it is calling the shots”, and also that “Every time she tried to resurrect her race, it would slaughter them all psychically. As if it was keeping her ambition in check.” It is unknown where she obtained it from, but it is possible that the creature is one of multiple members of a subspecies of Horrorterrors, possibly given as a second "gift" from Lord English or cloned in a similar manner to the trolls that it kept killing.
In Hiveswap[]
Cuspidated Grimalkin[]
- “The Cuspidated Grimalkin is a chimerical union of predator and prey, with the strengths of both: long retractable claws and razor-sharp teeth alongside a defensive crown of stabbing horns, the speed for lightning-quick dashes and the endurance to run entire nights without tiring.”
- — Dammek's handbook on lusii, when used on his Cuspidated Grimalkin.[15]

The Cuspidated Grimalkin, colloquially known as a deercat,[16] is known to take on bronze blooded trolls such as Dammek with strong leadership skills.[17] On the occasion that it outlives its ward, it seeks out a troll of similar temperament; this process, however, is mysterious, unusual and even illegal on Alternia.[18]
In Act 2, Dammek's Cuspidated Grimalkin carries Joey Claire and Xefros Tritoh to the train station, where they're attacked by elite drones. During the attack, the Grimalkin drags Joey and Xefros to safety, near the cave hive. Once they return to the train station, the custodian enters the lusus caboosus and remains there. The lusus' state after the train derailment is unknown.
Glacial Treetrudger[]

The rust blooded Xefros Tritoh's Glacial Treetrudger lusus resembles a giant sloth, slow-moving and sleeping regularly, typically in a tree.[citation needed] Xefros' lusus is also a picky eater.[19]
In Act 2[]

The train from Outglut to Jeevik Island includes a "lusus caboosus"[20] for the passengers' custodians.
In Paradox Space (Dubiously Canon)[]
In Night at the 100dseum, Equius shows Karkat and Terezi the Sweati, a yeti-like lusus frozen in a giant block of its own perspiration.[image?]
In Hiveswap Friendship Simulator (Dubiously Canon)[]
Unlike trolls, lusii can venture out into Alternia's harsh sun for short periods of time because “their coats reflect light, or somethin' to that effect.”[21]
Though meant to be left on Alternia when their charges are sent into space,[22] because they are “valued for their strength” and obedience, lusii are sometimes kidnapped and sold on the galaxy's black market across the galaxy. The heiress does nothing about this, and in fact takes a cut of the money exchanged.[23]
- Vikare Ratite's lusus is named "Canary", though contrary to its name the player assumes the lusus is an emu based on a picture.[24]
- Polypa Goezee's lusus was killed when her hive was raided.[25]
- Mallek Adalov's lusus is a snake.[26]

- Wanshi Adyata takes the player to a convention at which some lusii appear to be competing with each other.
Unseen lusii[]
Though Diemen Xicali's deceased lusus is not described in Volume 1, it was originally conceived as a wiener dog,[27] from whence his hot dog motif originated.
Marvus Xoloto's lusus has been called a land dolphin[28] by a writer, and Stelsa Sezyat's a purse dog.[29]
Lusus Gallery[]
Homestuck lusii[]
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. ""So older trolls keep their lusii, instead of abandoning them?" Yes. Unless the lusus is killed, or any number of things that could happen to separate them. / But ideally, the lusus stays for life, and as was implied may even play a role in the troll's profession, as a mount or such." Andrew Hussie (mspadventures) | Formspring. April 30, 2011.
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "I don't recall to what extent Bec influenced the concept of a lusus. I'm pretty sure there wasn't the direct line of inspiration you might expect. But I am sure that as it was conceptualized, the similarity between the way trolls are raised and the way Jade was raised definitely occurred to me. This is something that has been touched upon a number of times. One of the many culture clashes in dialogue that have been made possible by learning about the trolls' world in detail." Andrew Hussie (mspadventures) | Formspring. November 30, 2010.
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "It's an obscure fact that Aurthour is one of the strongest lusii on the planet." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p. 194. February 12, 2019.
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "Eridan's loyal mount is seahorse dad, one of the objectively best dads, probably. Seahorse dad flies, as do apparently many, if not all, lusii meant to raise violet-blooded trolls." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p. 321. February 12, 2019.
