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This is a list of all music albums that have been available on the official Homestuck bandcamp, created by the music team. For the unofficial music albums, see Gaiden Music Albums.


Homestuck Vol. 1-4 (with Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead)
A combination of the albums Homestuck Vol. 1-4 and Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead available for a minimum of $4.13.
Homestuck Vol. 5-6 (with The Felt)
A combination of the albums Homestuck Vol. 5, Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent, and The Felt available for a minimum of $4.13.
Alterniabound (with Alternia)
A combination of the albums AlterniaBound and Alternia available for a minimum of $4.13.
Homestuck Vol. 7-8 (with Cherubim)
A combination of the albums Homestuck Vol. 7: At the Price of Oblivion, Homestuck Vol. 8, and Cherubim available for a minimum of $4.13.
coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A & B
A combination of the albums coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A and coloUrs and mayhem: Universe B available for a minimum of $4.13.
Homestuck Vol. 9-10 (with [S] Collide. and Act 7)
A combination of the albums Homestuck Vol. 9, Homestuck Vol. 10, [S] Collide, and Act 7 available for a minimum of $4.13.
Symphony Impossible to Play (with Medium)
A combination of the albums Symphony Impossible to Play and Medium available for a minimum of $4.13.
A combination of the albums Hiveswap Act 1 OST and The Grubbles available for a minimum of $4.13.
Hiveswap Friendsim
Available for a minimum of $4.13.
Beyond Canon
Available for a minimum of $4.13.
HIVESWAP: ACT 2 Original Soundtrack
Available for a minimum of $6.29.
Available on Joren "Tensei" de Bruin's personal bandcamp for a minimum of €3.14.
Mobius Trip and Hadron Kaleido
Available on Michael Guy Bowman's personal bandcamp for a minimum of $7.00.
Song of Skaia
Available on Mark Hadley's personal bandcamp for a minimum of $1.99.
One Year Older
Available on Erik "Jit" Scheele's personal bandcamp for free.
Genesis Frog
Available on Alex Rosetti's personal bandcamp for a minimum of $3.00.
Available on James Dever's personal bandcamp for free.
Prospit & Derse
Available on Jeremy "Solatrus" Iamurri's personal bandcamp for free.


At various times, collections of smaller albums have been consolidated together into larger compilations, with the shorter versions of these albums no longer officially available.

See also[]


  • An album by Mark J. Hadley, Paths, is linked from Homestuck's More Homestuck Albums page and contains four tracks from other Homestuck albums: "Aggrievocation", "Carefree Action", "Galaxy Hearts" and "Song of Skaia".