MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki
For the post-scratch version of this character, see Roxy Lalonde.

Roxy Lalonde is the ectobiological mother and guardian of Rose Lalonde. She is also the babysitter of Joey Claire and Jude Harley.

Concept and creation[]


While Roxy's first name is never revealed in the comic until the introduction of her post-scratch iteration, Andrew Hussie refers to her as Roxy in his commentary on the Homestuck books[1], and Joey indicates that her babysitter's name has an X in it.[2]


Early life[]


Baby Roxy with Mutie on the meteor during the Reckoning

Roxy is a paradox clone of herself sent back in time from the ectobiology lab, where John Egbert combined a paradox ghost imprint of her DNA with that of Dirk Strider to also create paradox clones of Rose Lalonde and Dave Strider. She is the only member of the guardians to be known by the biologically correct title, being Rose's genetic mother.

Roxy landed on Earth via meteor; other than that she was accompanied by the mutant cat Vodka Mutini, the circumstances of her upbringing are unknown. The little girl's room in her Skaianet Laboratory suggests she grew up thereHS; Hussie's commentary in the Homestuck books further suggests it may have been "the owner of Skaianet, a younger grandpa Harley", or even that she may have had a similar youth across the scratch and that "some exiles" - presumably brought to Earth from Harley's adventures through the incipisphere - may have had a hand in it.[3] In the event that this connection to the Harley family is true, it is not clear how Roxy came to acquire the family name Lalonde.



Regardless, Roxy came to be connected to the Harley family in her youth, seemingly working in Skaianet labs as early as 1994[citation needed] and acting as babysitter to Jake's children with his late wife A. Claire, Joey Claire and Jude Harley. She had already begun drinking and possibly developed a dependency at this time, being prone to drunken and irresponsible behaviors.[citation needed]


John's meteor falling

A year later, Roxy found her daughter Rose Lalonde in a meteor impact crater and adopted her. Still carrying the freshly arrived baby in her arms a few months later, Roxy travelled across the United States to Washington in time for the arrival of another meteor, studying the celestial anomalies on behalf of her employer Harley. There she met a distinguished gentleman who made an attempt to greet herHS before he was distracted by the unceremonious destruction of his joke shop by meteor; Roxy left behind only her perfumed scarf.HS

She and her daughter lived in a futuristic home right by the laboratory containing her childhood room, and they presumably lived a comfortably wealthy lifestyle, enjoying various bizarre luxuries such as twenty foot tall granite wizard statues. A giant telescope in her houseHS presumably aided her in her job keeping track of astronomical phenomena. Given her work with Skaianet, she may have had some involvement in the development and release of Sburb; Rose later guesses that she knew the end was coming.HS

She is first seen in Homestuck looming drunkenly around the house.HS She and Rose engage in a round of strife wherein she gives her daughter a pony later dubbed Maplehoof.HS When the house is transported to the Land of Light and Rain she quickly flees the chalk island on a boat tied to a hidden pier behind the house, leaving a single martini behind.HS

Having docked her boat on another island in front of a cave, Roxy is later seenHS in combat with a huge underling beneath LOLAR, taking it down with ease despite its considerable size advantage. From there, she travels by transportalizer to the ectobiology lab in the Veil, where she briefly remained to set the ectobiology process up for John Egbert.[citation needed]

Dad and Mom date

Dad and Roxy.

From the Veil she rendezvoused with her employer aboard his flying battleship; among the ship's passengers was also a certain Washingtonian gentleman with whom she romantically reunited.HS The two were delivered to a castle on the Battlefield where Roxy was present for Mr. Egbert's near-reuniting with his son;HS they later began an intimate dinner over wine atop a carapacian castle,HS but their tryst was cut tragically short by the arrival of Jack Noir, who murdered both of the lovers.HS Her death would serve as a catalyst for her daughter's psychological breakdown and descent into grimdarkness.HS

Personality and traits[]

Roxy has a tense relationship with her daughter; Rose sees her as oblivious and unsupportive of her interests, instead showering the young girl in 'ironic' gifts out of mockery.HSHS The Lalonde home is filled with wizard memorabilia, which Rose interprets as cruelly poking fun at her interest in dark fantasy, and when the family cat Jaspers turned up dead during Rose's youth, Roxy held a formal funeral for the animal, which Rose saw as yet further deliberate taunting.[citation needed] Given the young Roxy's genuine love for cats and wizards, however, it seems that much of the conflict between the two Lalondes stems from misunderstanding, and that Roxy's commemoration of their pet's passing and of her love for magical storytelling came from genuine feeling. This artificially strained relationship mirrors that between John and his own adopted father, who share a love of comedy and pranksterism but are unable to properly communicate their preferences to each other.

