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Candy, Epilogue Three is the third epilogue in the Candy narrative of The Homestuck Epilogues. It consists of chapters 14 to 15 of the Candy route.


  • Dirk, unable or unwilling to live in a timeline so removed from the grand design of canon, takes his own life, deeming his death Just. This, in part, contributes to his rise to power in the Meat timeline.
  • At Dirk’s funeral, Roxy and Dave give eulogies. Rose is about to give hers when Gamzee takes the stage instead. Few can bear to listen to his speech. Dave has a natural emotional reaction to the circumstances, and John considers using his retcon powers only to find they no longer work. Roxy proposes to John.
The Homestuck Epilogues
Epilogues Prologue Epilogues
Meat Meat Candy Candy
Meat, Epilogue One Meat Candy, Epilogue One Candy
Meat, Epilogue Two Meat Candy, Epilogue Two Candy
Meat, Epilogue Three Meat Candy, Epilogue Three Candy
Meat, Epilogue Four Meat Candy, Epilogue Four Candy
Meat, Epilogue Five Meat Candy, Epilogue Five Candy
Meat, Epilogue Six Meat Candy, Epilogue Six Candy
Meat, Epilogue Seven Meat Candy, Epilogue Seven Candy
Meat, Epilogue Eight Meat Candy, Epilogue Eight Candy
Meat, Postscript Meat Candy, Postscript Candy
Homestuck Characters John EgbertRose LalondeDave StriderJade HarleyJane CrockerRoxy LalondeDirk StriderJake EnglishAradia MegidoTavros NitramSollux CaptorKarkat VantasKanaya MaryamTerezi PyropeVriska SerketGamzee MakaraEridan AmporaFeferi PeixesAranea SerketMeenah PeixesDavepetasprite^2CalliopeAlt CalliopeCalibornLord English
Original Characters Harry Anderson EgbertVriska Maryam-LalondeTavros CrockerSwifer EggmopCliper BordenBarack Obama
Concepts CanonUltimate SelfTrollCherubEarth C
Related works HomestuckHomestuck: Beyond CanonHiveswapHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest