MS Paint Adventures Wiki
MS Paint Adventures Wiki

Rust • Bronze • Gold • Lime • Olive • Jade • Teal • Blue • Indigo • Purple • Violet • Fuchsia

“Violet Signs are the universe's eccentrics. Forget marching to their own drummer-Violets built their own drum, and it's probably weird. A good deal of this is natural, but they also have a distinct bent toward contrariness. They are the sorts to give the popular thing a pass. Personable and outlandish, they are ready to make friends with anyone, although if they aren't careful their 'game for anything' attitude can come across as clingy or desperate. When their feelings are reciprocated, however, they are very loyal friends. Politics and humanitarian causes are often very important to Violet Signs, and they will turn their considerable inventive energy into a sort of noblesse oblige, happy to offer their nontraditional approaches to help others. At their very best Violet Signs are artistic and inspired, but they tread the fine line between genius and maniac. Too often their more esoteric interests can come across as perverse or untoward, and they can have a hard time holding their tempers, especially if they feel that they are being belittled or ignored. Intelligence is enormously attractive to Violet Signs, and often an intellectual connection is necessary for them to be attracted to a prospective partner.”
The Extended Zodiac

The violet blood caste is one of the twelve troll blood castes. The penultimate rung on the hemospectrum, the violet caste is higher than purple and succeeded only by fuchsia.

Concept and creation[]

During early development of Hiveswap, sea dwellers were envisioned as being "mariner-themed", some wearing swimsuits and using weapons suited to their aquatic lusii. As development went on, however, the sea dwellers were given more individualised personalities to suit the rarity of the caste, leading them to have a much less defined theme than the other castes appearing in the series.[1]


This caste has been referred to as PURPLIER than purpleHS and as royal bloodHS, a distinction it sharesHS with fuchsia. The name 'violet' first appeared on coloUrs and mayhem: Universe A, and was again used on the Extended Zodiac.

Kankri Vantas refers toHS members of this caste as R9yal-Vs, referencing their royal nature and possibly the first letter of the word violet.

Extended Zodiac Signs[]

Prospit Derse
Time Aquarist
The Renegade
The Heroic
Space Aquago
The Esoteric
The Campaigner
Void Aquittanius
The Elegant
The Enigma
Light Aquapio
The Maverick
The Eccentric
Mind Aquara
The Contrarian
The Politic
Heart Aqualo
The Puppeteer
The Obsessive
Rage Aquicorn
The Tempest
The Hedonist
Hope Aquanius
The Magician
(True) Aquarius
The Zealous
Doom Aquamino
The Tilted
The Idiosyncratic
Life Aquasci
The Charitable
The Offbeat
Blood Aquacer
The Foretold
The Avant-Garde
Breath Aquius
The Whimsical
The Spontaneous

Row 1: Aquarius, Aquiborn, Aquittarius, Aquapia, Aquaza, Aquaga, Aquo, Aquacen, Aquamini, Aquiun, Aquaries, and Aquasces.
Row 2: Aquanius, Aquicorn, Aquittanius, Aquapio, Aquara, Aquago, Aqualo, Aquacer, Aquamino, Aquius, Aquarist, and Aquasci.




Other depictions[]

In Hiveswap Friendship Simulator (Dubiously Canon)[]


  1. James Roach. "...the sea dwellers in general, they don't have a particular caste theme, other than they live in the sea. Originally they did, it was all they were going to be weirdly mariner-themed, and stuff like that. Which is why the original design of Cridea, you see her in this swimsuit, and she's got the Mega Man cannon, because she's based off of a pistol shrimp. And I think that her lusus is a pistol shrimp. But as time went on, it's like, well there's so few of them, having a caste theme like that is kind of, they're a lot more individual, you know. Because all we ever see is Eridan and Feferi..." SAHcon these Q and A's and then hiveswap preview at like 3:45 - Twitch. July 22, 2023.