MS Paint Adventures Wiki
For the pre-scratch version of this character, see Mituna Captor.

The Ψiioniic (spelt with the Greek letter psi and thus pronounced "psiioniic") was the ancestor of Sollux Captor.



The Ψiioniic among the Signless' followers.

As his title suggests, the Ψiioniic was a psychic typical of the gold caste, but possessed unequaled telekinetic abilityHS. He was employed as a mage - alluding to his descendant's class - but was inspired by the Signless to free himself of slavery to the Alternian empire and join the rebellious cause.

After the Signless' execution he was enlisted in a far worse, if more prestigious serviceHS than the Dolorosa's slavery, as the Helmsman of the Condesce's Battleship Condescension. His unmatched psychic ability made her ship the fastest in the empireHS - able to reach speeds the equivalent of millions of times the speed of lightHS, as opposed to the ship's normal top speed just near the speed of lightHS - and with the Condesce extending his lifespan longer than the usual for a lowblood he served her for thousands of yearsHS. As the Vast Glub began, he was ordered to carry the craft back to Alternia, but was caught in the psychic blast before the journey could be completed.

Connections with Sollux[]

Psi showdown hq

The Ψiioniic's silhouette as it appears over Sollux during the 5x SHOWDOWN COMBO.HS

The Ψiioniic's descendant similarly overexerted himself carrying the trolls' ectobiology meteor from the Incipisphere to the vicinity of the Green Sun. The goggles he woreHS doing so, which he received from Feferi Peixes, closely resemble those fitted to the HelmsmanHS under the employ of Feferi's ancestor. Sollux' first death was caused by the very same event as his ancestor's, the Vast Glub: though the Condesce's touch could extend life, but never restore it, her descendant Feferi Peixes was able to revive Sollux with a kiss. The Helmsman shares the distinction of having died after his descendant, thanks to the additional time the Vast Glub took to travel across the galaxy, with the Aradia Megido's ancestor.

In his Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1 commentary, Andrew Hussie suggests that Sollux' [...] resigned sense of fatalism is inseparable from his narrative impotence, and the basic truth about him is that he was built to be little more than a serviceable part of a big machine. Just like his ancestor.[1] His living situation reflects this, as his hive sits on a comb-like structureHS with many other trolls' hives, just as the beehouses in his room make up the parts of a computer.


  1. Andrew Hussie. "The previous page's note contained way too much fucking Nepeta meta. Let's get to some actual Good Shit. Let's talk about Sollux. (Dear God, the Nepeta abuse continues. It never ends.) Sollux, like Nepeta, is another pretty marginal character, and also like her, his metatextual profile seems to acknowledge his marginality, and incorporates it into his personality in a thematically relevant way. He always seems to be falling into the margins of the story as a second-string player, gets used as a pawn a lot, gets led around by others (going blind at one point), and generally just can't catch a damn break. As a psychic, he's aware of things on a lot of levels, such as future visions of doom and gloom, but he also seems intuitively aware of his place in the narrative as just a marginal cast member in a story containing people much more important than he is. His "woe is me," "why don't I just roll over and fucking die already" attitude seems like it's connected to this basic awareness. In other words, his resigned sense of fatalism is inseparable from his narrative impotence, and the basic truth about him is that he was built to be little more than a serviceable part of a big machine. Just like his ancestor." Homestuck: Book 4: Act 5 Act 1, p.96. February 12, 2019.