The breakdown of communication between the Lalonde women likely stems in no small part from Roxy's alcoholism, gin or martinis being her preferred drink.HS Joey described her babysitter as a terrible role model despite her best efforts to the contrary.[citation needed]

Skills and abilities[]

Mom Hero

In Hero Mode

During Strife, Roxy's Blotto-Parry ability seemingly leverages her constant inebriation into a powerful defense against direct blows. She attacks by showering unwanted gifts on Rose and offering her alcohol in a show of poor parenting.

In more serious battles she seems to rely on martial arts as well as firepower, although we have never actually seen her using her gun in an encounter.



  1. Andrew Hussie. "Roxy loves wizards." Homestuck: Book 1: Act 1 & Act 2, p. 245. April 13, 2018.
  2. yeah, i have someone like that. / oh? / yeah, my babysitter. you'd love her! her name has an X in it, heheh Hiveswap: Act 1. September 14th, 2017.
  3. Andrew Hussie. "It never even comes close to being explicated in the story, but it is strongly implied this is where Rose's mom grew up. Though after the introduction of Roxy, and another reread, this probably becomes more obvious. Who raised her? Was it the owner of Skaianet, a younger grandpa Harley? Did he outsource parenting duties to someone else in the lab? Maybe some exiles? If so, she had an upbringing fairly similar to that of Roxy in the future. These mysteries have LEGS." Homestuck: Book 2: Act 3 & Intermission, p.106. July 10, 2018.
Homestuck Characters
Heir of Breath Breath Aspect Seer of Light Light Aspect Knight of Time Time Aspect Witch of Space Space Aspect
JohnLogo John Egbert RoseLogo Rose Lalonde DaveLogoSlashed Dave Strider JadeLogo Jade Harley
ectoBiologist [EB]
ghostyTrickster [GT]
tentacleTherapist [TT] turntechGodhead [TG] gardenGnostic [GG]
Maid of Life Life Aspect Rogue of Void Void Aspect Prince of Heart Heart Aspect Page of Hope Hope Aspect
JaneLogo Jane Crocker RoxyLogo Roxy Lalonde DirkLogo Dirk Strider JakeLogo Jake English
gutsyGumshoe [GG] tipsyGnostalgic [TG] timaeusTestified [TT] golgothasTerror [GT]
Maid of Time Time Aspect Page of Breath Breath Aspect Mage of Doom Doom Aspect Knight of Blood Blood Aspect
Aries Aradia Megido Taurus Tavros Nitram Gemini Sollux Captor Cancer Karkat Vantas
apocalypseArisen [AA] adiosToreador [AT] twinArmageddons [TA] carcinoGeneticist [CG]
Rogue of Heart Heart Aspect Sylph of Space Space Aspect Seer of Mind Mind Aspect Thief of Light Light Aspect
Leo Nepeta Leijon Virgo Kanaya Maryam Libra Terezi Pyrope Scorpio Vriska Serket
arsenicCatnip [AC] grimAuxiliatrix [GA] gallowsCalibrator [GC] arachnidsGrip [AG]
Heir of Void Void Aspect Bard of Rage Rage Aspect Prince of Hope Hope Aspect Witch of Life Life Aspect
Sagittarius Equius Zahhak Capricorn Gamzee Makara Aquarius Eridan Ampora Pisces Feferi Peixes
centaursTesticle [CT] terminallyCapricious [TC] caligulasAquarium [CA] cuttlefishCuller [CC]
Witch of Time Time Aspect Rogue of Breath Breath Aspect Heir of Doom Doom Aspect Seer of Blood Blood Aspect
Aries Damara Megido Taurus Rufioh Nitram Gemini Mituna Captor Kankri Vantas
Mage of Heart Heart Aspect Maid of Space Space Aspect Knight of Mind Mind Aspect Sylph of Light Light Aspect
Leo Meulin Leijon Virgo Porrim Maryam Libra Latula Pyrope Scorpio Aranea Serket
Page of Void Void Aspect Prince of Rage Rage Aspect Bard of Hope Hope Aspect Thief of Life Life Aspect
Sagittarius Horuss Zahhak Capricorn Kurloz Makara Aquarius Cronus Ampora Pisces Meenah Peixes
Muse of Space Space Aspect Lord of Time Time Aspect
Calliope symbol Calliope (Alt) Caliborn symbol Caliborn
uranianUmbra [UU] undyingUmbrage [uu]
