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The unnamed protagonist of the Hiveswap Friendship Simulator and Pesterquest becomes an MSPA reader as they get to know the inhabitants of Alternia and eventually become familiar with the text of Homestuck itself.

The reader has a class and aspect which supply them with knowledge and foresight you shouldnt have;[citation needed] writer James Roach suggests that their title is Seer of Void.

Concept and creation[]

The protagonist of the Homestuck spinoff visual novels is a mostly featureless paper cut-out figure of the type that serve as the primary characters in Jailbreak and Problem Sleuth, seemingly designed for the player of these games to project their own identity onto. Though these types of characters went on to become Homestuck's carapacians, this character has fleshy anatomy in place of a carapace and is definitively not one of them.[citation needed]



Exactly where, when and how the player came into being is not clear, other than that they stole a spacecraft with the intent of leaving their homeworld.[citation needed] The walls of this ship were well-decorated with posters.[1]

Crash landing[]


The title screen for Hiveswap: Friendsim

Eventually, the player crashes their craft on the hostile world of Alternia. Almost immediately, they set out on a mission to make as many new friends on this planet as possible.[citation needed]

Throughout their quest, the reader changes outfits many times. They first pick an at Cirava Hermod's hive, but this is destroyed at the end of their encounter with Skylla Koriga. Tagora Gorjek then supplies them with a bathrobe, and Chixie Roixmr later allows them to change their clothes in her dressing room, resulting in an outfit reminiscent of that worn by another old MSPA character. After Mallek Adalov pushes the reader into the water, he will allow them to wear one of his hoodies. While attending a party with Lanque Bombyx, the player forage for old clothes they deign appropriate for the setting; by the time they meet the Soleil twins, however, they are back in Mallek's hoodie.

Starting in Volume Thirteen, the Reader begins to become aware of odd inconsistencies within their reality. They mention to Boldir Lamati in one of her bad ends that they've died before, but when she questions them about it, they seem to be as confused about it as she is. This alludes to several bad endings in routes before that have resulted in the Reader's death. Later on in the same bad ending, the Reader becomes distressed as they watch Boldir die, unable to reconcile the fact that they're crying over the many friends they've had die and that their friends have never died. These brief thoughts of previous bad endings continue into Volume Fourteen and Fifteen.


In Volume Sixteen, the Reader encounters a strange flashing light in Fozzer Velyes's graveyard, exposure to which manages to alter Fozzer's mind and change his socialist views to pro-imperial. In the same volume during one of Marvus Xoloto's bad endings, the MSPA Reader becomes aware of having made a wrong choice and thus dooming the current timeline. Marvus attempts to shield the Reader from the multiple, seemingly spontaneous events that the Reader interprets as the universe trying to kill them. Eventually, Marvus takes the Reader to Clown Church to keep them safe, but they end up slipping away into a time paradox.

During Nihkee Moolah's second bad ending in Volume Seventeen, the Reader prepares to meet with Nihkee once again to show her how strong they've gotten training with Stelsa Sezyat. After getting in their scuttlebuggy, the Reader begins to feel nervous and tries to meditate to calm themself. This meditation brings out the Reader's memories of different routes, both good and bad. Eventually, they're able to focus in on the potential bad ending they're about to head towards. During their meeting with Nihkee, they will somehow cause her to lose her remaining leg. Afterwards, she will begin to chase the player down in vengeance, until she is hit by a train. She will be rebuilt as a cyborg and kill the Reader after chasing them for a year. Seeing this bad ending, the Reader chooses instead to go spend some more time with Stelsa and Tyzias Entykk.

Friendsim Epilogue[]

The reader eventually finds themself back at Fozzer's graveyard. Deciding to once again investigate the strange light, this time they uncover a fenestrated plane. Passing through this leads them to Doc Scratch's apartment on Alternia's green moon. When the reader attempts to move closer to Scratch in order to befriend him, Scratch realizes he forgot to remove their urge to make friends with everyone. Snapping his fingers, the reader begins to feel sick, then panicked over the loss of warm feelings for the friends they've made. Scratch explains that he has been orchestrating their journey from the very beginning, and that it was important for them to make friends in order to put them in a place for his future plans. To explain further, he directs the reader to a room with a computer, with the internet browser open to the first page of a certain webcomic.

Escape to Earth[]

Upset at the direction of Doc Scratch's story, the reader makes a dash to escape back through the fenestrated wall, hoping to land back on Alternia and find their friends, again. Instead they become stuck inside the wall, where they find Lord English's ultimate weapon. Travelling through it, they gain ultimate narrative power, but lose their memories in the process.

They then find themselves on Earth, in front of John Egbert's house. Without their memories, they return to befriending characters, posing temporarily as a mailman at first but quickly forgoing the lie.

