MS Paint Adventures 中文維基
關於該角色的刻痕後版本,請見John Crocker

John Egbert 是 Homestuck的主要角色之一。根據這一頁HSZHHS icon,他直到他13歲生日才賦予名字,但這只是介紹角色的標準程序。在那之前,他在網路上的網名為"幽靈搗蛋鬼 -ghostyTrickster(john)"。 當在故事中原本要給他動物園味大便王(Zoosmell Pooplord)HSZHHS icon這個名字,但當輸入這個名字時,遊戲拒絕這個名字並給了"John"這個名字。

John使用Pesterchum這個聊天軟體來和他的朋友們聯繫,他的網名原本是"幽靈搗蛋鬼 ghostyTrickster"但為了躲避那些troll們而改名HSZHHS icon"外胚生物學家 ectoBiogist"。奇怪的是,他是用其中一位troll建議HSZHHS icon來改名字的。

他的神化頭銜可能是他古典元素的雙關語,因為將兩個詞前後對換就會變成「風之氣息」(breath of air)。

他的網路瀏覽器是 Typheus(泰風),而在希臘神話中Typheus剛好也是與Jade的瀏覽器" Echidna"(厄客德娜)同名的神的伴侶。




John在嬰兒時期經由隕石抵達地球導致HSZHHS icon一個女人的死亡,而John一直以來以為那個女人是他的奶奶,但她其實是他的外胚生物學母親。他被他的半個兄弟收養長大,而John一直以來把他當成「爸爸」。在他童年中的某些時間點,Gamzee用他的**竊喜巫毒力量**HSZHHS icon讓一個看起來像戴上三重雛型化戒指的Jack NoirHSZHHS icon娃娃出現在繁華國度上John的夢房間。這導致他在睡眠期間夢遊到處在牆上畫小丑塗鴉,但在他清醒的時候看不到那些塗鴉。John的爸爸因此以為小丑是John的愛好,為了跟John有話題而對小丑起了興趣,但並沒有了解到John其實很討厭他們。

他和跟他同年的小孩在網路上成為了朋友:Rose LalondeDave StriderJade Harley。關於他們如何成為朋友的資訊很少,除了John和Jade在John某次生日的第一次談話HSZHHS icon。他們四個都將一起去玩Sburb。在Jade的生日HSZHHS icon,John被troll騷擾HSZHHS icon後決定將他的網路暱稱從""幽靈搗蛋鬼 ghostyTrickster""改成""外胚生物學家 ectoBiologist""。


故事開始於他的生日,同時他的Sburb遊戲拷貝也送到他的家。他還從Dave那邊得到HSZHHS icon一隻超讚的兔子。他跟Rose是第一個在Sburb連接HSZHHS icon上的玩家,Rose也是他的服務端玩家。


John用爸爸在生日送給他的丑角雛型化他的核心精靈HSZHHS icon後,他的房子周圍的區域被隕石砸中,並被火焰吞沒。他咬了一口HSZHHS icon原石蘋果而進入中界,讓房子傳送到岩柱上,避免遭到徹底破壞。岩柱的所在地是風與影之地,是Sburb為他的個人任務所準備的環境。

他的爸爸在進入遊戲時就被綁架了,導致他在中界初期的唯一嚮導是Nannasprite,以及腦內四處漂泊的流浪者的聲音。他的房子也被頁岩魔精佔據了。John花了一段時間在自己的房子裡,四處和魔精與食人魔戰鬥後,他到達HSZHHS icon了第一道,而被傳送到風影地的表面。他開始探索HSZHHS icon自己的星球並和一些Troll們說話。

Terezi在John還沒有準備好時騙他HSZHHS icon嘗試挑戰自己的永住者,結果創造出一條John被殺的時間線。Dave最終回到過去阻止了他。那條時間線上死掉的John後來在夢泡沫遇到HSZHHS icon死掉的Vriska,他們約會了一段時間,然後分手了。這個John最後被英格利希領主消滅了。