Dad Roxy Lalonde
Dirk Strider
God Cat Rose Lalonde
Dave Strider
Jane Egbert Jaspers Lil Cal Jake Harley
John Crocker Mutie Lil Hal Jade English
Nannasprite Jaspersprite Calsprite
Arquiusprite Erisolsprite
Carapacians /
Wayward Vagabond Peregrine Mendicant Aimless Renegade Windswept Questant Writ Keeper
Jack Noir (B2) (Dead Session) Draconian Dignitary (B2) Hegemonic Brute Courtyard Droll
Midnight Crew
Spades Slick Diamonds Droog Hearts Boxcars Clubs Deuce
The Felt
Lord English Doc Scratch Snowman
Typheus Cetus Hephaestus Echidna
Hemera Nix Yaldabaoth Abraxas
Salamanders Turtles Crocodiles Iguanas
Imps Ogres Basilisks Liches Giclopses
Other Black QueenBlack KingSkaian armiesGenesis FrogLususAncestors (The Condesce)HorrorterrorsBetty CrockerColonel SassacreCaseyGuy FieriInsane Clown PosseMaplehoofRambunctious CrowHalleySerenityMSPA ReaderMs. PaintAndrew HussieSawtoothSquarewaveHis Honorable TyrannyCalliope and Caliborn's parentsAngelsFantrolls
Hiveswap and Hauntswitch
Playable Kids Joeysymbol Joey ClaireJudesymbol Jude Harley
Playable Trolls Ariborn Xefros TritohTaurcer Dammek
Supporting Humans Roxy LalondeJake HarleyA. ClaireMysterious Cult
Supporting Trolls Picen Trizza TethisAqualo Cridea JeevikAquamino FiametLibrist Idarat Catlaz
Troll Call Trolls Licer Tyzias EntykkScorist Mallek AdalovVirnius Daraya JonjetCapriun Barzum SoleilCaprimini Baizli SoleilSagicorn Nihkee MoolahCaprinius Chahut MaenadArrius Diemen XicaliTaurist Skylla KorigaGemittarius Folykl DaraneGemnius Kuprum MaxlolSagira Amisia ErdehnLeus Polypa GoezeeLibittarius Tegiri KalburLiblo Tirona KasundViriborn Lynera SkalbiScornius ElwurdSagicer Galekh XigisiTaurza Vikare RatiteLelo Boldir LamatiGemrius Cirava HermodLiga Tagora GorjekScormini Ardata CarmiaCaprist Marvus XolotoAro Fozzer VelyesLicen Stelsa SezyatVirmino Wanshi AdyataVirus Bronya UrsamaTaurra Chixie RoixmrSagimino Zebruh CodakkGemra Azdaja KnelaxLepia Konyyl OkimawCaprira Karako PierotArittarius Marsti HoutekVirsci Lanque BombyxScorgo Remele Namaaq
Other TesseractThe Lone GunbirdsGreen shadow monstersImperial DroneZoosmellCornibusterDoc Scratch
Concepts TrollExtended ZodiacCherub PortalAbilitechChittrScythianAchievements
Locations (Earth) HauntswitchHalf-Harley Manor
Locations (Alternia) OutglutDammek's hiveXefros' hiveCave hiveBeekeeper's hiveTrain
Acts Hiveswap: Act 1Hiveswap: Act 2Hiveswap: Act 3
Additional Media HomestuckHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest
The Player Mspa icon MSPA reader
Pesterable Homestuck characters
Volume 1 JohnLogo John Egbert
Volume 2 RoseLogo Rose Lalonde
Volume 3 DaveLogo Dave Strider
Volume 4 JadeLogo Jade Harley
Volume 5 Cancer Karkat VantasVirgo Kanaya Maryam
Volume 6 Capricorn Gamzee MakaraScorpio Vriska Serket
Volume 7 Sagittarius Equius ZahhakLibra Terezi Pyrope
Volume 8 Taurus Tavros NitramAries Aradia Megido
Volume 9 Leo Nepeta LeijonGemini Sollux Captor
Volume 10 Aquarius Eridan AmporaPisces Feferi Peixes
Volume 11 JaneLogo Jane Crocker
Volume 12 JakeLogo Jake English
Volume 13 RoxyLogo Roxy Lalonde
Volume 14 DirkLogo Dirk Strider
Supporting Characters DadRose's MomCryptid McWhiskersDave's BroBecquerelLusiiBoldir LamatiKarako PierotMarvus XolotoDoc ScratchThe CondesceBrobotRoxy's MomThe Director
Earth Locations Egbert and Crocker homeLalonde homeStrider homePacific islandHalf-Harley Manor
Alternia Locations Karkat's hiveKanaya's hiveGamzee's hiveVriska's hiveEquius's hiveTerezi's hiveTavros's hiveAradia's hiveNepeta's hiveSollux's hiveEridan's hiveFeferi's hiveOutglutDoc Scratch's Tower
Related Concepts HomestuckThe Homestuck EpiloguesHiveswap Friendship SimulatorTrollPesterchumThe TreasureChumroll