Return to Alternia and back to an alternate Earth[]

The player eventually befriends the entire main cast of Homestuck, altering the story's timeline with each friendship, even destroying the kids' chances of playing Sburb. Slowly, the reader regains their memories, especially their memories of their earlier adventures on Alternia with the help of Aradia Megido, and then their memories of reading Homestuck in Scratch's apartment after an encounter with Dirk Strider.


The player is eventually once again extracted from the story by two other authorial figures, a possible future Dirk Strider and a mysterious new figure called only the Director. They instruct the reader to set Homestuck's timeline back on its proper path and allow the children to play their game.

If the player refuses, they escape to the Green sun link alongside Aradia, and use their powers to absorb the timelines contained within. Using all this energy, the player saves the main narrative of Homestuck in their own way; by sealing the alternate events of Friendsim and Pesterquest in their own Locked Timeline, using the Green sun link's power to act as this timeline's first guardian.



  1. Aysha U. Farah. Not like your ship which -- in your humble opinion -- was very nicely decorated. You've got some pretty dope posters on your wall. Hiveswap Friendship Simulator: Volume Seven. July 6, 2018.
Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
The Player Mspa icon MSPA reader
Befriendable Trolls
Volume One Scormini Ardata CarmiaArrius Diemen Xicali
Volume Two Sagira Amisia ErdehnGemrius Cirava Hermod
Volume Three Taurist Skylla KorigaVirus Bronya Ursama
Volume Four Liga Tagora GorjekTaurza Vikare Ratite
Volume Five Leus Polypa GoezeeSagimino Zebruh Codakk
Volume Six Scornius ElwurdGemnius Kuprum and Gemittarius Folykl
Volume Seven Scorgo Remele NamaaqLepia Konyyl Okimaw
Volume Eight Licer Tyzias EntykkTaurra Chixie Roixmr
Volume Nine Gemra Azdaja KnelaxCaprinius Chahut Maenad
Volume Ten Gempio Zebede TongvaLibittarius Tegiri Kalbur
Volume Eleven Scorist Mallek AdalovViriborn Lynera Skalbi
Volume Twelve Sagicer Galekh XigisiLiblo Tirona Kasund
Volume Thirteen Lelo Boldir LamatiLicen Stelsa Sezyat
Volume Fourteen Arittarius Marsti HoutekCaprira Karako Pierot
Volume Fifteen Leiborn Charun KrojibVirmino Wanshi Adyata
Volume Sixteen Aro Fozzer VelyesCaprist Marvus Xoloto
Volume Seventeen Virnius Daraya JonjetSagicorn Nihkee Moolah
Volume Eighteen Virsci Lanque BombyxCapriun Barzum and Caprimini Baizli
Supporting Characters Doc ScratchLusiiMother Grub
Locations AlterniaOutglutArdata's hiveBrooding cavernsOld WatchtowerClown ChurchDoc Scratch's tower
Related Concepts HiveswapPesterquestTrollTroll CallFriendsim Music
Volumes Volume OneVolume TwoVolume ThreeVolume Four
Volume FiveVolume SixVolume SevenVolume Eight
Volume NineVolume TenVolume ElevenVolume Twelve
Volume ThirteenVolume FourteenVolume Fifteen
Volume SixteenVolume SeventeenVolume Eighteen
The Player Mspa icon MSPA reader
Pesterable Homestuck characters
Volume 1 JohnLogo John Egbert
Volume 2 RoseLogo Rose Lalonde
Volume 3 DaveLogo Dave Strider
Volume 4 JadeLogo Jade Harley
Volume 5 Cancer Karkat VantasVirgo Kanaya Maryam
Volume 6 Capricorn Gamzee MakaraScorpio Vriska Serket
Volume 7 Sagittarius Equius ZahhakLibra Terezi Pyrope
Volume 8 Taurus Tavros NitramAries Aradia Megido
Volume 9 Leo Nepeta LeijonGemini Sollux Captor
Volume 10 Aquarius Eridan AmporaPisces Feferi Peixes
Volume 11 JaneLogo Jane Crocker
Volume 12 JakeLogo Jake English
Volume 13 RoxyLogo Roxy Lalonde
Volume 14 DirkLogo Dirk Strider
Supporting Characters DadRose's MomCryptid McWhiskersDave's BroBecquerelLusiiBoldir LamatiKarako PierotMarvus XolotoDoc ScratchThe CondesceBrobotRoxy's MomThe Director
Earth Locations Egbert and Crocker homeLalonde homeStrider homePacific islandHalf-Harley Manor
Alternia Locations Karkat's hiveKanaya's hiveGamzee's hiveVriska's hiveEquius's hiveTerezi's hiveTavros's hiveAradia's hiveNepeta's hiveSollux's hiveEridan's hiveFeferi's hiveOutglutDoc Scratch's Tower
Related Concepts HomestuckThe Homestuck EpiloguesHiveswap Friendship SimulatorTrollPesterchumThe TreasureChumroll