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儘管Terezi欺騙他,John還是決定再次相信她,然後飛向第二道門HSZHHS icon,傳送到Rose的家。Rose當時在睡覺,所以他拿走了Rose要給自己的生日禮物:兔子,長得很像Dave送給他的那個。John等Rose醒來等到厭煩,所以他便離開去探索光與雨之地,然後找到一個有傳送器小島HSZHHS icon,讓他前往帳幔帶。他在這裡進行了一些外胚生物學程序,創造出孩子們和他們的監護人HSZHHS icon(當中也包含了John自己)作為悖論克隆還送給他們禮物。

最初John的夢人格大部分時間都在睡覺,有時候會短暫睜眼醒來和夢遊。這種情形在Jack Noir開始總結算攻擊繁華之地HSZHHS icon才有改變,同時也導致月亮脫離軌道。夢Jade嘗試叫醒John,後來犧牲自己拯救John免於死亡。夢John在天體碰撞後醒來,並在蒼穹之地的戰場上找到自己殞落的朋友HSZHHS icon臉部朝下倒地。他從Jade那裏拿走了白皇后戒指,然後在雲中預視了他的目的地。

同時,John的另一個自己睡在帳幔帶裡,並被蠻荒之地權力履行者拯救。在戰場上他透過包裹女郵官從Jade手上收到了自己的生日禮物HSZHHS icon,就和他收到的其他禮物一樣是同一隻兔子,但是這次的被使用機械升級增強。他和Jack Noir對峙,Jack以為兔子會繼續幫他,結果他錯了。Jack隨後逃跑,而John繼續在戰場上徘徊。很快他就遇到HSZHHS icon自己的和Rose的,但是與他們團聚前,John就被Vriska的能力叫醒,並失去了皇后的戒指。

他和Vriska成為朋友,她對John一定要做的事提出建議;她所有的悖論努力都在背後為Jack Noir的上升和最後的(至少在她心中)敗北推了一把。John取回了Sburb伺服器拷貝和Jade連線,但是他在雛型化Jade的核心前,被Vriska送回去睡覺。後來他面臨致命危機,Jack Noir正在使用新取得的首席守護者力量,用綠色火焰摧毀風影地。

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在WV的幫助下,他決定使用自己的風之力量HSZHHS icon使出風的玩意兒,撲滅了風影地上的火勢。然後,在Vriska的建議下,他睡在自己的試煉之床上讓自己被Jack Noir殺害HSZHHS icon,接著讓自己的夢人格神化

John用自己的新型態和巫師從僕穿越蒼穹之地,然後到地心拿回腫瘤。他碰到帶著麗芙泰勒的宮庭滑稽,拿到了傻呼呼戰鎚。他吩咐麗芙、CD?和WV?前往蠻荒之地並把腫瘤放在月亮上,然後把自己的皮夾給WV?,結果卻忘記自己的寇斯比筆記型電腦還在皮夾裡,Jade後來傳訊息告知他爸爸的死亡HSZHHS icon

John發現黑化Rose下降到城堡裡,而她的母親和John的父親都在那裡被殺害。重聚後Rose 嘗試解說情況,但是卻只能用幽冥陰森的語調說話。Rose把John帶到城堡頂端,也是他家人喪命的地方,然後John遇到Jack NoirHSZHHS icon,但是決鬥一開始Jack馬上刺穿了John。由於他的死並非應報式或英雄式,他隨後復活,結果只找到死掉的Rose。遵循Vriska的建議,他親吻了Rose,讓她的夢人格生存下去。接著,他照著Karkat的命令到了熱與齒輪之地。在Karkat的視角中這是他第一次騷擾John的地方HSZHHS icon



未來的Karkat解釋如何啟動刻痕而John成功了HSZHHS icon。然後他被傳送到剛神化的Jade旁邊,並觀察到Jade履行了厄客德娜的請求穿越第四道牆到新進程。


