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MS Paint Adventures Wiki

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TabberCanonGrayedCanon • link=Tyzias Entykk/Dubiously Canon}}Dubiously Canon

Tyzias Entykk is a teal blooded troll living on Alternia during the time of Joey Claire's visit.

Her sign is Licer, sign of the Charmer, which has a Prospit sway and is bound to the Blood aspect.

Concept and creation[]

Tyzias was first revealed during the Hiveswap Troll Call event alongside Zebede Tongva on November 11th, 2017, kicking off the Troll Call event. Her bullet points were "sleeps once a week", "ask her about her controversial theories regarding traditional jurisprudence", and "that's not coffee". Her Troll Call card was one of the only cards to have its bullet points remain unchanged from December 6th, 2018.


Tyzias likely derives from Tisias, an Ancient Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Ancient Greek rhetoric, relating to her interests and role as a speaker.

Entykk may derive from the Polish counter-propaganda program Operation Antyk - Antyk being a Polish acronym for Antykomunistyczna, or 'anti-communist' - alluding to Tyzias' anti-establishment views. It could also derive from John Entick, whose involvement in the Entick v Carrington case was essential to established civil liberties and limiting executive power in the United Kingdom.


Tyzias appears in Hiveswap Act 2 in the Teal and Jade car. After Daraya is accused by Lynera of stealing the book "Fresh Teeth" and Marvus enters the car Tyzias suggest they try out her defense system idea. She and Joey work together as the defense and regardless of the trial ending she is satisfied with her experiment and it is revealed she knew the truth the whole time.


Daraya Jonjet[]

After Daraya is accused and a trial is suggested Tyzias suggest they use her defense idea which saves Daraya though she acts very apathetic about it.

Stelsa Sezyat[]

Stelsa and Tyzias seem to be having some relationship issues due to Tyzias' radical ideas that Stelsa is worried about. Tyzias also can be somewhat rude to Stelsa to "ruffle her feathers" because is keeps things "interesting." It is unclear how Stelsa feels about this. However, they are shown to care about each other a lot with Stelsa outright saying she loves Tyzias. They also flirt and make sexual innuendos towards each other in the no deaths rout of the trial and seem to really enjoy doing the trial together.

Tegiri Kalbur[]

Tyzias seems to find Tegiri very annoying and dislikes his bravado and anime persona.


Hiveswap and Hauntswitch
Playable Kids Joeysymbol Joey ClaireJudesymbol Jude Harley
Playable Trolls Ariborn Xefros TritohTaurcer Dammek
Supporting Humans Roxy LalondeJake HarleyA. ClaireMysterious Cult
Supporting Trolls Picen Trizza TethisAqualo Cridea JeevikAquamino FiametLibrist Idarat Catlaz
Troll Call Trolls Licer Tyzias EntykkScorist Mallek AdalovVirnius Daraya JonjetCapriun Barzum SoleilCaprimini Baizli SoleilSagicorn Nihkee MoolahCaprinius Chahut MaenadArrius Diemen XicaliTaurist Skylla KorigaGemittarius Folykl DaraneGemnius Kuprum MaxlolSagira Amisia ErdehnLeus Polypa GoezeeLibittarius Tegiri KalburLiblo Tirona KasundViriborn Lynera SkalbiScornius ElwurdSagicer Galekh XigisiTaurza Vikare RatiteLelo Boldir LamatiGemrius Cirava HermodLiga Tagora GorjekScormini Ardata CarmiaCaprist Marvus XolotoAro Fozzer VelyesLicen Stelsa SezyatVirmino Wanshi AdyataVirus Bronya UrsamaTaurra Chixie RoixmrSagimino Zebruh CodakkGemra Azdaja KnelaxLepia Konyyl OkimawCaprira Karako PierotArittarius Marsti HoutekVirsci Lanque BombyxScorgo Remele Namaaq
Other TesseractThe Lone GunbirdsGreen shadow monstersImperial DroneZoosmellCornibusterDoc Scratch
Concepts TrollExtended ZodiacCherub PortalAbilitechChittrScythianAchievements
Locations (Earth) HauntswitchHalf-Harley Manor
Locations (Alternia) OutglutDammek's hiveXefros' hiveCave hiveBeekeeper's hiveTrain
Acts Hiveswap: Act 1Hiveswap: Act 2Hiveswap: Act 3
Additional Media HomestuckHiveswap Friendship SimulatorPesterquest