- ↑ “That’s definitely the biggest alien you’ve seen yet. Unless you count the lusii, which you don’t.” Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25, 2020.
- ↑ Openbound part 3.
“RUFIOH: when damara acc1dentally dropped a hunger trunk on h1m way back... crushed h1s l1ttle body... 1 always dreamed 1 m1ght meet up w1th h1m aga1n 1n the afterl1fe.”
- ↑ Openbound part 2.
“#biclops dad”
- ↑ wikipedia:The Beatles. "Must be a "bi-cyclops" then." Yellow Submarine. July 17, 1968.
- ↑ Openbound part 2.
“Or at least that's your observation if you're being Meenah right now. If you're being Mituna, you beg your enormous parental unit for some mind honey.”
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "Here's some more mixed worldbuilding signals I'm sending. Do trolls sleep in the slime with their clothes on or not?? It's very possible Terezi is just weird and doesn't really care about sliming up her clothes. And here's something worth considering about this dragon egg: given that it's been sitting here for millennia...maybe it's her ancestor's dragon's egg? It's not the craziest point of speculation." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p. 131. February 12, 2019.
- ↑ Openbound part 1.
“ARANEA: After the tragic accident which left her nasally impaired, her mighty dragon lusus, ancient and wise 8eyond our comprehension, 8egan to teach her "new ways to smell." To reinvent the sense, using other sense organs such as eyes and ears, awakening completely new experiences in her mind.”
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "Since these dice belonged to Mindfang at one point, it's reasonable to ask: did she have to guillotine her own spider mom too? Maybe it's becoming a Serket family tradition, like so many other things. Later on, when we learn more about ancestors, it seems like their spirits watch over their descendants and guide them in certain karmic ways, even if this phenomenon isn't quite that literal. They seem more like "echoes of legend" built into the kids' destinies. Maybe it's not "luck" that lets her roll results of certain importance to her life. Maybe Mindfang's spirit still presides over these dice." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p. 235. February 12, 2019.
- ↑ Alterniabound.
“EQUIUS: D --> Aurthour is dead, and so is his ghost”
- ↑ Andrew Hussie. "It's probably not actually that dangerous to leave unarmed. This was probably something his goat dad told him a long time ago. But only to scare him, and make sure he stayed inside so no one would ever see him, because he was so embarrassed by him. Goatdad is probably one of the most sympathetic characters in the story. If Gamzee was your son, wouldn't you abandon him too?" Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p. 54. February 12, 2019.
- ↑ Cohen Edenfield. Hiveswap: Act 1. September 14, 2017.
- ↑ "“He's not so bad after all! Good deercat. Best friend.”" Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25, 2020.
- ↑ Andrew Hussie and Cohen Edenfield. "“Proud and resplendent, Cuspidated Grimalkin prefer to bond with bronzeblooded wigglers in whom they sense a strong natural aptitude for leadership. Such aspirations in lowbloods are grounds for culling, of course, and the primary cause of death for Cuspidated Grimalkin is in the defense of their treasonous wards.”" Hiveswap: Act 1. September 14, 2017.
- ↑ Andrew Hussie and Cohen Edenfield. "“Anecdontal accounts suggest that those Cuspidated Grimalkin who manage to survive the deaths of their wards will typically seek out a similarly-orphaned troll and attempt to bond with them, although the selection process is, naturally, rather mysterious due to its staggering illegality.”" Hiveswap: Act 1. September 14, 2017.
- ↑ Cohen Edenfield. "“Nothing works. You just can't reach him lately. The only thing ZOOSMELL seems to care about is his SLOTH TREATS.”" Hiveswap: Act 1. September 14, 2017.
- ↑ "“we might be able to sneak into the lusus caboosus with deercat when we need to sleep... ive done it”" Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25, 2020.
- ↑ Aysha U. Farah. “Lusii are fine goin' outside for a little while in the dayylight--their coats reflect light, or somethin' to that effect.” Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 3. May 11, 2018.
- ↑ Aysha U. Farah. “I would have been heading into the ordeals next sweep anyywayy. / I would never have seen her again.” Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 3. May 11, 2018.
- ↑ Aysha U. Farah. “The heiress knows about the black market but she doesn't do anyything about it--she just takes a cut.” Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 3. May 11, 2018.