John開始在繁華戰艦上穿越黃色尺碼時,Jade透露HSZHHS icon前往刻痕後進程的旅程需要花上三年。她讓John選擇HSZHHS icon是否要把自己送到troll們的隕石,這樣接下來的幾年他就能陪Dave, Rose和troll們,但他拒絕了,因為Jade不能陪伴他,他也不想拋棄Jade。作為代替,他寄了一封信HSZHHS icon給隕石組。

後來在夢泡沫中HSZHHS icon他遇到Bec Noir,然後開始短暫的戰鬥,John給了Jack重擊然後逃跑。他徘徊在沙漠時,在沙中發現一枚金戒指並拾起。Tavros宣稱那枚戒指是他的,但是他們的所有權爭奪被Vriska的到來打斷。


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在戰艦繼續航行到新進程時,John維持睡眠的狀態並再次遇到HSZHHS iconVriska、Tavros以及其他死去的troll們。他進入形似骷髏(特別像是智天使的頭顱)的洞穴後,找到了寶藏,然後John把自己的手伸進裡面HSZHHS icon。在Homestuck過去的面板中,John的手臂出現了很多次。接著他的夢境投影消失了,醒來的人格開始在其他許多面板上瘋狂傳送。最後他停在塚氙地並四處徘徊,後來隕石組(除了Gamzee)被傳送到他的面前HSZHHS icon





回到B2進程,他發現自己身處在災難性的大屠殺肆虐後的地方。在找人問發生什麼事時,他偶然發現Dirk Strider被無序的故障吞噬,以及還活著的Roxy抱著瀕死的Rose。John跟她們來到金氖地,然後站在Rose旁聽她的遺言。兩人討論了他們目前的狀況有多可怕,結果被受傷墜地的Terezi打斷,然後她走向John並用頭撞他,命令他"F1X TH1S"





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John看起來在探索Act 7後創造的新世界,尤其是和朋友年復一年地一起慶祝自己的生日。John最後收到Caliborn的挑戰並接受了。這可能暗示Caliborn的傑作中的事件是如何導致的。


多年後的未來(但並不久遠),John用了他的追溯連貫性力量和Homestuck孩子一起對抗Caliborn,但是他和beta孩子們被吸入Caliborn的房子形juju,還可能永遠被困住了。Act 7的事件中暗示Vriska在英格利希領主面前把他們全部釋放出來。




John's physical appearance could be described as a kid with black messy hair. He has an obvious nerdy look about him, a trait inherited from his ectobiological mother. His outfit has a picture of what appears to be Slimer from Ghostbusters, but is in fact a Japanese knock-off.

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John's interests are movies (especially Con Air), web comics, and video games. He enjoys paranormal lore, practical japery, and magic tricks, the latter of which he also performs. He owns a computer and likes to make programs, no matter how bad they may be. He also has a long-standing hatred of the Betty Crocker brand and can play the piano quite well.

His room has various items to suggest his hobbies, such as a Magic Chest filled with trick objects. His walls are littered with posters of movies, web comics, and video games. One example of a real-world videogame that John has played is Crash BandicootHSZHHS icon. Notably, this collection of items, when colored, are typically green, but John associates with the color blue.

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Be the hero.

John tends to be a bit of a goofball, making bad jokes and using off-beat humor and subtle irony. He tends to be passive in nature, complying with commands not because they made logical sense, but because he was told to. His "optimism through stalwart skepticism" causes his friends think of him as the leader, while he prefers just being their friend.

From Dave's description, John is the kind of person who generally does not get emotionally wavered by events that would drive others to the brink, but instead gets riled up and irrationally stubborn over ridiculous minutia, to the amusement or confusion of others. This is proven true on a number of occasions throughout the comic, as he is shown to react calmly and appropriately during some of the more traumatic events of their session, but loses his mind when he briefly loses interest in Con Air. In a sense, he is one of the most innocent characters in the comic.

