MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Spirograph returnnode

A return nodeHS is one of the kinds of gate found on planets in the Medium. Unlike the seven gates above the Hero's home which lead to important locations in the planet's quest, the return node does the opposite, returning the Hero as its name suggests from somewhere on the planet back to their house.

Though they retain a gate's usual spirograph shape, a return node can be distinguished from other gates by its specific shape.

Known nodes[]

NPCs SpritesUnderlingsDenizensConsortsFirst guardiansCarapacians/ExilesLeprechauns
Locations (starting planet) Command stationsForgeFrog Temple
Locations (Incipisphere) The MediumThe Veil/Ectobiology labsSkaiaProspit/DersePlanetsThe Seven Gates
Concepts PrototypingEctobiologyGod tiering (Mythological roles) • Grist/Ultimate AlchemyBoondollarsFraymotifsDream selvesPhernaliaThe ScratchNull sessionsInternetSession glitch
Related concepts SylladexSkaianetCrockercorp