MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki

An interlude is simply the short pieces of a work that occur between the main parts. In Homestuck several pages fall between the official beginning and the official end of acts and intermissions and are therefore interludes. For documentation purposes the interludes need to be grouped into an act or intermission and thought of as prologues or epilogues to their respective act/intermission. This page documents the interludes as well as which act/intermission they are a prologue/epilogue of, and the reasons for that decision using factors such as the appearance on the MSPA MapMspa icon and the apparent intent of the author.

Individual interludes[]

Act 1 - Act 2 interlude[]

Interlude page Years in the future, but not many...HS
Length Single page
Map appearance Act 2 link links to the interlude as the first Act 2 page.
Apparent narrative intent Part of the Act 2 developments.
Decision Act 2 prologue
This page is included in Homestuck Book 1 instead of Book 2. In Viz's edition it is in Book 1

Act 2 - Act 3 interlude[]

Interlude page Dear John,HS
Length Single page
Map appearance Act 3 link links to the interlude as the first Act 3 page.
Apparent narrative intent Part of the Act 3 developments.
Decision Act 3 prologue

Page is included in Homestuck Book 3. In Viz's Edition it is in Book 2

Act 4 - Act 5 interlude[]

Interlude pages ==>HS - Recap 2.HS
Length 47 pages
Map appearance Map gives first page of Act 5 as after the interlude.
Apparent narrative intent Clearly giving conclusion to the events of Act 4.
Decision Act 4 epilogue
Simple, no issue.

Act 6 Act 1 - Act 6 Intermission 1 interlude[]

Interlude pages ==>HS - John and Jade: Reap spoils.HS
Length 10 pages
Map appearance Map gives first page of Act 6 Intermission 1 as after the interlude.
Apparent narrative intent Prologue setting up Act 6 intermission 1
Decision A6A1 epilogue
Interlude lacks intermission tag in the command.

Act 6 Intermission 1 - Act 6 Act 2 interlude[]

Act - Act
Span Length Apparent
MSPA MapMspa icon Decision
Act 6 Intermission 1 - Act 6 Act 2
==>HS1 - ==>HS 29 pages1 A6A2 Split between
A6I1 and A6A22
A6I2 epilogue
  1. The page prior to the interlude is a Flash where the official end of A6I1 takes place towards the beginning of the Flash. As such the page could be thought of as both part of the official intermission and the interlude but in the interest of simplicity is counted solely as part of the intermission.
  2. Split gives majority of the interlude as part of the intermission.
  3. Interlude lacks intermission tag in the command.

Act 6 Intermission 2 - Act 6 Act 3 interlude[]

Act - Act
Span Length Apparent
MSPA MapMspa icon Decision
Act 6 Intermission 2 - Act 6 Act 3
==>HS - ==>HS 3 pages None A6I2 A6I2 epilogue
Map page sole factor in decision.

Act 6 Act 4 - Act 6 Intermission 4 interlude[]

Act - Act
Span Length Apparent
MSPA MapMspa icon Decision
Act 6 Act 4 - Act 6 Intermission 4
[S] ==>HS Single page None (or A6I4) A6A4 A6A4 epilogue
Map page sole factor in decision.

Act 6 Intermission 5 - Act 6 Act 6 interlude[]

Act - Act
Span Length Apparent
MSPA MapMspa icon Decision
Act 6 Intermission 5 - Act 6 Act 6
==>HS - ==>HS 7 pages Ambiguous A6I5 epilogue A6I5 epilogue
Concluded from narrative intent and map page.

Act 6 Act 6 Act 5 - Act 6 Act 6 Intermission 5 interlude[]

Interlude pages [S] MSPA Reader: Mental breakdown.HS
Length Single page
Map appearance A6A6A5 epilogue
Apparent narrative intent Epilogue explaining ramifications of EoA6A6A5
Decision A6A6A5 epilogue
Concluded from map and narrative intent, plus it brings A6A6A5 up to the promised 40 pages.

Act 6 - Act 7 interlude[]

Interlude pages ====>HS - ====>HS
Length 38 pages
Map appearance Act 6 epilogue
Apparent narrative intent Epilogue showing the aftermath of Collide
Decision Act 6 epilogue, based on Part 4 ending at Collide.
Uses the ====> arrows seen in Act 6, Hussie noted that "Act 7 drops on 4/13" in a news post the next day.