John is more prone to bad ideas than his friends and is made the butt of a lot of jokes when chatting with them through Pesterchum. He also celebrates the birthdays of his friends, sending them gifts. John has a tendency to be given commands about making noises and shitting on things. Fortunately, he hasn't complied with any of these, though he often seems to consider them against his better judgement.

John is by far one of the most inventive of the main characters; from the beginning, he shows more innovative prowess in combining items than any of the others, even before the introduction of the alchemiter; he demonstrates this with his poster-nailing and harlequin-funniness-amplifying abilities. He is the most grounded of the main characters, contrasting Rose's bookish, logical demeanor, Dave's unceasing pursuit of transcendent irony, and Jade's air-headed, scatterbrained antics. He is also the kindest - Rose is generally very cold emotionally, Dave is quite willing to put the pursuit of irony before consideration for others, and Jade's ideas of kindness tend to be a bit odd, although not out of actual malice.

John proves to be quite generous and spends more time than the others helping his Consorts. This is in special contrast to Rose who actively antagonizes them and intentionally sets about destroying her own planet once she learns their session is null and Dave, who appears to have disregarded them entirely when he wasn't stealing all of their money through the LOHAC Stock Exchange. His post-scratch self is described by Dirk as being "a real kindly old cornball" and that "a nicer guy you couldn't hope to meet".

He also has a strong propensity for self-described "HILARIOUS ANTICS", and has all of the points on his Prankster's Gambit. All of them. Although Rose and Dave both frequently take potshots at the quality of his jokes and pranks, he appears to have a genuine talent for comedy, as his post-scratch self became a world-famous comedian.



Dave, Rose and Jade are John's best friends, and have been for quite some time. None of their feelings for each other has changed since the session has started, although he does think Rose has gotten "crazier," and has half-jokingly sworn to rescue her from the clutches of evil caused by her commune with the deep ones. John is seen to have a close sibling relationship with Jade, as he refused to leave her alone and stayed with her on the ship for 3 years. John does think that Dave is cool, but only says this between him and Dave as seen in the birthday note he sent him. On multiple occasions, Dave has described the two of them as "best bros."

He appears to be nervous about Karkat's idea of him marrying Rose; although John has brought up the shipping grid and marrying Rose on quite a few occasions, despite his supposed hesitance. Additionally, around the time of Seer: Descend, John began to show multiple signs of having a romantic crush on Rose. His reactions to Jade asking him if he was "in love with Rose" on this pageHSZHHS icon also suggest this. However, after meeting her again three years later, John no longer behaves this way around her.

Roxy Lalonde[]

Mirroring the aforementioned romantic crush John may have had on Rose as well as the relationship between Rose's Mom and Dad Egbert, Roxy's crush on Jake, and even Roxy's crush on Jane's Dad, John and Roxy hit it off upon meeting - John attempts to keep them entertained, and Roxy makes a mental note to mack on John, considering him "possible boyfriend material." When they met again on Roxy's planet after the events of [S] GAME OVER, John attempted to comfort Roxy. Terezi insisted that his awkward goodbyes displayed "P41NFULLY 3V1D3NT ROM4NT1C T3NS1ON". They meet again after John finishes his quest and discuss what to do next in terms of the main plot. After several timeline-related shenanigans, Roxy is visibly happy to see John return to LOWAS. John hands the ring of life over to an especially happy Roxy, and they in turn grab John's hand as they venture onward into what can only be assumed to be even more timeline related shenanigans. John describes Roxy to Dave as "really nice" and "fun and easy to talk to". John also stated that he felt worse for Roxy after the catastrophic events that he witnessed than they felt for himself. After John tells Dave about his experiences with Roxy, Dave notes these highly probable romantic feelings, telling John that "it sounds like you like her", to which John responds "maybe".

