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Silas P Beauregard III is a young human living on Earth C in the Candy volume.

She first appeared in the Homestuck: Beyond Canon bonus story The Influencers.


Silas was raised by a mom and pa and accompanied them to various high-society events like fundraisers.HS2P At at least one of these events, Silas met Jane Crocker herself.HS2P

Through a series of shenanigans, Silas and her fellow students in the Human Kingdom - Avril Thorpe and Imode Kurita - are swept up into quietly influencing the events of the main characters' story, such as allowing them to get through a door into the clocktower. HS2P

Personality and traits[]

Compared to the other influencers, she seems to be the most comical so far, being quite the commentator on top of the sarcasm. Though she is brutally honest about most topics, she tends to be considerate when it comes to serious issues, showing empathy about Harry's stage fright, and though her opinion on Tavros might not be that positive, she did feel bad about his situation to some extent. She was fast to point out the good that came out of the whole photo situation, though with a bit of sarcasm. Compared to Avril and Imode, who got into a disagreement quite fast, she seems to avoid personal conflict more. She's quite observant.

Silas speaks in a noticeable Southern belle accent, likely due to an upper class upbringing.[citation needed] Out of all of the influencers, she is the most knowledgeable in matters of politics, law and religion.


Tavros Crocker[]

Silas doesn't particularly like Tavros Crocker all that much, but he is on her "ma’s list of eligible boys." However, following his implicationHS2 in the murder of Gamzee Makara, he's likely been taking off that list.

Avril Thorpe[]

Silas and Avril seem to get along well considering the sudden situation from what we have seen so far.

Imode Kurita[]

Other than her comment about Imode's apparent crush, they haven't actually conversed too much.
