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MS Paint Adventures Wiki
Hiveswap Act 2 Menu Train

A train serves as the main location for Joey Claire and Xefros Tritoh's journey in Hiveswap: Act 2. The pair board the train bound for Jeevik Island to take part in the Jeevik Week event and meet Dammek's accomplice Cridea Jeevik; to arrive at the Island before the doomsday device goes off, they need to make their way through the train's caste-segregated cars to the cab and switch the vehicle over to the express track.

Concept and creation[]

Early concept art by M. Dyer shows that the blue and indigo castes would have initially shared a room in the same manner as the six castes beneath them, rather than the individual rooms stacked on top of each other present in the final game. In the concept art, the blue section of the second class car had a heavier nautical theme inspired by the historical blueblood Mindfang, while statues of musclebeasts had a much heavier presence in the indigo section.

Initial concepts for the purple caste's car were dark with blood stains across the walls fluorescing under a black light; other concept art indicates that this blacklighting effect may have appeared in other cars during the game's backtracking section.

Rust and bronze car[]

Rust car
Rust bridge

The bridge from the rust and bronze car to gold and olive.

Thanks to Xefros' caste, he and Joey board the train into the lowest class. Housing the most populous castes, this car is crowded - with Xefros suggesting a move to the lusus caboosus would allow the pair more room[1] - carrying 35 or 36 trolls in total depending on whether Chixie Roixmr boards. Of those trolls, five can be conversed with:

Gold and olive car[]

Gold car

Gold to j

Bridge from gold and olive to jade and teal.

This car is the second most crowded, carrying 21 in total, and has a hexagonal design motif. Konyyl Okimaw and Azdaja Knelax are blocking the way to the next car with an argument.

The interactive trolls in this car are:

Jade and teal car[]

Jade car

Teal to blue

From jade and teal to blue.

The interactive troll in this car are:

Marvus Xoloto also visits from the first class car.

The locks on the right side lockers in the jade/teal car resemble attorney's badges from the Phoenix Wright series.

Blue car[]

Cerulean car The interactive trolls in this car are:

This car is decorated with a scorpion motif, in fitting with the associated animal of the Scorpio sign.

Indigo car[]

Indigo car The interactive trolls in this car are:

Purple car[]

Purple train car

Blue to purp

From the blue car to purple.

Control bridge

Bridge to the cab.

This car is decorated with a clown idol resembling Gamzee Makara in his Bard of Rage garb. The juggalo face paint-like symbol of the Rage aspect also appears atop the altar.


Control car



  1. Aysha U. Farah. "we might be able to sneak into the lusus caboosus with deercat when we need to sleep... ive done it" Hiveswap: Act 2. November 25, 2020.