In [S] ACT 7 he is seen walking with Roxy and Calliope.

Jake English[]

John quickly develops a friendly relationship with Jake when they meet - they have, among other similarities, a common fondness for movies and similar personalities. John invites Jake to join him, Rose, and Roxy in making plans for dealing with the villains, likely so that he can spend more time with him. John's stated that Jake strikes him as "a nice regular dude who likes movies and stuff".

Karkat Vantas[]

John's relationship with Karkat had become a duo of hate and friendship. John now enjoys all of Karkat's hate-filled rants because of the sheer "insane trolling" Karkat is capable of. While not his patron troll, Karkat has trolled him backward through almost every step of his journey. After he finished his backward trolling, Karkat's feelings toward John became far less antagonistic, and he has even apologized for all his bad behavior to him and his friends. John considers Karkat to be his favorite troll.

Terezi Pyrope[]

John's talks with Terezi have been strained at best. The first time they talked, Terezi threatened to kill him as a prank, which caused him to change his Pesterchum handle. Later on, he gets involved in Terezi's plot to mess up the timeline, although they constantly antagonized each other. Since Dave has started working together with Terezi, she has stopped talking to John for the most part, as Vriska became his new patron troll.

Having met up after the bloodbath on LOFAF, the two of them began scheming to use John's powers to "F1X TH1S". Although their plot was successful, Terezi and John still appear to be on bad terms, with Terezi calling him a "N3RD" and making belittling remarks, and John thinking that she's been pranking him, also frequently calling her either weird or insane. After John explains to Dave his interactions with Terezi hereHSZHHS icon, Karkat insists that John has a caliginous crush on Terezi, although John argues that humans cannot have those kinds of relations. Dave, however, supports Karkat's claim, saying that "karkat knows his shit when it comes to quadrants". John later has mixed feelings about the idea, denying that he is black for her but heavily implying otherwise. It is possible that Terezi returns John's black feelings (or has some sort of other feelings for him), supported when she says to Vriska, "N3V3R N3V3R N3V3R T3LL H1M 1 S41D TH1S BUT FOR 4 DORK, H3'S..."HSZHHS icon, and does not finish her sentence. Later, John and Terezi have a conversation, which, although we don't get to see what they say, seems to be filled with black flirting and trading insults. When Terezi leaves, John retorts with  "BYE, IDIOT!!!!!!!" and then blushes as Roxy looks at him.

Kanaya Maryam[]

John has talked to Kanaya twice: first (from John's perspective) months in the past, and second during Sburb through Rose's account. John said she was "kinda cool" after their first conversation.

Aradia Megido[]

John has twice talked to Aradia since joining Vriska's pirate crew. The first time he was introduced to her, he questioned her ghostliness, to which she responded with her claim to being alive. The second time, he asked her about her opinions on Vriska's crew's adventure. However, her response, to which John replied "you are all so insane!", seemed to have creeped him outHSZHHS icon.

Vriska Serket[]

John's relationship with Vriska is a very complex one. It seems to fluctuate between admiring and disliking her. At first, Vriska decided to help John on his quest as a means of competing with Terezi, who was helping Dave. Vriska was very bossy and a controlling of John at first, which he found mildly annoying, but still enjoyed talking with her. Vriska and John's feelings continued to develop; John used more of her typing quirk to please her, Vriska made an outfit for John that she said made him totally hot, and John showed her Nicolas Cage, who became her fangirl crush. However, after Vriska killed Tavros, Vriska opened up with more of her feelings than she had with anybody else. She held John's opinion of her in the highest respect, fearing that he would be angry with her. She has told John about not only her remorse for the killing of Tavros and others, but how her views of killing compared to those of troll society, how much she admired humans for being weaker but nicer, and her entire background. Though he was a bit freaked out after hearing that Vriska had murdered twice and killed thousands to feed her Lusus, he didn't seem to think less of her after receiving the shock.

