Rust • Bronze • Gold • Lime • Olive • Jade • Teal • Blue • Indigo • Purple • Violet • Fuchsia
- “Olive Signs are, by and large, incredibly agreeable people. They are generous and enthusiastic, ready to offer help to anyone who needs it. Luck plays a large role in their lives; Olive Signs have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. And even in the case that their luck goes bad, they can ride rough patches out without falling too far into depression or hopelessness. That said, Olive Signs are most comfortable with things that they are familiar with; new places and ideas often alarm them, resulting in a dogmatic insistence that their way is the right way. They can be quite bossy and domineering, although that usually comes out of a genuine belief that they know best and can help the ones they care about. They are extremely faithful friends and lovers, ready to drop everything and go into helper mode. However, if their trust is breached, there's no going back. No one can hold a grudge like an Olive Sign, and they aren't afraid to just pick up and leave if they decide something isn't working for them. Romance and companionship are extremely important to them, so even if they get hurt, their hearts remain open.”
- — The Extended Zodiac
The olive blood caste is one of the twelve troll blood castes, higher than gold and lime and succeeded by jade.
Extended Zodiac Signs[]
Equius Zahhak and Nepeta Leijon refer to the latter's caste as green. The name 'olive' first appeared in coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A, and reoccured in the Extended Zodiac.
Physical attributes[]
Olive blood is a dark green color, darker than most of the other castes.
The lifespan of an olive blood is similar to that of a human, possibly escalating above a hundred years.
Olive bloods tend to have small-to-medium pointed horns, with a conical shape similar to animal ears; some have spikes or barbs on them that somewhat resemble tufts of fur.
Roles and culture[]
Olive bloods can become threshecutioners. Many olive bloods seem to take an avid interest in romance and relationships, with Nepeta and Meulin Leijon both being interested in shipping, Polypa Goezee's original Troll Call card describing her as giving excellent relationship advice, and Konyyl Okimaw's cards describing her as a shoulder to cry on, meaning she shows concern for the plights of others.