- ↑ Magdalena Clark. “He whips out a photo. It shows a smaller version of himself, his horns nothing but stubs, a far too big pair of aviator goggles slipping off his nose. / Standing behind him is a large white fowl, big scraggly wings folded back against its body. You want to say an emu? Whatever it is, it's definitely not a canary. / Its beak touches the top of your pal's head with something that might count as affection.” Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 4. May 25, 2018.
- ↑ Aysha U. Farah. "“i doubt it had anything to do with my blog * but a few sweeps ago * a group of kids broke into my hive * i think they were high * maybe on sopor *| / POLYPA: whatever * they stole a bunch of my shit * killed my lusus * and some little psionic fuck broke both my legs with his brain *|”" Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 5. June 18, 2018.
- ↑ Aysha U. Farah. "“Of course not. Why would you be afraid of a giant snake winding up your legs. Everybody is REALLY about your legs. You need to get a pair of pants. Is the snake checking you for artificial parts? Are snakes particularly sensitive to”" Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume 11. August 31, 2018.
- ↑ James Roach. "back then the design was really different but he was called “hotdog” because his lusus was a weiner dog." Santiago Rodriguez (James Roach) (jamesroach) | Tumblr. February 10, 2018.
- ↑ "a land dolphin" skaian-heretic | Tumblr.
- ↑ Kieran Miranda. "i thought about including Stelsa’s lusus in her route but then decided not to. i imagined her lusus as a lil dog that lives in various handbags in Stelsa’s hive tho." chaos nerdery (mu2tardblood2) | Tumblr. October 26, 2018.
Hiveswap and Hauntswitch | |
Playable Kids | ![]() ![]() |
Playable Trolls | |
Supporting Humans | Roxy Lalonde • Jake Harley • A. Claire • Mysterious Cult |
Supporting Trolls | |
Troll Call Trolls | |
Other | Tesseract • The Lone Gunbirds • Green shadow monsters • Imperial Drone • Zoosmell • Cornibuster • Doc Scratch |
Concepts | Troll • Extended Zodiac • Cherub Portal • Abilitech • Chittr • Scythian • Achievements |
Locations (Earth) | Hauntswitch • Half-Harley Manor |
Locations (Alternia) | Outglut • Dammek's hive • Xefros' hive • Cave hive • Beekeeper's hive • Train |
Acts | Hiveswap: Act 1 • Hiveswap: Act 2 • Hiveswap: Act 3 |
Additional Media | Homestuck • Hiveswap Friendship Simulator • Pesterquest |
Hiveswap Friendship Simulator | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Player | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Befriendable Trolls |
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Supporting Characters | Doc Scratch • Lusii • Mother Grub | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Locations | Alternia • Outglut • Ardata's hive • Brooding caverns • Old Watchtower • Clown Church • Doc Scratch's tower | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Related Concepts | Hiveswap • Pesterquest • Troll • Troll Call • Friendsim Music | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Volumes | Volume One • Volume Two • Volume Three • Volume Four Volume Five • Volume Six • Volume Seven • Volume Eight Volume Nine • Volume Ten • Volume Eleven • Volume Twelve Volume Thirteen • Volume Fourteen • Volume Fifteen Volume Sixteen • Volume Seventeen • Volume Eighteen Epilogue | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pesterquest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Player | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pesterable Homestuck characters |
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Supporting Characters | Dad • Rose's Mom • Cryptid McWhiskers • Dave's Bro • Becquerel • Lusii • Boldir Lamati • Karako Pierot • Marvus Xoloto • Doc Scratch • The Condesce • Brobot • Roxy's Mom • The Director | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Earth Locations | Egbert and Crocker home • Lalonde home • Strider home • Pacific island • Half-Harley Manor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alternia Locations | Karkat's hive • Kanaya's hive • Gamzee's hive • Vriska's hive • Equius's hive • Terezi's hive • Tavros's hive • Aradia's hive • Nepeta's hive • Sollux's hive • Eridan's hive • Feferi's hive • Outglut • Doc Scratch's Tower | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Related Concepts | Homestuck • The Homestuck Epilogues • Hiveswap Friendship Simulator • Troll • Pesterchum • The Treasure • Chumroll | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||