John was shown to still care about Vriska's wellbeing afterward, and Vriska reciprocated these feelings, hoping that John would get strong enough to stop Jack and protect his friends in case she died trying to fight him. Before her death, Vriska asked John out on a date, confirming that Vriska's feelings for John were red after all. John accepted, but Vriska was killed by Terezi, leaving a visibly shaken Karkat to look through their last pesterlog and respond through her account. After switching to his own account, he asked John if he genuinely liked Vriska, upon which John confirmed he did—prompting Karkat to withhold the information of Vriska's death and the specifics of Gamzee's rampage "for now" to avoid distracting John from the important tasks at hand.

During the ride to the new session, John claimed to no longer care much about romance. When Jade asked what this meant about Vriska, he said he barely rememberedHSZHHS icon what he and Vriska talked about, and that is was a bit silly to base a romance on just a day's worth of conversations. John referred to her as "that troll girl who was sort of into me", suggesting that he forgot about Vriska somewhat, but when he talked to Meenah a little later, he asks her if she has seen Karkat or Vriska (the only two trolls he really got to know well) around, showing that John does remember her more than his conversations with Jade suggested.

He later met Vriska's ghost in dream bubbles twice, and after seeing she was using the other dead trolls' ghosts as bait to defeat 英格利希領主, he began to be somewhat disturbed by her, considering her to be dangerous. John confessed to Roxy that he was beginning to think he might actually "kind of hate her", and went so far as to call her "diabolical". However, during John's retcon shenanigans, he interferes during Terezi and Vriska's standoff. Per future Terezi's directions, he prevents Vriska's death by punching her in the face, showing no hesitation in punching her nor in preventing her death. Soon afterward, he does apologize to the unconscious Vriska for punching her, and admits that it will be neat to meet her alive self, showing that his former hatred for her either diminished over time or was vented out in that punch. After arriving in the new timeline with Roxy, John is happy to see Vriska, saying that "[her], um, *ways* probably are more valuable to have here, in the land of the living", and complimentsHSZHHS icon her thought-out plan for taking on all the threats in the session.



