Robert J! Lake, also known as xfactorinfinity, is a musician and artist who contributed many tracks to Homestuck.
Music albums[]
- "Carbon Nadsat/Cuestick Genius" for Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead
- "Three in the Morning (RJ's I Can Barely Sleep In This Casino Remix)" for Homestuck Vol. 4
- "Welcome to the New Extreme", "The Beginning of Something Really Excellent", "Pyrocumulus (Kickstart)", "Softly", and "Biophosphoradelecrystalluminescence" for Homestuck Vol. 5
- "Tentacles", "Squiddles Happytime Fun Go!", and "Let the Squiddles Sleep (End Theme)" for Squiddles!
- "Jade Dragon" and "Variations" for The Felt
- "Heir Transparent" and "Boy Skylark (Brief)" for Homestuck Vol. 6: Heir Transparent
- "Let's All Rock the Heist" for Homestuck Vol. 7: At the Price of Oblivion
- "Years in the Future" for The Wanderers
- "Potential Verdancy" and "Three in the Morning (RJ's I Can Barely Sleep In This Casino Remix)" for Homestuck Vol. 1-4
- "Airtime", "Arcade Thunder", "Pyrocumulus (Sicknasty)", "Temporary", and "Afraid of the Darko" for Homestuck Vol. 8
- Art for "Afraid of the Darko" on Homestuck Vol. 8
- "Whistling Jackhammer", "Ugly Betty", "Jane Dargason", "Before the Beginning and After the End", "Everything is Something to Somebody", and "Three's a Crowd" for Homestuck Vol. 9
- Additional beats for "Mother" on One Year Older
- "Stellarum Salve" for Cherubim
- Arrangement and production for "Green Lolly" on Cherubim
- "Freefall" for Homestuck Vol. 10
- Production and arrangement for "Feel (Alive)" on Homestuck Vol. 10
- "Four Kids (and a Game They Played Together" for Beyond Canon
- Music for [S] ==>
- "Potential Verdancy" for [S] Jade: Open FreshJamz!
- "The Beginning of Something Really Excellent" for [S] Jade: Dream up extra arms and play advanced bass solo.
- "Welcome to the New Extreme" for [S] Rose and Dave: Shut up and jam.
- "Boy Skylark" for [S] Past Karkat: Wake up.
- "Let the Squiddles Sleep (End Theme)" for [S] Jade: Wake up.
- "Pachelbel's Gardener", "Candlelight", and "Shit, Let's Be Santa" for Homestuck for the Holidays
- Additional production for "Carolmanthetime" on Homestuck for the Holidays
- "Cutscene at the End of the Hallway" for Land of Fans and Music
- Cover for Jailbreak Vol. 1
- "Fanfare", "Jailstuck (Intro)", "Title Screen", "Moment of Pause", "Console Thunder", "Softbit", "Game Over", "Is This the End?", and "This is the End" for Jailbreak Vol. 1
- Art for "Fanfare", "Jailstuck (Intro)", "Elf Shanty", "Phantom Echoes", "Assail", "Confrontation", "Bars", "Jackknive", "Be the Other Guy", "Softbit", "Retrobution", "Game Over", and "Is This the End?" on Jailbreak Vol. 1
- "JOHN DO THE WINDY THING" for Land of Fans and Music 3