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Homestuck's writer hard at work.
MS Paint Adventures was created by writer and artist Andrew Hussie, and initially the entire webcomic was his solo creative project. While Jailbreak, Bard Quest, Problem Sleuth and Homestuck were authored solely by Hussie, as Homestuck's spin-offs have expanded into other media and canons, various external writers have been brought in to work on these projects, often working to a loose outline penned by Hussie. These writers have generally been either employed by Homestuck media company What Pumpkin Studios, or else are brought on as independent contractors, and are often recruited from the MSPA fan community.
This page lists members of the MSPA/Homestuck media writing team in alphabetical order.
Adelaide Killigan[]
- Main article section: Tech team § Adelaide Killigan
Alex Rofael[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Soul-Fraying Games", "Lalondian Tourism", "Hospitality", "Mother & Grub", "Garbage Day", "Antiquated Japesterism", and "Birds and Bees"
Andrew Hussie[]
- Main article: Andrew Hussie
Along with creating various projects prior to MS Paint Adventures and the entirety of the MSPA comics Jailbreak, Bard Quest, Problem Sleuth, and Homestuck, and being the story director for all following Homestuck-related media, he has been credited with:
- Writing for the Paradox Space comics "You Have a Feeling It's Going to Be a Long Day", "Quality Time", "The Inaugural Death of Mister Seven", "Vrisky Business"
- Writing additional dialogue by Dave for Paradox Space's "Summerteen Romance"
- Creative director for Namco High
- Presenter, writer, and executive producer for Hiveswap: Act 1
- Director for Hiveswap Friendship Simulator and writer for Volume 1
- Writing for Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff and the Quest for the Missing Spoon
- Executive producer for Pesterquest and writer for Magic Is Fucking Real
- Primary writer for The Homestuck Epilogues
- Director and writer for Homestuck^2: Beyond Canon
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
The author for Cirava Hermod's route in Volume 2 chose to remain anonymous and is not credited in the game.
The author for Pesterquest's It Came From Space is credited as Anonymous 2.0, likely to differentiate them from the author of Cirava's route.
Arden Ripley[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Go Fetch"
Aysha U. Farah[]
- Main article: Aysha U. Farah
Bea Munoz[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Can Town in Trouble"
Benito Cereno[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Critical Miss" and "Indemnity Double Reacharound"
Cee L. Kyle[]
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Writing for Volume 3's Bronya route, Volume 5's Zebruh route, Volume 7's Remele route, Volume 11's Lynera route, and Volume 17's Daraya route
Chris Hastings[]
- Hiveswap
- Additional writing for Act 1
- The Homestuck Epilogues
- Primary writer
- Hiveswap
- Other
Cohen Edenfield[]
- Music albums
- Concept and writing for Homestuck Vol. 10 trailer
- Hiveswap
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Producer for Volume 1
Daria Yeliseyeva (Xamag)[]
- Main article section: Art team § Daria Yeliseyeva (Xamag)
Daisy McGuire[]
- Main article section: Art team § Daisy McGuire
David Turnbull (TraceExcalibur)[]
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Primary developer
- Writer for Volume 10's Tegiri route, Volume 12's Tirona route, and Volume 17's Nihkee route
- UI designer
- Game design and programming for Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 7, Volume 10, Volume 17
- Pesterquest
- Reuse of game engine created for Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Writer for The Loneliest Girl in the World and Glimmering Gold and Cold Iron
- UI designer
- Game design and programming for the Prologue, Volume 2, Volume 4, Volume 6, and Volume 8
- Other
- Writing for Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff and the Quest for the Missing Spoon
- Initial sketch for Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff and the Quest for the Missing Spoon's cover
Evin Weston[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "The Viceroy and the Lady Grimme"
- Hiveswap
- Scripting for Act 2
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Notes
- Aysha U. Farah's father
- Pesterquest
- Writer for Fight Me, Fuckboy
- Other
- Art for "[GRIEF]", "hors", and "Juju Breaker" on Land of Fans and Music 4
Hanni Brosh[]
- Main article section: Art team § Hanni Brosh
James Roach[]
- Main article: James Roach
Jennifer Giesbrecht (Cephied_Variable)[]
- The Homestuck Epilogues
- Primary writer
- Hiveswap
- Scripting for Act 2
Jess Haskins[]
- Hiveswap
- Additional writing for Act 1
John Girard[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Three out of Five Hats"
Jonathan Griffiths[]
- Main article section: Art team § Jonathan Griffiths
Kate Mitchell[]
- Hiveswap
- Marketing copywriter for Act 2
- Pesterquest
- Writer for The Scourge Of The High Seas
- Homestuck^2
- Writer and director (former)
KC Green[]
- Main article section: Art team § KC Green
Kieran Miranda[]
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Writer for Volume 9's Azdaja route, Volume 13's Stelsa route, Volume 15's Charun route, and Volume 18's Barzum & Baizli route
Kory Bing[]
- Main article section: Art team § Kory Bing
Lalo Hunt[]
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Writer for Volume 4's Tagora route, Volume 8's Tyzias route, Volume 12's Galekh route, Volume 15's Wanshi route, and the Epilogue
- Pesterquest
- Writer for Begin The Friendship Process, Friendship Wozard, Just Go Ahead Now, and the Afterw@rd
- The Homestuck Epilogues
- Additional contributions
- Homestuck^2
- Writer and director
Magdalena Clark[]
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Pesterquest
- Writer for I Have Plenty Of Friends and *Double pistols and a wink*
Mary Borsellino[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "The Town Mouse and the Country Music", "Damara", "A Friend in Need", and "Lady Grimme and the Red Knight"
Matt Boyd[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "Deadline Day"
Matthew Olsen[]
- Hiveswap
- Scripting for Act 2
- Homestuck: Beyond Canon
- Writer
Paul Dochney[]
- Hiveswap
- Additional writing for Act 1
- Notes
- Has publishing rights to dril's tweets
Peter West[]
- Hiveswap
- Scripting for Act 2
Phil Gibson (Poinko)[]
- Main article: Phil Gibson
Pip Dillistone[]
- Main article section: Art team § Pip Dillistone
Rachel Rocklin[]
- Paradox Space
- Story for "A Fun Day for Bec", "A Fun Day for GCat", "Party Crashers", and "A Fun Day for Jaspers"
Ryan North[]
- Hiveswap
- Additional writing for Act 1
- Notes
- Star of Ryanquest and The Vigil Prince
Sarah Zedig[]
- Pesterquest
- Writer for A Fair Trial
Taz (optimisticDuelist)[]
- Homestuck^2
- Writer and director (former)
Thomas Carr[]
- Pesterquest
- Writer for Life In The Dreamhouse
- Hiveswap Friendship Simulator
- Homestuck Epilogues
- Refined the manuscript that Jennifer Giesbrecht wrote[1]
Zack Morrison[]
- Main article section: Art team § Zack Morrison