  • John is the only human kid whose death before ascending to god tier was not by an explosion.
  • John's title "Heir of Breath" may be a play on "Inherit the Wind"
    • John's god tier hood heavily resembles a wind sock.
    • Breath may be used interchangeably with air, a homophone of Heir.
    • It may also be a play on words of his favorite movie, Con Air (Con Heir).
  • John may be named for James Dallas Egbert III, a student at Michigan State University who was incorrectly alleged to have disappeared into the school's steam tunnels for reasons related to the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). John's last name may also be a reference to Ebert, the movie critic, which would be connected to his love of movies. You would have to ask Cuttlefish, the user who originally named him on the MSPA forum here to see which or if something completely different.
  • John has a severe allergy to peanuts, shown hereHSZHHS icon. Jake shares this allergy.
  • John's current screen name, ectoBiologist, has the initials EB which refers to EarthBound, one of the video games that inspired Andrew Hussie to do Homestuck as stated in Book 1 of Homestuck.
    • He is the only character whose screen name has changed at some point.
    • Coincidentally, his screen name also happens to have the same first letters of the two syllables of his last name (Egbert).
  • His address (21605 Fir Dr, Maple Valley, Washington) is a real place.
  • In one of his pesterlogsHSZHHS icon with Dave, the word "white" was changed to "Íæûë€Å" (part of it was removed; it tripped the spam filter with a particular character), until being changed back.
  • This pageHSZHHS icon confirms that John has a cowlick.
  • This pageHSZHHS icon and this pageHSZHHS icon are a reference to Ghostbusters, where a cart chases a slimer down a hall when provoked by Stantz, where in the panel shows John (Cart) crashing into the wall when holding onto Jade (Stantz), who was following Jaspers (Slimer). When the slimer hit the wall, it revealed a green slime covering it, similar to the pink slime left by Jaspers.
    • John's ghost slime shirt is a fictional Asian knock-off of the ghost slime from Ghostbusters. More info on that here
    • He wears black boxers with ghost slimes in ACT 6.
  • The name "Zoosmell" is a reference to some of Andrew Hussie's older blurbs, named Zoosmells.
  • Along with Karkat's Sicklekind specibus, John's Hammerkind specibus is symbolic of communism. They were both the leaders of their respective sessions. This was later directly referencedHSZHHS icon by Dave.
  • On the first pageMspa icon of Homestuck Beta, it says John was born on April 10 and was 10 years old. In the final version of Homestuck, he was born on April 13, and were 13 years old.
    • This would have made his original patron troll  Nepeta Leijon instead of Vriska Serket.
      • There are only 8 pages in Homestuck Beta, John's patron troll is the eighth sign. This is the possible reason why Andrew Hussie decided to make Homestuck come out on 4/13 instead.
  • John is depicted on the "XII: the Hanged Man" card, the "XVII: The Star" card with Rose, the "XIX: The Sun" card with WV, and on the "XXI: The World" card with all four B1 kids in the Homestuck Tarot card deck. He can also be seen on the "Five of Wands" card with most of the pre-act 6 cast.
  • John is the only Beta kid to not have had an alternate self prototyped into a sprite at some point.
  • Considering Jane Crocker is related to Betty Crocker (a.k.a The Condesce) this would technically mean that John is also related to other members of the Peixes family such as Feferi and Meenah.
    • John being a Heir of Breath may also be a reference to this, since juvenile fuchsia bloods that are waiting to become the next rulers of Alternia are refereed to as heirs/heiresses.
    • Both the Breath and Life signs appear to be flipped versions of each other and compliment each other in a way. (In order to be alive you need to breath and vice versa.) John and Jane are both the leaders of their groups and destined to be leaders just like their fuschia blooded relatives.
  • In the credits during Rose and Kanaya's wedding, you can spot John in Trickster Mode.
  • Based upon his birthday, aspect, and lunar sway, John's Extended Zodiac sign is Arus, the Wanderer
  • When the first of Andrew Hussie's hidden Toblerones was discovered, the fan who found it tweeted that the fan theory that John is actually a trans woman named June Egbert should be made canon. Hussie responded with "you were the first to find my treasure, and so it will be done" How exactly this will affect official Homestuck media is yet to be seen.


  • John的家
  • John的房間
  • John的服裝

Homestuck 角色
Heir of Breath
氣息之後裔 Breath Aspect
Seer of Light
光明之先知 Light Aspect
Knight of Time
時間之騎士 Time Aspect
Witch of Space
空間之女巫 Space Aspect
JohnLogo John Egbert RoseLogo Rose Lalonde DaveLogoSlashed Dave Strider JadeLogo Jade Harley
外胚生物學家 [EB]
幽靈搗蛋鬼 [GT]
觸手治療師 [TT]
科技轉盤神 [TG]
庭園靈知者 [GG]
Maid of Life
生命之侍女 Life Aspect
Rogue of Void
虛無之義賊 Void Aspect
Prince of Heart
心靈之王子 Heart Aspect
Page of Hope
希望之僮僕 Hope Aspect
JaneLogo Jane Crocker RoxyLogo Roxy Lalonde DirkLogo Dirk Strider JakeLogo Jake English
勇氣探長 [GG]
醺靈懷舊 [TG]
蒂邁歐篇證言 [TT]
殉難地之懼 [GT]
Maid of Time
時間之侍女 Time Aspect
Page of Breath
氣息之僮僕 Breath Aspect
Mage of Doom
厄運之法師 Doom Aspect
Knight of Blood
血液之騎士 Blood Aspect
Aries Aradia Megido Taurus Tavros Nitram Gemini Sollux Captor Cancer Karkat Vantas
啟示錄降臨 [AA]
訣別鬥牛士 [AT]
雙生審判末日 [TA]
癌遺傳學家 [CG]
Rogue of Heart
心靈之義賊 Heart Aspect
Sylph of Space
空間之風精 Space Aspect
Seer of Mind
意識之先知 Mind Aspect
Thief of Light
光明之竊賊 Light Aspect
Leo Nepeta Leijon Virgo Kanaya Maryam Libra Terezi Pyrope Scorpio Vriska Serket
劇毒貓薄荷 [AC]
冷酷輔佐 [GA]
絞刑臺校準者 [GC]
蛛形綱之握 [AG]
Heir of Void
虛無之後裔 Void Aspect
Bard of Rage
怒火之詩人 Rage Aspect
Prince of Hope
希望之王子 Hope Aspect
Witch of Life
生命之女巫 Life Aspect
Sagittarius Equius Zahhak Capricorn Gamzee Makara Aquarius Eridan Ampora Pisces Feferi Peixes
睾丸半人馬 [CT]
極其善變 [TC]
暴君水族 [CA]
烏賊殲滅者 [CC]
Witch of Time
時間之女巫 Time Aspect
Rogue of Breath
氣息之義賊 Breath Aspect
Heir of Doom
厄運之後裔 Doom Aspect
Seer of Blood
血液之先知 Blood Aspect
Aries Damara Megido Taurus Rufioh Nitram Gemini Mituna Captor Kankri Vantas
Mage of Heart
心靈之法師 Heart Aspect
Maid of Space
空間之侍女 Space Aspect
Knight of Mind
意識之騎士 Mind Aspect
Sylph of Light
光明之風精 Light Aspect
Leo Meulin Leijon Virgo Porrim Maryam Libra Latula Pyrope Scorpio Aranea Serket
Page of Void
虛無之僮僕 Void Aspect
Prince of Rage
狂怒之王子 Rage Aspect
Bard of Hope
希望之詩人 Hope Aspect
Thief of Life
生命之竊賊 Life Aspect
Sagittarius Horuss Zahhak Capricorn Kurloz Makara Aquarius Cronus Ampora Pisces Meenah Peixes
Muse of Space
空間之謬斯 Space Aspect
Lord of Time
時間之領主 Time Aspect
Calliope symbol Calliope平行 Caliborn symbol Caliborn
天王星闇影 [UU]
不死之怒 [uu]
Roxy Lalonde
Dirk Strider
神貓 Rose Lalonde
Dave Strider
Jane Egbert 雅斯佩斯 小卡爾 Jake Harley
John Crocker 慕堤 哈兒 Jade English
Nannasprite 雅斯佩斯精靈 Calsprite
Arquiusprite Erisolsprite
四處漂泊的流浪者 來自他鄉的乞討者 漫無目的的反叛者 風塵碌碌的尋覓者 法令持有人
傑克·諾爾B2(死進程) 苛刻權貴B2 霸權殘暴 宮庭滑稽
黑桃史力克 方塊德魯格 紅心巴克斯卡 梅花杜斯
英格利希領主 刻痕o博士 雪人
泰風 刻托 赫菲斯托斯 厄客德娜
赫墨拉 倪克斯 亞大伯斯 阿布拉克薩斯
蠑螈 烏龜 鱷魚 鬣蜥
魔精 食人妖 蛇怪 屍妖 獨眼怪
其他 黑皇后 · 黑國王 · 蒼穹軍隊 · 創世蛙 · 守護獸 · 祖先陛下) · 魍魎 · 貝蒂妙廚 · 沙士卡上校 · Casey · 蓋伊·菲里 · 跳樑小丑 · 楓蹄 · 野生的烏鴉 · 哈雷 · 寧靜 · MSPA讀者 · 繪畫女士 · Andrew Hussie · 鋸齒 · 方波 · 崇高的專制暴君閣下 · Calliope和Caliborn的父母 · 天使 · 官方fan trolls

